106.24 Purchase Order Items

In addition to the major highway construction materials, a variety of other products are purchased and used in the construction and maintenance of highways and related facilities. These products cannot be categorized under any general type and are not found in the Standard Specifications. They are covered in EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order and the Laboratory Testing Guidelines in various other articles (for example, EPG 903.22 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 903).
The materials included in EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order and Laboratory Testing Guidelines in various other articles are those items used with regularity.
Materials that would normally be identified in this category, but are seldom used, may not be included. The inspector should contact the District Construction and Materials Engineer should questions arise concerning any material that has not been incorporated into the Engineering Policy Guide.
All items of EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order and Laboratory Testing Guidelines in various other articles must comply with the specification requirements as set forth in a bid request issued by General Services or a job special provision.
After bid requests have been issued and price quotations and other considerations have been reviewed, the Commission may make the award. If awarded, purchase orders to the designated supplier will be issued by General Services.
To check the conformance of these materials, they must be properly sampled and tested in accordance with standard procedures unless otherwise specified in the bid request or specifications. Reference should be made to the appropriate Laboratory Testing Guidelines or EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order for guidance on these procedures.