320.7 Quarantine Regulations

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This guidance establishes procedures for soil sampling and decontamination of equipment in quarantine areas.

320.7.1 General

The Construction and Material’s Soil Sampling Operation has been approved by the U.S.D.A., Plant Protection Division, and the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry. Cooperative Federal-State plant quarantine regulations are in effect in certain areas of the state.

320.7.2 Procedure

320.7.2.1 Locations of Quarantine Areas

Upon receipt from the U.S.D.A., Plant Protection Division, or the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Plant Industries Division, the State Construction and Materials Engineer will transmit detailed descriptions of those areas under quarantine to the appropriate Division and District Engineers. The district Construction and Materials Engineer shall maintain a record of those areas under quarantine and advise personnel under his or her supervision, including drill crews on temporary assignment, when working in a quarantine area.

320.7.2.2 Sample Identification

Soil samples taken from a depth of 3 ft. or less or soil samples contaminated with soil from a depth of 3 ft. or less that are shipped from any quarantine area must be identified as "Quarantine Samples."

320.7.2.3 Packaging and Shipment of Samples

All quarantine samples must be packed in tight containers to prevent spillage enroute and at destination. Special soil samples for consolidation and shear testing have packaging requirements exceeding those required in these regulations. All routine samples shall, however, be packaged in canvas bags with polyethylene inner liners. These liners are available upon request from the Field Materials Engineering office, for use with quarantine samples only.

If samples of size greater than normally handled for processing, testing, or analysis (bulk shipments) are required to be shipped out of quarantine areas, the State Construction and Materials Engineer should be contacted for instructions. Soil samples may be shipped to other approved laboratories if properly identified and packaged.

320.7.2.4 Decontamination of Equipment and Tools

Equipment and tools used to collect soil samples from any area under regulation by domestic plant quarantine will be thoroughly cleaned of all residues, by washing or steam cleaning, prior to leaving the quarantine area.

320.7.3 Laboratory Procedure

320.7.3.1 Scope

To establish procedures for the decontamination of soil samples and shipping containers received in the Laboratory from quarantine areas and the decontamination of equipment and water used in the testing of these samples.

320.7.3.2 General

Construction and Materials' Soil Sampling Operation has been approved by the USDA, Plant Protection Division, and the Missouri Department of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry. Cooperative Federal-State quarantine regulations are in effect in certain areas of the state. Notification of the specific areas will be in accordance with Locations of Quarantine Areas.

320.7.3.3 Procedure

320. Sample Identification

The Laboratory shall be responsible for verifying that all samples received from quarantine areas are correctly identified in accordance with the field procedures above. The quarantine identity must be maintained in the Laboratory until the sample is disposed of in accordance with the decontamination procedure below.

320. Decontamination

Decontamination of water, equipment, tools, soil samples and containers shall be as follows:

(a) When water is used to process soil samples, the effluent will be treated with one of the approved treatments listed below:

1. Boil the effluent for at least one minute, or
2. Place the used water in a holding container and treat with one part DD, (Dichloropropane - dichloropropene) such as D-D of Shell Chemical Company or Vidden-D of Dow Chemical Company, and 1 part of a surfactant such as Tweens (Atlas), or Tergicols (Union Carbide), or Triton X-100 (Rohm and Haas), to 98 parts of water in a holding container. Hold the treated water at 70 F (21 C) for 30 minutes before discarding.

(b) Equipment and tools used in treating soil samples from counties under regulation of domestic plant quarantine must be thoroughly cleaned immediately after completion of test.

(c) Soil from both routine and special samples will be treated by one of the approved methods indicated below. Soil sample containers must also be decontaminated by one of the approved treatments indicated below, or if disposable types of containers such as the polyethylene inner liners are used, they must be disposed of by incineration.

Method No. 1 - Dry Heat: The soil or container is to be heated to the temperature chosen and held at that temperature for the corresponding exposure period.
Temperature Exposure Period
230° F (110°) - 249° F (120° C) 16 hours
250° F (121° C) - 309° F (154° C) 2 hours
310° F (155° C) - 379° F (193° C) 30 minutes
380° F (193° C) - 429° F (221° C) 4 minutes
430° F (222° C) - 450° F (232° C) 2 minutes
NOTE: Do not start counting time until the entire mass has reached the required temperature.
Method No. 2 - Steam Heat: 15 psi (103,000 Pa) for 30 minutes.
Soil to be treated is to be in individual packages of five pounds or less or, if in trays, the soil residue shall not exceed two inches (50 mm) in depth.
NOTE: Do not start counting time until pressure has reached 15 psi (103,000 Pa).