104.13 Construction Inspection Guidance for Sec 104

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Additional Information
Construction Value Engineering Change Proposal (C-104)

Value Engineering (VE) is a systematic, organized approach to obtain the optimum value for each dollar spent. It is the application of recognized techniques to identify the function of a product or service, establish the value of that function, and then to provide that function at the lowest actual cost. Ideas that merely cost less initially, but add to the future costs of maintenance and operations, are usually unacceptable. For more information, refer to 130 Value Engineering.

104.13.1 Guidance for Sec 104.6

Specification Provision. VE is a provision of MoDOT's Standard Specification Sec 104.6 that provides contractors with a monetary incentive to participate in these cost saving techniques. MoDOT personnel should be knowledgeable of this provision and encourage contractor participation. All VE submissions must be processed as quickly as possible in order to prevent construction delays and provide the greatest savings. The following steps are needed for evaluation and/or approval of a contractor's VE proposals and changes:

Figure 104.13 Construction VE Flow Chart

This process describes the review and evaluation of Value Engineering Proposals (VEP). It includes Value Engineering Change Proposals (VECP) and Practical Design Value Engineering Change Proposals (PDVECP).

Concept Proposal

  • Contractor proposes idea to reduce cost or time to the resident engineer. This is an optional approach that will allow the contractor to determine whether the concept is acceptable before committing a large design effort to developing specifics of the proposal.
  • Contractor develops initial written proposals (including Form C-104) and submits to the resident engineer who sends advance copies to the District Construction and Materials Engineer, the project manager, the Division of Construction and Materials the Engineering Policy Administrator and FHWA (for full oversight projects). The proposal including all supporting information may be distributed electronically.
  • Resident engineer submits written recommendations on C-104 form to the District Construction and Materials Engineer and the project manager within 2 days of receipt.
  • The district engineer recommends approval or rejection and submits the C-104 form to the Division of Construction and Materials within 5 days of receipt.
  • The Value Engineering Administrator and FHWA forward recomendations to the Division of Construction and Materials.
  • The Division of Construction and Materials will forward the C-104 form to the FHWA for their signature.The resident engineer notifies the contractor in writing within 10 days of original submittal whether the concept was approved or rejected. If rejected, reasons will be included.

Final Proposal

  • When the contractor submits the final proposed change, it must include all items required by Sec 104.6.1 of the Standard Specifications. It should be submitted to the resident engineer who then sends advance copies to the district, the Value Engineering Administrator, FHWA (for full oversight projects) and the Division of Construction and Materials. The proposal including all supporting information may be distributed electronically.
  • The resident engineer will coordinate all arrangements for review of the proposal. After evaluation, the resident engineer will submit to the district construction and materials engineer a recommendation for approval or rejection by the district engineer on the C-104 form.
  • The Division of Construction and Materials will forward the C-104 form to the FHWA for their signature. The Division of Construction and Materials makes final written decision regarding approval of VEP. A signed VEP is returned back to the resident engineer. A copy of the final VEP is kept by the Division of Construction and Materials and is logged into the VEP database.
  • The resident engineer will notify the contractor within the proposed change deadline and will prepare and submit the necessary change orders. If the proposal is rejected, the resident engineer notification to the contractor must include the reasons for rejection and copies sent to the District, the Division of Construction and Materials and the Value Engineering Administrator.
  • Change orders will include a copy of the approved change proposal (C-104 form), supporting cost savings data, any applicable engineering cost data and all applicable review recommendations.
  • Acceptable construction VE changes will be utilized in the design of future applicable projects and applicable standards. It will be the responsibility of the Value Engineering Administrator to initiate applicable specification and design standard changes.
  • Payment will be made in accordance with Sec 104.6.
  • To formally close out the VEP, all involved parties (Bridge, Design, Field office, etc) should be notified of the outcome and results. The proper amount should be entered into the database maintained by the Division of Construction and Materials.

104.13.2 Guidance about Alterations in the Contract

Standard Specification Sec 104 establishes conditions under which alterations in the contract may be made. It also establishes the contractor's and the department's obligations with respect to maintenance of traffic.

Be alert to special problems involved in traffic handling. Make recommendations to the district engineer when changes appear to be justified.

The engineer mentioned in Sec. 104.7 shall be the district engineer. All requests under this section shall be referred to the district engineer with the resident engineer's recommendations.

The contractor may submit a concept proposal (Form C-104) to the resident engineer with copies to the district office

104.13.3 Use of Materials Found on the Right of Way

Standard Specification Sec 104.9 permits the contractor, under certain conditions, to crush rock encountered during grading with the resulting crushed material to be used as aggregate for the project.

The district may normally grant written approval to the contractor without consultation with Construction & Materials. A copy of the approval letter should be sent to Construction & Materials for informational purposes. If unusual conditions or circumstances are involved, or if the contractor proposes to produce crushed material for ultimate use off the project, the district's recommendation should be sent to Construction & Materials for review before granting approval.

The following provisions should be considered in granting approval for requests to crush material:

a. The shape and extent of removal and the condition in which rock slopes are to be left if approval is given to remove rock outside normal slope lines.
b. Replacement material generally is to come from outside right of way limits and out of sight of the roadway if at all possible. If the areas can be seen by traffic on the roadway, they must be left in a neat, workmanlike and pleasing condition so that no future beautification work will be necessary to hide an unsightly condition.
c. Excess excavation material may also be used for replacement purposes.
d. Back slopes should be flattened to obtain replacement material only if resulting slopes will serve the roadway as well as plan slopes. Additional seeding, fertilizing and mulching which results from use of flattened slopes must be at the contractor's expense.
e. There should be no additional payment for overhaul as a result of the contractor's proposal.
f. The contractor should furnish satisfactory lease agreements to cover any area outside the right of way limits that is proposed for securing replacement material.
g. All work under the proposal is to be done at no additional cost to the state or federal government.