Category:1040 Guardrail, End Terminals, One-Strand Access Restraint Cable and Guard Cable Material

This article establishes procedures for inspecting, sampling, accepting and reporting of guardrail and guard cable material specified in Sec 1040.
For Laboratory testing and sample reporting procedures, refer to EPG 1040.5 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1040.
1040.1 Apparatus
- (a) Scales accurate to within 0.5 percent of the weight (mass) of the sample to be weighed.
- (b) Magnetic gauge, reading range of 0-40 mils (0-1000 m).
- (c) Micrometer or vernier caliper capable of measuring to 0.0001 in. (0.00254 mm) and accurate to within at least 0.001 in. (0.0254 mm).
- (d) Rule with suitable graduations to accurately measure the material to be inspected.
MGS Information |
Current General Services Specifications (MGS) By Subject |
Guardrail Inspection Checklist |
Guardrail Inspection PowerPoint |
- (e) Fiber-reinforced strapping tape.
1040.2 Procedure
All suppliers/distributors of products defined in this section are considered to be the installers of the product and are required to be approved on the "Prequalified Guardrail, Fence Material, and Posts Supplier list”. Note: This is a separate pre-qualification for Suppliers/Distributors and should not be confused with the Brand Registration and Guarantee discussed below that relates to the manufacturer of the material. To become prequalified a written request is submitted by the Supplier/Distributor to the Construction and Materials Division. This request must include a completed Pre-Qualified Section 1040,1043, and 1044 Supplier Inclusion Certification and Guarantee Statement form. A list of those Suppliers/Distributors who are approved is shown in the pre-qualified suppliers list.
Once approved, the supplier/distributor can ship material to MoDOT projects without prior project specific inspection. Prior to shipping material to MoDOT projects, the supplier/distributor submits a completed Section 1040, 1043, and 1044 Shipping Report form to the district contact responsible for their material inspection. The engineer will assign a specific MoDOT identification number to each product included in the shipment, and return the form to the supplier/distributor. This updated and returned shipping form must accompany the product(s) to the MoDOT project. The inspector then creates an AASHTOWARE Project (AWP) sample record capturing details from the shipping report including but not limited to: material, supplier, manufacturer, contract number, job number, line item number, quantity and units.
To maintain prequalification the supplier/distributor must accurately evaluate, organize and store all quality control documentation associated with each shipment for a period of not less than 3 years. This documentation must be available to the engineer immediately upon request for random audits. See Sec 1040.2.4 for information related to supplier/distributor disqualification.
The engineer will be responsible for quality assurance inspection at both the suppliers/distributor’s yard and at MoDOT project sites after material delivery. Inspections will include both physical testing for specification compliance of the product(s) and document review for accuracy and completeness. The Guardrail Inspection Guide can be used as a reference for both supplier/distributors and inspectors performing quality assurance. An AWP sample record is created by the inspector to document the engineer’s quality assurance inspection. The inspector should include a Free Form test with a testimony of actions taken by the inspector during the plant/jobsite inspection. This quality assurance inspection should be completed at a minimum frequency of one facility inspection per month and one jobsite inspection per month. If the jobsite is outside the shipping district, the shipping district can contact the receiving district to perform the inspection. These are minimum recommendations and can be increased at any time. Inspections frequency should be increased relative to any failure in specification compliance.
1040.2.1 Guardrail Beam and Related Sheet Items
Guardrail beams, end sections, bufferends, end shoes, back-up plates and related steel sheet items may be accepted on the basis of Brand Registration and Guarantee when furnished by those fabricators who have filed an acceptable Brand Registration and Guarantee, as listed in Table 1040.2.1.1. If the guardrail fabricator has not filed an acceptable Brand Registration and Guarantee, an acceptable mill test report or certification will be required. Regardless of the type of documentation furnished, field inspection performed shall include examination of mill test reports or certifications, if not accepted on Brand Registration and Guarantee; checking identification markings and fabrication; determination of thickness, weight (mass) of coating, and dimensions. Samples shall be submitted to the Laboratory when requested by Construction and Materials or when field inspection indicates questionable compliance with the specifications. When samples are taken, they are to be taken at the frequency and of the size shown in Table 1040.2.1.2.
