320.4 Procedure for Final Sounding

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This guidance defines responsibilities and establishes operational procedures for requesting final soundings for structures.

Request for Final Soundings for Structures Form

320.4.1 Responsibility

Excepting those District responsibilities outlined in Drilling Operations, the Construction and Materials Division is responsible for final soundings for structures. This work will be performed by the Geotechnical Section.

320.4.2 Procedure for Requesting Final Soundings

On all final sounding work, one (1) copy of the drilling request (Request for Final Soundings for Structures Form), two (2) copies of the sounding layout, plat, profile sheet, and existing bridge plans when available will be sent to the State Construction and Materials Engineer. If the structure is a wall, two (2) copies of the cross sections should be included.

320.4.2.1 Drilling Request

Request for Final Soundings for Structures Form shall be used by the Bridge Division and District for requesting final soundings from the Construction and Materials Division. The remarks section should be used to further explain the request and to request job specific information.

320.4.2.2 Sounding Layout

Request for Final Soundings for Structures Form shall be used by the Bridge Division and District for specifying the location of requested borings. If the proposed structure is on a skew, it is preferred that the sounding locations are laid out along the skew. The skew angle, how offsets are measured and what the offset is referenced to, should be stated. Coordinates should not be used to request boring locations, rather stations and offsets are preferred.

320.4.3 Procedure for Requesting Assistance from the District

On all final sounding work, a copy of the layout, plat, and profile will be sent to the District Engineer by the Geotechnical Section with a letter from the Construction and Materials Division. The letter will indicate when it is anticipated that personnel will be in the District to perform the sounding work and request that the structure be staked and permission for access be obtained by that date. To avoid loss of stakes, structures should not be staked too far in advance of the sounding work. A copy of the staking notes should be delivered to the sounding party while in the field or, if this is not possible, mailed to the State Construction and Materials Engineer, or Faxed to the Geotechnical Section.

320.4.4 Report

The report will consist of the typed logs of soundings on Form T-737-1RMO and/or T-737-3RMO with a cover letter from the Construction and Materials Division. Distribution will be as follows:

Title Copies
State Bridge Engineer Original & 1 Copy
Project Manager 2