TM-95 Mass Retention of Emulsified Asphalts Subjected to Water Droplets

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The method gives a measure of water resistivity and how quickly an applied asphalt emulsion can become water resistant. This test method is used to measure material runoff caused by a rain effect at different time intervals, allowing the method to measure differences in drying times between products of different formulations. Referenced Documents

ASTM Standards:

E 1 Specification for Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers

AASHTO Standards:

T59 Standard Method of Test for Emulsified Asphalts Significance and Use

This test method is used to measure the effects of secondary additives in Void Filling Emulsions or modified asphalt emulsions on the ability to dry quickly and become resistant to water droplets simulating rainfall. Sample Conditioning for Testing

All emulsified asphalts shall be properly stirred to achieve homogeneity before testing.

Warm the emulsified asphalt to 50 ± 3°C in an oven or water bath. After the sample reaches 50°C, stir the sample to achieve homogeneity.

All sandpaper strips should be measured and cut from 8.5”x11” sheets of red P50 grit sandpaper at room temperature.

For each trial, 4 strips should be cut to 5.5±0.1” tall by 2±0.1” wide with scissors. Label the top of these strips “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”. Apparatus and Materials

  1. Receiver/pan – Two large pans for collection of excess emulsion during application and water runoff during test.
  2. Water Release Device – 100mL titration burette with stopcock, able to measure to tolerance of ±1mL.
  3. Balance – capable of weighing 10±0.01g.
  4. Oven – capable of maintaining a temperature of 50±3°C
  5. Thermometric Device – thermometer 15C or 15F as prescribed in Specification E 1, or equivalent thermometric device
  6. Timer – Capable of measuring time to ±5 seconds
  7. Drying Apparatus – wire rack or flat metal pan for drying at room temperature and in conditioning oven Procedure

  1. Determine residue of the emulsified asphalt sample by distillation at 260 ± 5°C (AASHTO T59) or evaporation for 3 h at 163 ± 3°C. (AASHTO T59).
  2. Fill titration burette full of RO water
  3. Prepare your data collection table as shown in Table 1.
  4. Record the dry weight of each sandpaper strips individually into the data table under Measurement A to the nearest 0.01g.
  5. Lay the strips so they lean against the edge of the pan at an approximate 45-degree angle. Pour your sample across each of the strips, getting full coverage below the top half-inch.
  6. Allow excess material to drip off the strips and immediately weigh each strip individually, recording under Measurement B.
  7. Allow the strips to dry for 15 minutes. Position the strips in another collection pan below the titration burette. Be sure the burette tip is 1.5 ± 0.1 inches above the sandpaper strip.
  8. Fully open the burette and drip 10 ± 0.5 mL of water onto the strip at full flow rate. Place the strip into the oven to cure for 2 hours. Repeat for the remaining strips.
  9. Remove the strips from the oven and cool to room temperature. Weigh the final mass of the strip with dried residue and record under Measurement C. Data Collection

Emulsion Type Here
Emulsifier Here
% STR Here
Start Time: Enter Start Time Here Tested Asphalt Residue Content Enter % Tested Residue Here ()
Measurement Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 T1 T2 T3 T4
Table 1: Data Collection Table
Mass of dry sandpaper strip
Mass of sandpaper strip and applied material immediately after application
Mass of sandpaper strip and residue after 2 hours curing in 50°C oven
Residue applied before curing and water resistance test
Residue leftover after oven curing
% Percent Residue Retained
Tested Emulsion Residue percentage by distillation or evaporation Calculations