Table 1040.2.1.1 List of Prequalified Guardrail Fabricators Brand Registration and Guarantee on File
Table 1040.2.1.2 Sampling Requirements
Item | Sample Frequency | Sample Size, Submitted For |
Guard Rail Beams | 1/200 pieces / Lot | Each sample is to consist of 1 piece full width of beam and 18 in. (450 mm) in length, free of holes. Flame cutting to procure this sample is permitted -Thickness, Dimensions (Shape), Weight (mass) of Coating, Mechanical Tests. |
End Sections, buffer Ends, End Shoes and Back-up Plates | 1/200 pieces / Lot | Each sample is to consist of 1 entire unit - Thickness, Dimensions, Weight (mass)of Coating, Mechanical Properties. |
Steel Guard Rail Posts and Cable Posts | 3/1000 posts or fraction thereof/Lot | Each sample is to consist of 3 specimens, each 2 in. (50 mm) in length cut from one post, cut one specimen approximately 4 in. (100 mm) from each end of the post and one from near the middle - Weight (mass) of Coating. |
Steel Post Blocks, Steel Post Connectors, Anchor Plates, Bearing Plates, Soil Plates, Steel Tube for BCT and End Anchor | 3/1000 pieces or fraction thereof/Lot | Each sample is to consist of 1 entire unit - Weight (mass) of Coating |
Splice or Post Bolts, Nuts and Washers | 3 for lots of 0 to 800 pcs., 6 for lots of 801 to 8,000 pcs., 9 for lots of 8,001 to 22,000 pcs., 15 for lots of 22,001 pcs. + | Each sample is to consist of one bolt, nut and washer. - Dimensions, Weight (mass) of Coating, Mechanical Properties. |
1/2 in. and ¾ in. Guard Cable | 2 for lots of 0 to 5,000 ft., 3 for lots of 5,001 to 30,000 ft., 4 for lots of 30,001 to 150,000 ft., 5 for lots of 150,000 ft. + | Each sample is to be 5 ft. [1500 mm] in length - Weight (mass) of Coating, Dimensions and Fabrication, Mechanical Properties |
Turn Buckles, Anchor Sockets, Cable Clips, Cable Clamps and Screw Type Anchors | 1/Lot | Each sample is to consist of 3 units - Weight (mass) of Coating. |
Miscellaneous Nuts, Bolts, Lag Screws and Washers used for Guard Cable Assembly | - | Same as Splice or Post Bolts, Nuts and Washers |
Rod for Cable Anchor Assembly and Cable End Assembly | 1/Lot | Each sample is to consist of 3 specimens each 6 in. (150 mm) in length and cut from different pieces. Do not sample fully threaded rods. - Weight (mass) of Coating. |
A lot shall be the quantity of material offered for inspection at one time, of the same type and size, or of the same heat number – as applicable. |
An acceptable mill test report is to include the quantity of each item, thickness, heat number, results of tests for yield, tensile and elongation, coating date and results of tests for coating weight (mass). An acceptable certification is to include a statement certifying that all materials furnished conform to Sec 1040 and its supplements. The certification shall include or have attached, specific results of laboratory tests for all specified physical, chemical and coating properties as determined from samples taken from the lot or lots of material being furnished.
An examination of the identification markings on beam elements and the identification tags or markings on end sections, buffer ends, end shoes and back-up plates is to be made to determine if the markings conform to the requirements of Sec 1040.3.4. If material is being inspected for acceptance by Brand Registration and Guarantee, the marking shall be as shown in Table 1040.2.1.1.
Field measurement of thickness on beams and sheet items is to be taken on at least 10 percent of the lots furnished. After a lot has been selected for measurement of thickness, pieces shall be selected from that lot for measurement at the rate of one per 200 pieces in the lot. Thickness measurements are to be made with a micrometer to the nearest 0.0001 in. (2.5 m) and reported to the nearest 0.001 in. (2.5 m) and shall be taken on the tangent portion of the cross section at least 3/8 in. (10 mm) from the edge of the metal across the end of the sheet item. Care is to be taken to avoid drip ends. At least three measurements are to be taken across the end of each piece selected for measurement. The average of all measurements and the minimum single measurement are to be reported. If any measurement is found to be deficient by more than the specified tolerance, double the number of pieces is to be selected from that lot and thickness measurements made. If any measurement taken on the resample pieces fails to comply, the lot of material represented is to be rejected.
Field determination of weight of coating.
