Category:1015 Bituminous Material

This guidance establishes procedures for inspecting, sampling and accepting bituminous materials at their source and destination, and to establish a list of qualified bituminous material source. Refer to Sec 1015 for MoDOT’s specifications.
1015.1 Apparatus
All sample containers and equipment used in sampling bituminous materials are to be clean, dry and free of all contaminants. The apparatus consists of:
Approved Products |
Qualified Bituminous Materials Sources |
Qualified PG Binder Sources and Laboratories (QC/QA Approved Sources) |
MGS Information |
Current General Services Specifications (MGS) By Subject |
- (a) Sample containers, one quart (1 L), friction or screw top type cans and one gallon (4 L) plastic bottles. Use new sample containers that have not been washed, rinsed, or wiped with an oily cloth.
- (b) Appropriate thief, dipper, or sampling device to obtain a representative sample.
- (c) Labeling materials.
- (d) Rule with suitable graduations to accurately measure the material to be inspected.
1015.2 Procedure
1015.2.1 Inspection
The list of qualified sources of asphalt emulsions and cutback asphalt is shown in Qualified Bituminous Materials Sources list. The list of qualified sources for performance graded asphalt binder is shown in Qualified PG Binder Sources and Laboratories (QC/QA Approved Sources).
Asphalt, Permeability |
Report 2009 |
See also: Research Publications |
Inspection at the refinery, terminal or emulsion plant will consist of the sampling and testing of shipments and storage tanks. Sample performance graded binder from storage tanks or blenders at the rate of one per month for each grade of binder that is currently being shipped to department projects. Sample cutback asphalt and asphalt filler at random at a rate of not less than ten percent of both storage tanks and shipments. Obtain emulsion samples at a frequency of not less than one sample for approximately each 100,000 gallons (375,000 L) shipped to MoDOT. Emulsion samples may be taken from storage tanks or shipments. All samples taken will be tested by MoDOT personnel. Reference should be made to EPG 1015.5 Laboratory Testing for Sec 1015 for procedures to be followed on testing and reporting bituminous materials.
Prior to shipment of performance graded binders, the refinery or terminal must comply with the QC/QA requirements of Sec 1015. An approved quality control plan must be on file in the source district as well as at Construction and Materials for PG binders. A quality control plan for emulsified asphalts and/or cutback asphalts may also be on file. In this case, acceptance of material from that source is based on compliance with the QC/QA requirements of Sec 1015 for cutbacks and emulsions. If no quality control plan is on file with MoDOT for emulsified asphalt or cutback asphalt, certified test results for each batch are to be furnished to MoDOT prior to shipment of the material.
For suppliers of performance graded binders who ship infrequently, the district, with concurrence from the Chemical Laboratory Director, may establish an arrangement with the supplier to suspend inspection activities if that supplier is not anticipating shipping to MoDOT work, until such time that binder is to be shipped to our work. In these cases, the supplier is required to continue quality control inspection at their facility in accordance with their quality control plan. These same arrangements are allowed through the winter months for normal suppliers when no binder is being shipped, without the concurrence of the Chemical Laboratory Director. For suppliers who ship infrequently, the district responsible for inspection must request that the supplier notify MoDOT well in advance of resuming shipments to ensure proper inspection. This option is not allowed for suppliers who anticipate shipping binder to department work more frequently than once every three months. (Note that this option is intended to be used for suppliers located a long distance from the district responsible for inspection and who wish to be approved to supply performance graded binders, but do not anticipate shipping to MoDOT work on a regular basis.)
Determine the quantity of material in truck shipments in accordance with Sec 1015 for gallons (L) and from the scale weights (mass) shown on the bill of lading, manifest or truck ticket for pounds (kg). Determine the volume of material in a railroad car by measuring the level of the material below the dome or in the dome, as the case may be, to the nearest 1/4 in. (5 mm). The measurements are taken to the oil level and not the foam level. With these measurements, the volume can be determined from the outage tables that are available from the manufacturer for all calibrated railroad cars. Obtain the temperature of the material in degrees Fahrenheit (Celsius) at the time of the measurement of material. This temperature is used to convert the volume of the material at its current temperature to its volume at 60° F (15.6° C).
Inspectors performing bituminous inspection are to:
- (a) Obtain random, representative samples in accordance with the applicable requirements of this guidance. These samples are to be promptly submitted to the Laboratory, shall be reported through AASHTOWARE Project (AWP) and shall contain all pertinent information.
- (b) Verify that the supplier of the performance graded binder is shown on the list of Qualified PG Binder Sources and Laboratories (QC/QA Approved Sources).
