1066.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1066

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This article establishes procedures for Laboratory testing and reporting hydrated lime and aluminum powder for masonry and expansive mortar purposes. Refer to Sec 1066 for MoDOT's specifications.

1066.4.1 Procedure

Hydrated lime shall be tested according to the methods set forth in ASTM C207 except the chemical analysis shall be conducted in accordance with EPG TM-27, Determination of Calcium Oxide and Magnesium Oxide in Hydrated Lime.

Qualification of non-metallic expansive mortars for compliance with Sec 1066.1.4.2 will be based on the following procedure:

(a) Manufacturer shall submit a 50 lb. (25 kg) sample, manufacturer's specifications, mixing instructions, and general data.
(b) The non-metallic expansive mortar shall be tested by the following methods:
Percent Chlorides - AASHTO T260
Pullout Test – EPG TM-39, Pull-Out Tests on Expansive Mortars
(c) Upon completion of Laboratory tests the manufacturer shall be notified by letter whether the expansive mortar is prequalified for use. Each approved brand and the manufacturer's name and address will be added to the Qualified Non-Metallic Expansive Mortars list.

Original test data and calculations shall be recorded in Laboratory workbooks. Test results shall then be recorded through AASHTOWARE Project (AWP).

1066.4.2 Sample Record

The sample record shall be completed in AASHTOWARE Project (AWP), as described in AWP MA Sample Record, General, and shall indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks, as described in Reporting Test Results, are to be included in the remarks to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection. Test results shall be reported on the appropriate templates under the Tests tab.