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MoDOT has made great strides to build a good transportation system and increase taxpayers' trust in its ability to deliver what was promised. The same innovative concepts such as practical design and design-build that were used to deliver those commitments, have made MoDOT a leader in the transportation industry. These forward thinking, innovative concepts were continued with the decision to incorporate all MoDOT's engineering manuals under a single cover.
MoDOT is proud to present the new ENGINEERING POLICY GUIDE. This document is the result of a yearlong effort to combine the Right of Way, Design, Bridge, Construction, Traffic and Maintenance Manuals; providing a single reference for all engineering guidance. MediaWiki, the engine behind the Wikipedia on the World Wide Web, is the software used to deliver the new manual. A small HELP ARTICLE is included to assist you with some helpful hints on how to use the manual as well as other points of interest. This HELP ARTICLE will be expanded as questions arise. You will find this format easy to navigate and more pleasing to read. |
Shoulder Surface
2/27/09: Guidance for use of A3 shoulders has been added along with updated guidance for use of A1 and A2 shoulders. Delivery of Electronic Design Data for Pavement 2/26/09: Pavement data, when available, shall be included with the electronic design data deliverables. 2/11/09: Additional guidance has been provided to "clarify" the supervision role of the surveyor during various aspects of land description, marking of land boundaries and rights in real property. Milled Rumble Strip Retrofit Initiative 2/11/09: Added guidance, Job Special Provision link, and sample templates for the Rumble Strip Retrofit Initaitive projects. A quick link to this guidance also exists in the Navigation Pane. 402 Bituminous Surface Leveling 1/16/09: Added guidance, Job Special Provision link, and sample templates for 2009 Contract Leveling Course projects. 1/15/09: This guidance describes the process used to properly draft, review and execute agreements between the Commission and public agencies or private interests when elements of any project are shared between them. 1/8/09: This new article shows how MoDOT uses TSZs to improve safety of a clearly defined roadway segment. Adopt-A-Highway and Sponsor-A-Highway Programs 1/6/09: This article was renamed to include the new Sponsor-A-Highway program's information. Modified Bridge Approach Slab 12/30/08: Guidance concerning the use of bridge approach slabs has been changed. Bridge approach slabs are still not used on minor roadways with asphaltic pavement; however, a modified bridge approach slab is used on minor roadways with concrete pavement. Class 3 Excavation 12/24/08: Minor revisions were made to 206 Excavation for Structures to clarify that no direct payment is made for excavation and backfilling for crossroad pipe culvert installation. New flashing yellow arrow guidance 12/19/08: New flashing yellow arrow guidance has been provided, primarily in 902.5.2.2 Left Turn Phasing, 902. Flashing Yellow Arrow ,902.11.28 Guidelines for Optional Use of the Flashing Yellow Arrow at Signalized Intersections and 903.5.41 TRAFFIC SIGNAL Signs articles. Type D and E Crashworthy End Terminals 12/19/08: New guidance for Type D and E crashworthy end terminals is available in 606.1.3.2 Approved Crashworthy End Terminals. 12/19/08: Contractors may now provide any temporary traffic barrier that meets NCHRP 350 criteria and has FHWA approval. Construction Inspection Guidance for Records to be Maintained 12/04/2008: Guidance for archiving change orders has been modified. Change order copies that contain original signatures will now reside in the Resident Engineer's project file. 11/3/08: The typical detour figure, sheet 2 of 4, has been revised to clarify payment of detour signs. 616.13.2 Temporary One-Lane, Two-Way Operations 10/28/08: Contractors may opt to use portable flagger device control in lieu of current flagger control options for 2-lane highways. Operator’s Guide for Anti-Icing 10/28/08: Printable versions (pdfs) of the tables in 133.5 Operator’s Guide for Anti-Icing are now available. LETS 10/2/08: The Local Exchange of Transportation Services (LETS) article has been updated. Typical Applications for Traffic Control 9/25/08: Printable versions (pdfs) of Typical Applications for Traffic Control are now available in 616.23 Traffic Control for Field Operations. Labor Compliance 9/23/08: Guidance for conducting payroll reviews and wage rate interviews in 135.5 Labor Compliance has been rewritten to more clearly explain the requirements. Highway Safety Plan and Performance Plan 8/27/08: 132.4 Highway Safety Plan and Performance Plan describes how Missouri’s Section 402 State and Community Highway Safety Program grant will be used to promote highway safety. 2008 Roadway Visibility Direction 8/20/08: The provisions of the 2008 Roadway Visibility Direction have been fully incorporated into 620 Pavement Marking in 620.1 General (MUTCD Chapter 3A) and 620.2 Pavement and Curb Markings (MUTCD Chapter 3B). Contract Plans Addendum Process 8/20/08: New guidance, 237.9.6 Electronic Plans PS&E Submittal Guidelines and Identification of Revisions in Addendums, for districts on how to show changes within an addendum to eliminate confusion when the contractors receive revised plans. |