- (c) Verify that the supplier of the emulsified asphalt, cutback asphalt, or asphalt filler is shown on the list of Qualified Bituminous Materials Sources.
- (d) Check the required company certified emulsified asphalt, cutback asphalt, or asphalt filler tank and/or blender test results for specification compliance, initial and date the certification and retain on file in the district office.
1015.2.2 Sampling
The size of sample and type of container is:
- Cutback Asphalt - 1 quart (1 L), screw top can.
- Asphalt Filler - 1 quart (1 L), friction top or screw top can.
- Emulsified Asphalt - 1 gallon (4 L), plastic container.
- Performance Graded - Asphalt Binder - 1 quart (1 L), friction top can.
Type RC and MC cutback asphalts are to be packaged, labeled, and marked as described in EPG 106.3.1 Sampling.
Samples of bituminous material may be obtained by the dipper or thief method, or from drain cocks on the side of the tank if available. To ensure a representative sample when using the drain cock method, allow sufficient material (approximately 1 gallon (4 L)) to flow through the drain cock and discard before the sample is taken. Do not submerge the filled sample container. If cleaning is necessary, wipe the container with a clean, dry cloth.
1015.2.3 Acceptance
All performance graded asphalt binder will be accepted on the basis of the supplier's certification statement as shown in Sec 1015 and on the basis of the supplier's approved status on the list of Qualified PG Binder Sources and Laboratories (QC/QA Approved Sources). Asphalt emulsions, cutback asphalt, and asphalt filler will be accepted on the basis of supplier certification in accordance with Sec 1015 and any applicable special provisions, and on the basis of the supplier's approved status on the list of Qualified Bituminous Materials Sources. Railroad shipments are to be accepted only after notification from the Chemical Laboratory Director.
In case the tests on a random sample indicate that the material does not comply with the specifications, the Chemical Laboratory Director will immediately notify the District Construction and Materials Engineer.
1015.3 Suspension or Withdrawl of Source Approval
All suppliers are required to have an adequate testing laboratory and to perform all tests required by the specification for the material being furnished. When test results certified by the supplier are not representative of the material shipped, source approval may be suspended or withdrawn. Any other cases of non-compliance with MoDOT specifications, such as failure to properly certify all shipments, may be cause for suspension or withdrawal of source approval.
The district may suspend or withdraw approval of a source, only with concurrence from the Chemical Laboratory Director for failure of a supplier to comply with the specifications, failure to perform the proper quality control tests, or failure to have the required equipment to perform the necessary tests. In all cases of suspension, withdrawal of source approval and subsequent reinstatement, the supplier will be notified by letter from the Chemical Laboratory Director, with a copy to the district. The District Construction and Materials Engineer is to advise the Chemical Laboratory Director when any inadequacies occur at the supplier's plant.
Upon suspension of source approval, the district should contact the Chemical Laboratory Director regarding inspection procedures. These will typically include sampling by district personnel and the approval by the Chemical Laboratory for each tank or lot of materials, prior to release for shipment. Upon withdrawal of source approval, that source will be removed immediately from the qualified list for the material(s) affected and these materials will not be accepted for MoDOT use.
Depending on the problem, suspension or withdrawal of source approval may be for individual materials, groups of materials, or the entire source. The district handling inspection at that source is responsible for assuring that only material from approved lots or tanks is being shipped to department work. The source district will immediately notify the appropriate department personnel in Maintenance and/or Controller’s Office, as well as the Chemical Laboratory Director, if a supplier ships unapproved material. Since source suspension is normally temporary, and will not result in name removal from the qualified source list, this district oversight is critical during the suspension period. In the case of a withdrawal of source approval for an individual material or a group of materials, acceptance will be on a per batch or tank basis. This acceptance is contingent on testing and approval by the Central Laboratory.
For refineries, terminals, or emulsion plants with quality control plans on file with the Department for cutback asphalts and/or emulsified asphalts, Section 4.1(d) in Sec 1015, outlines specifics for the suspension, withdrawal, and reinstatement of approval.
1015.4 Report
Reports of Laboratory test results on daily asphalt plant samples will be available through the AWP sample record.
Report shipments of cutback asphalt and emulsified asphalt in AWP Record the following information: the material's identification, asphalt source company and source location, invoice date, invoice number, tank, and quantity. Accept shipments of cutback asphalt and emulsified asphalt for Maintenance purchase orders on the basis of the supplier's approved status on the qualified list and the required certifications or Central Laboratory test report.
