237.11 Signing and Sealing

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The engineer of record is the Registered Professional Engineer of the State of Missouri responsible for signing, sealing and dating all submitted contract plans, job special provisions, standard plans and specifications. The following is a summary of responsibilities and the corresponding engineers of record.

  • Transportation Project Manager – All MoDOT generated roadway contract plans (title sheet, all roadway related quantity sheets, plan-profile sheets and cross section sheets, and roadway related special sheets generated in the district) and the roadway job special provisions index only.
  • Structural Project Manager - All bridge related contract plan sheets and special sheets; the bridge special provisions index only.
  • Consultants - All consultant-generated roadway or bridge contract plans and the job special provisions index only. Consultant-generated contract plans and JSPs do not require dual signing and sealing by a MoDOT Transportation Project Manager.
  • Chief Engineer – Standard specifications, General Special Provisions, and Supplemental Specifications.
  • State Design Engineer - Roadway standard plans and any revised roadway standard plans.
Additional Information
Design consultants are contacting MoDOT personnel about the process of electronic signing and sealing. CADD Support has answers, below, for some of the most common questions.
Additional Information Will Be Added As It's Available
Questions and Answers
Are consultants required to sign and seal their plan sheets electronically?
No. MoDOT is not requiring electronic signing and sealing on consultant plans at this time or anytime in the near future.
Can consultants submit plans that have been electronically signed and sealed?
Yes. Well, maybe. MoDOT will accept electronically signed and sealed plans as long as the certificate used in the process is provided so that MoDOT can verify the authenticity of the signatures.
Why do the signatures need to be verifiable?
This is required in the Code of State Regulations. The

Code of State Regulations Chapter 3 - Seals link provides the related information.

When do the certificates for authenticity need to be provided and who do I provide them to?
Certificates for authenticity will need to be provided at the time when plans are submitted. The person that manages MoDOT's signature verification process is Christian Schwandtner. His email address is Christian.Schwandtner@modot.mo.gov.
What software does MoDOT use to electronically sign and seal the plans developed by MoDOT staff?
MoDOT uses Adobe Acrobat technology. The certificate files that we use for signature verification are also generated through the Adobe Acrobat process.
Who can we contact for more information on electronic signing and sealing?
For additional information, consultants can email Christian Schwandtner at Christian.Schwandtner@modot.mo.gov or call him at (573) 526-5264.
  • State Bridge Engineer - Bridge standard plans and any revised bridge standard plans.
  • State Traffic Engineer - Roadway standard plans dealing with signing, signals and lighting and any revised standard plans dealing with the same.
  • Resident Engineer - While final (as-built) plans are not sealed, the Resident Engineer signs a certification that the plans accurately reflect the job as it was built. The Project Manager remains the engineer of record.

Should an error occur in any signed and sealed material after submittal, Design personnel will communicate with the project manager(s) to determine what corrective action is needed.

Plans must be electronically sealed via ProjectWise as a .pdf (Acrobat) file. Seals must be electronically applied so that if the document is modified, the seal is invalidated. Electronic seals must also contain text below the seal stating, “This sheet has been signed, sealed and dated electronically”. No image of engineers' seals shall become part of the native MicroStation drawing file.

Text below electronic seals

When paper plans must be submitted, facsimile copies are not considered legal documents, and therefore will not be permitted originals for insertion into the proposal or plans. All signed and sealed documents must be hand-delivered or mailed to Central Office. The seal must be an ink seal, rather than an embossing seal. The signature must go through the seal, and must be dated.