Field determination of weight of coating is to be made by magnetic gauge on each lot of material furnished. The magnetic gauge is to be operated and calibrated in accordance with ASTM E376. Specimens for field-testing are to be selected from each lot at the frequency shown in Table 1040.2.1.2, but in no case is the number of specimens to be less than three. A single-spot test is comprised of at least five readings of the magnetic gauge taken in a small area and those readings averaged to obtain a single-spot test result. Three such areas should be tested on each side of the specimen being tested. This would yield six single-spot results for that specimen. Test each specimen in the same manner. Average all single-spot test results from all specimens to obtain the average coating weight to be reported. The minimum single-spot test result would also be selected and reported from all readings. For those items that have a specified coating weight as the total amount of coating on both sides, the test result that is to be reported should be doubled so the reported test result can be applied directly to the specifications. Material may be accepted or rejected for galvanized coating on the basis of magnetic gauge. If a test result fails to comply with the specifications, that lot should be re-sampled at double the original sampling rate shown in Table 1040.2.1.2. Reject lots having any of the re-sampled specimens failing to comply with the specification. The contractor or supplier is to be given the option of sampling for Laboratory testing, if test results are within minus 15 percent of the specified coating weight.
Dimensions and fabrication are to be field inspected on specimens selected from the lot at the frequency shown in Table 1040.2.1.2. It may be convenient to perform this inspection on the same specimens selected for determining the weight of coating.
Dimensions are to conform to those shown on the Standard drawings. Fabrication should result in a uniform product showing good workmanship.
1040.2.2 Bolts, Nuts, and Washers
Bolts, nuts and washers intended for use in beam connections and splices may be accepted by Brand Registration Guarantee or by an acceptable certification. Regardless of the type of acceptance documentation, field inspection performed shall include an examination of certifications and testing for weight (mass) of coating and dimensions. It will only be necessary to submit samples to the Laboratory when requested by Construction and Materials or when field inspection indicates questionable compliance. When samples are taken, take them at the frequency and size shown in Table 1040.2.1.2.
Post and splice bolts, nuts and washers furnished by a fabricator listed in Table 1040.2.1.1 require no additional documentation. Those not covered by Brand Registration and Guarantee must be accompanied by a certification or mill test report. Bolts and nuts specified meeting the requirements of ASTM A307 shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's certification statement that the bolts and nuts were manufactured to comply to the requirements of ASTM A307 and galvanized to comply to the requirements of AASHTO M 232 or were mechanically galvanized and meet the coating thickness, adherence, and quality requirements of AASHTO M 232, Class C.
Markings are not required on bolts and nuts meeting ASTM A307. All bolts and nuts should be identifiable as to type and manufacturer whether the information is shown on a container or on the bolts and nuts.
Field determination of weight (mass) of coating is to be made on each lot of material furnished. Test procedures and conditions of acceptance or rejection shall be as described in Field determination of weight (mass) of coating with the following modifications:
- Due to the size and shape of the material being tested, it will only be necessary to obtain a minimum of three readings of the magnetic gauge on a bolt to determine a single-spot test result and at least five readings on a nut or washer. Since the minimum sampling frequency is three bolts or three nuts or three washers, it will always be possible to obtain at least three single-spot test results from which to calculate an average coating weight (mass) and minimum coating weight (mass) for reporting and applying the specification requirements.
Dimensions of bolts, nuts and washers are to be as shown on the Standard Drawings or as specified.
1040.2.3 Guardrail Posts, Guard Cable Posts, Blocks, Post Connectors Anchor Plates, Bearing Plates, Soil Plates, and Steel Tube for Breakaway Cable Terminal and End Anchor
Wood posts and blocks are to be inspected and reported in accordance with EPG 1050 Lumber, Timber, Piling, Posts and Poles.
Plastic blocks are to be inspected for dimensional requirements shown in the standard plans by randomly sampling and measuring at least 3 blocks. The sampled blocks should also be visually inspected to ensure that the blocks are solid and homogeneous with a uniform texture and that they are reasonably free from cracking, chipping, flaking, peeling or splintering. A manufacturer’s certification stating that the blocks provided are the same as those that were qualified and MASH 2016 tested shall be furnished at the time of inspection. If the visual inspection identifies a concern with the dimensions or fabrication of the block, the blocks may be rejected or one of the sampled blocks may be submitted to the lab for confirmation of the results. A block should not be submitted to the lab if, in the opinion of the inspector, the failing dimension or fabrication issue is clear and obvious without subjective interpretation and there is no evidence produced during the visual inspection that would indicate that the block might have unacceptable voids.
