940.17 Parking on Facilities

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Parking is not allowed on highway facilities that are primarily intended to serve through-traffic movement (major roadways). Generally, do not allow on-facility parking along minor roadways in rural areas since these roadways allow for high travel speeds. Parking may be allowed on urban minor roadways if an engineering study indicates that it is safe to do so and that the parking will not hinder traffic operations.

Normally, only parallel parking is allowed. Angle parking may be used in a central business district to promote a “walkable” community.

Local governments have the ability to prohibit or restrict parking within their jurisdiction.

Table 940.16.17 Recommended Guidelines
Roadway Classification In Current and Projected Urban Areas In Rural Areas
Major No parking No parking
Minor Parking should be studied but may be allowed when appropriate. No parking*
* The urban guideline may be applied on minor roadways in developed areas that are not urban, for example, cities with populations under 5,000.