127.18 Job Special Provisions (JSP) and Contract Documents

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127.18.1 Overview

Because of the unique nature some of the environmental and cultural resources issues MoDOT faces, the Standard Specifications do not provide guidance for all contingencies. In some cases, such as The Clean Water Act nationwide permits, the conditions are included in the contracts through reference to the Blue Pack. However, unique permit or U.S. Fish and Wildlife and cultural resources consultation conditions that are imposed on the construction of the primary project or in the construction of mitigation for resources may require the development of job special provisions (JSPs).

127.18.2 Developing JSPs

The historic preservation, environmental, and/or district design staff will draft a JSP and after circulating it for concurrence, will incorporate them into construction documents. This process can begin any time after the conditions become known but it will be completed before final plans stage. Although any number of people within MoDOT can develop JSPs, the project manager is responsible for ensuring that they are included in the bid document.

127.18.3 Executing JSPs

Because the conditions and subsequent JSPs are part of an agreement with external agencies and changing or deleting them during the design or construction process can cause MoDOT to be in violation of state and/or federal laws or regulations, designers and document reviewers must neither edit nor delete these components of the contract without first checking with the appropriate historic preservation or environmental staff specialists. Construction inspectors and resident engineers also need to take care to abide by the JSPs and check with appropriate personnel before change ordering the portions of the plans referred to in the JSP.