901.2 Lighting to be Provided, Operated, and Maintained at the Expense of the Local Political Subdivision

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Typical Lighting Plans by Permit
Unchannelized/ Unsignalized Intersections

901.2.1 Freeways

901.2.1.1 Basic Lighting. Basic lighting in accordance with MoDOT standards and specifications may be provided at intersections or interchanges where desired by the local political subdivision. A maintenance agreement between the local political subdivision and the Commission shall be required for any basic lighting provided at the request of the local political subdivision when the warrants for this lighting are not met.

901.2.1.2 Continuous Lighting. Continuous lighting in accordance with MoDOT standards and specifications may be provided where desired by local political divisions. In this case, the Commission will provide, at the time of construction, conduits and bases on structures and crossings under pavement if a maintenance agreement between the Commission and the political division for lighting has been made. Continuous lighting may be provided through the interchange providing the crossroad is lighted for an acceptable distance away from the interchange. All lighting not required to be provided by the Commission shall be covered under a maintenance agreement with the local political division.

901.2.1.3 Poles, Luminaires and Wiring. All lighting is to meet MoDOT standards and specifications for freeway lighting including steel or aluminum poles with breakaway features and underground wiring.

901.2.2 State Routes Other than Freeways

Lighting on state highways, where desired by local political subdivisions, may be permitted provided such lighting will not reduce the effectiveness of lighting placed by MoDOT or interfere in any way with the safe and orderly movement of traffic. All lighting is to meet state standards and MoDOT retains full authority to exercise control in all matters relating to design and operation of such installations. A permit may be granted to the local political subdivision to install lighting at public road intersections or along the highway. A maintenance agreement between the local political division and the Commission shall be required for this lighting provided at the request of the local political division when the warrants for this lighting are not met. Typical lighting plans by permit and lighting plans for unchannelized/ unsignalized intersections by permit are to be used only as a guide for the district to issue permits to local political subdivisions who request permission to install lighting facilities on existing highways and are not for design purposes. In cases where a maintenance agreement between MoDOT and the political subdivision for lighting is in effect at the time of construction of the highway, MoDOT will provide, at the time of construction, conduits and bases on structures and conduits for crossings under pavements. It is the district's responsibility to advise Bridge of the need to provide conduit systems and bases for lighting poles on bridges.

Extensions or additions to lighting facilities installed by MoDOT must be made using steel or aluminum poles with breakaway features. If MoDOT’s installation has underground wiring, then additions within the limits of the installation must be made using underground wiring.

Lighting facilities installed by a local political subdivision on expressways and expressway ramps must incorporate steel or aluminum poles with breakaway features and underground wiring within the clear zone and be located a minimum of 2 ft. behind the face of the curb or shoulder point. Wood poles or poles without breakaway features are acceptable only when located beyond the distance required by the clear zone guidelines. This requirement also applies to lighting installed within the limits of basic lighting installed or proposed by the state.