642.14 ADA Transition Plan

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FHWA Self-Evaluation Basics

The transition plan is the action plan developed from the results of the self-evaluation. The transition plan itemizes barriers and details the necessary steps and timeframe to complete required modifications identified in the self-evaluation.

Between 2007 and 2010, MoDOT conducted self-evaluations and developed a transition plan. The barriers identified in the current transition plan from this self-evaluation will be removed by August 2027. As such, MoDOT projects will address existing ADA Transition Plan items within the project limits in an effort to bring them into compliance with ADA standards and guidelines to the maximum extent feasible. The progress towards completing the transition plan by August 2027 is reflected in Tracker Measure 5d, Bike/Pedestrian and ADA Transition Plan Improvements. However, the transition plan is a “living” document updated as often as necessary to ensure all modifications have been completed as well as identifying existing MoDOT facilities which are currently not compliant with ADA standards. Therefore, as barriers or items are identified or reported, such as detectable warnings needing replaced, faulted sidewalks, public requests for accessible items, etc., these items will also be added to the ADA Transition Plan as a method to track the non-compliant barriers, develop a plan for addressing them and documenting our actions.

Currently, MoDOT’s transition plan is stored in a TMS database (MoDOT access only). This database identifies the non-compliant barriers on the state highway system. District ADA coordinators are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of this database for their respective district. This includes identifying any non-compliant barriers, developing a plan and timeline for addressing the non-compliant barrier and updating the database as appropriate.

The minimum requirements of a transition plan include:

  • The specific identification and location of physical barriers that limit the accessibility to programs, services or activities for individuals with disabilities
  • The detailed outline of the methods used to remove these barriers to make the facility accessible for individuals with disabilities
  • The specific timetable with dates for making the respective modifications.
  • Identification of an official responsible for implementing transition plan elements.

As a best practice, include an estimated cost of each modification for budgeting and prioritization purposes.

When creating and maintaining a transition plan, also take into account new construction, alterations, existing facilities and maintenance of these facilities. Additional factors that need to be considered for pedestrian facilities on projects can be found in EPG 642.2 Consideration of Pedestrian Facilities on Projects.

The detailed information contained in the self-evaluation regarding sidewalks, curb ramps, parking lots, pedestrian signals, bus stop, shared use trails, parks, recreational facilities or any other public rights of way, should be considered when developing the transition plan.

MoDOT is ultimately responsible for the maintenance and accessibility of any pedestrian facility located within right of way. However, if it is determined MoDOT is not responsible for the pedestrian facility for reasons such as the sidewalk is not located on Commission right of way or if the pedestrian facility is no longer needed due to the access generator (buildings or businesses) no longer exist, or alternate access points are available and the sidewalk is identified in the ADA Transition Plan, the District Engineer will submit an executed ADA Ownership memo for each location (see EPG Purpose) to Central Office Right of Way for approval to remove the segment identified within the ADA Transition Plan database. This determination does not immediately result in the facility being removed from the ADA Transition Plan. Additional considerations may be required. Once each location is approved by Central Office Right of Way, the District ADA Coordinator will update the ownership in the ADA Transition Plan database.