The district responsible for the source inspection will immediately notify the appropriate personnel in Maintenance and/or Controller’s Office any time a supplier's approval status changes.
Accept shipments of performance graded asphalt binder, emulsified asphalt, and cutback asphalt on the basis of the manufacturer's approved status. Qualified Bituminous Materials Sources lists qualified sources for emulsified asphalt and cutback asphalt, and Qualified PG Binder Sources and Laboratories (QC/QA Approved Sources) lists qualified sources for PG Binder.
Retain the bills of lading, manifests, or truck tickets for cutback asphalt, and emulsified asphalt in the district office for 3 years.
Review each plant inspector's daily report at regular intervals, not to exceed one week. Review consists of verifying that enough shipping tickets are shown to account for the amount of binder used, that the binder came from an approved supplier, and that the supplier is approved to supply the binder type shown.
If the plant inspector's daily report does not contain the date, tonnage, invoice numbers, binder grade, or source identification, notify the district Construction and Materials Engineer.
1015.5 Laboratory Testing for Sec 1015
This article establishes procedures for Laboratory testing, reporting and accepting bituminous materials.
Chemical analysis for Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA) modification in Performance Graded (PG) Asphalt Binders shall be conducted in accordance with EPG TM-85 Determination of Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA) in Performance Graded (PG) Asphalt Binders.
1015.5.1 Procedure
All bituminous materials shall be certified by the supplier prior to acceptance and all performance graded asphalt binder must originate from a supplier with an approved quality control plan in accordance with Sec 1015 and any applicable special provisions. Testing of random samples obtained according to EPG 1015.2 Procedure shall be in accordance with AASHTO test methods.
Performance Graded Asphalt Binder tests shall be conducted according to the following:
- (a) Specific Gravity 15.6/15.6 C - AASHTO T 228
- (b) Solubility in trichloroethylene - AASHTO T 44
- (c) Flash Point - AASHTO T 48
Test data and calculations shall be recorded in Laboratory workbooks. Test results shall then be reported through AWP.
Cutback asphalt tests shall be conducted according to the following:
- (a) Specific Gravity 15.6/15.6 C - AASHTO T 228
- (b) Flash Point - AASHTO T 79
- (c) Viscosity at 60C - AASHTO T 201
- (d) Distillation - AASHTO T 78
- (e) Penetration - AASHTO T 49
- (f) Ductility - AASHTO T 51
- (g) Solubility in trichloroethylene - AASHTO T 44
- (h) Water - AASHTO T 55
Test data and calculations shall be recorded in Laboratory workbooks. Test results shall then be reported through AWP.
Asphalt filler for undersealing pavements shall be tested according to the following:
- (a) Flash Point - AASHTO T 48
- (b) Softening Point - AASHTO T 53
- (c) Penetration - AASHTO T 49
- (d) Loss on heating - AASHTO T 47
Test data and calculations shall be recorded in Laboratory workbooks. Test results shall then be reported through AWP.
Emulsified asp halt tests shall be conducted in accordance with AASHTO T 59. Test data and calculations shall be recorded in Laboratory workbooks. Test results shall then be reported through AWP.
Performance graded asphalt binder tests are to be conducted in accordance with the latest published editions of AASHTO M320 and R29, as well as methods, R28, T44 or ASTM D5546, T48, ASTM D95, T240, T313, T315, T316 that are referred to in M320. Test results and data are to be recorded and archived electronically or in Laboratory workbooks. Test results are then to be reported through AWP.
Performance graded asphalt binder using Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR) tests are to be conducted in accordance with the latest published editions of AASHTO MP19, as well as methods, R28, T44 or ASTM D5546, T48, ASTM D95, T240, T313, T315, T316 that are referred to in MP19. Test results and data are to be recorded and archived electronically or in Laboratory workbooks. Test results are then to be reported through AASHTOWARE Project (AWP).
If the test results on a random sample do not comply with the specifications, the Laboratory shall immediately notify the District Construction and Materials Engineer.
1015.5.2 Sample Record
The sample record shall be completed in AASHTOWARE Project (AWP) in accordance with AWP MA Sample Record, General, and shall indicate the disposition of the material. Appropriate remarks, as described in EPG 106.20 Reporting, are to be included in the remarks to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection. Test results shall be reported on the appropriate templates under the Tests tab. The sample record remarks shall include all specific information that the supplier is required to furnish in accordance with Sec 1015 or maintenance contracts.
Reports initiated by the inspector on all cutback and emulsified asphalt shipments and on all random samples shall be distributed at intervals not to exceed one week.
Sample records for the various types of liquid bituminous material shall be made through AWP.