642.2 Consideration of Pedestrian Facilites on Projects
During the development of a conceptual study report or project scoping memo, explain how the planned project will address the following pedestrian issues:
- Existing pedestrian facilities and/or pedestrian signal indications within the project limits that do not meet current Americans with Disabilities (ADA) or MUTCD standards. Discuss what actions will be taken as part of the proposed project to make the areas compliant. Discuss any non-compliant items that will remain after the project is complete and explain why these areas are not being addressed at this time. Include any of these non-compliant items into the ADA Transition Plan database.
- Existing gaps in the pedestrian facilities within the public right of way and how the project will address those gaps and provide improved accessibility for pedestrian users.
- Access to pedestrian traffic generators located near the proposed project area (i.e., residential neighborhoods, employment centers, shopping centers, schools, parks, libraries, etc.). Discuss the planned improvements and how they will provide improved pedestrian connectivity and accessibility.
- Accessibility for pedestrian traffic along the proposed project area where there is evidence of regular pedestrian activity such as footpaths worn on grass surfaces. Discuss how pedestrian facilities will be included in the project or planned for future improvement to meet the demands of the users.
- Access across a natural or man-made barrier (i.e., bridges over rivers, roadways, railroads or under access-controlled facilities). Discuss how the project will provide additional pedestrian accessibility on bridge structures.
- Considerations made when a local jurisdiction is implementing a comprehensive pedestrian policy in the area of the proposed project.
- How pedestrian facilities align with the local planning organization’s pedestrian plan.
- If removing any sidewalk, describe the situation and how came to this decision along with who, how and what communication/information was shared regarding the removal of the sidewalk.
- Accommodation of safe pedestrian passage through the work zone during construction of the project. Proper signing packages and detours are required when working within pedestrian areas.
Where applicable, pedestrian facilities should be a topic of discussion at public meetings with a special effort made to contact local groups of non-drivers, such as the disabled community, seniors and schools. Communities and affected disability advocate groups should be included in the planning and design process. The Missouri Governor’s Council on Disability has a Directory of Resources which includes a listing of disability groups and advocates that may be contacted for input and can be searched by county.