460.2 Pre-Pavement Meeting

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A pre-paving meeting should be held as close to actual production time as possible. MoDOT representatives should discuss the scope of the project and the contract documents. Any aspects of plant and roadway operation that may be controversial or unusual should be discussed to help avoid confusion in the field. The contractor should provide a progress schedule with enough detail to illustrate the methods that will be used to complete the project on schedule. Lists of contractor and MoDOT personnel assigned to the project and their roles and responsibilities should be provided. The agenda should include materials sources, plant production rates, haul distances and routes, paving widths and speed, type and operation of compaction equipment, traffic control, and safety. Also, the sampling and testing methods and frequencies and acceptance and rejection criteria should be discussed. Finally, the QC Plan should be reviewed and clarified, if needed, and a dispute resolution process should be established.