Steel guardrail posts and guard cable posts, blocks, post connectors anchor plates, soil plates and steel tube for breakaway cable and end section may be accepted on the basis of an acceptable Fabricator's Certification and field inspection. If a Fabricator's Certification is not provided, a mill test report shall be furnished. Regardless of the type of documentation, field inspection shall be performed and shall consist of checking the Fabricator's Certification or mill test report; checking dimensions and fabrication; weight (mass) per linear ft. (m); and weight (mass) of coating. It will only be necessary to submit samples to the Laboratory when requested by Construction and Materials or when field inspection indicates questionable compliance with the specifications. When samples are taken, they shall be taken at the size and frequency shown in Table 1040.2.1.2. The number of specimens selected for field inspection should never be less than three.
An acceptable Fabricator's Certification should indicate the source of supply, grade of structural steel, number of pieces, size, heat or mill order number and a statement that the material was galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 111. The heat or mill order number is to be such that mill tests may be obtained from the fabricator when desired. The Fabricator's Certification is to be signed by an authorized representative of the fabricator and it need not be notarized. An acceptable mill test report shall show size and quantity, grade of steel, heat or mill number, complete physical results, complete chemical analysis, and shall include or have attached a certification statement that the material was galvanized in accordance with AASHTO M 111 and results of tests performed to determine weight (mass) of coating.
Dimensions of steel posts, blocks, and brackets; and weight (mass) of posts and blocks are to be as shown on the plans. Size and spacing of holes should be measured.
Weight (mass) per linear ft. (m) on posts and blocks is obtained by weighing to the nearest 0.1 lb. (45 g) and dividing by the measured length. A weight (mass) tolerance of ±2.5 percent from the specified weight (mass) is allowed on posts and blocks. If test results indicate the weight [mass] to be below the specified limit, the theoretical weight (mass) should be calculated by adding the weight (mass) of steel that has been punched out to form holes and deducting the theoretical weight (mass) of galvanizing. An example of this type calculation may be found in EPG 1044 Posts for Markers and Delineators.
Field determination of weight (mass) of coating is to be made on a minimum of 10 percent of the lots of material furnished. Test procedures and conditions of acceptance or rejection shall be as described in Field determination of weight (mass) of coating except a smaller number of single-spot test results would be acceptable on steel blocks and post connectors.
1040.2.4 Guard Cable and Fittings
Guard cable and fittings are to be accepted by certification, if applicable, accompanied by field inspection and sampling if necessary. Field inspection is to consist of an examination of certifications, checking dimensions and fabrication and weight of coating. Samples shall be submitted when requested by the State Construction and Materials Engineer, when field inspection indicates questionable compliance; or when the item is of a size or shape that weight (mass) of coating cannot be determined by magnetic gauge.
Certifications are required for the cable, eyebolts, turnbuckles and clips for cable-to-cable connections. Certifications are to contain a statement that material furnished was manufactured to conform to the requirements of the applicable ASTM or AASHTO specifications specified in Sec 1040. Certifications are not required on other items.
Dimensions and fabrication are to be as shown on the plans.
Field determination of weight (mass) of coating may be determined on nearly all fittings but not on cable. Samples of cable are to be taken at the frequency and of the size shown in Table 1040.2.1.2. Test procedures for determining weight [mass] of coating and conditions of acceptance or rejection for items other than cable is to be as described in Field determination of weight (mass) of coating.
1040.2.5 Guard Cable Systems
The components of a guard cable system will be inspected and accepted in accordance with their applicable specification. However, complete guard cable systems may be accepted on the basis of the system having successfully completed MASH-16 Test Level 3 testing, the manufacturer having received a letter of acceptance from the FHWA, and internal approval through MoDOT’s MASH Implementation Team. A list of qualified guard cable systems can be found in End Terminals, Crash Cushions and Barrier Systems. The manufacturer shall request to be placed on the qualified list by submitting to Construction and Materials a letter stating their request and certifying that their system has completed MASH 2016 Test Level 3 testing, and a copy of the FHWA acceptance letter. Until additional high-tension guard cable systems are approved with MASH-16 TL-3, NCHRP 350 TL-3 are still acceptable and included MoDOT’s QPL found at End Terminals, Crash Cushions and Barrier Systems.
1040.3 Report (Records)
AASHTOWARE Project (AWP) is to be used to identify samples sent to the Laboratory and to create the inspection report. The report is to show a Status of “Accepted/Complete” or “Rejected/Fail.” If a sample is submitted to the Laboratory for testing, the Laboratory will perform the designated tests and complete the AWP record. If all tests are performed and acceptance is made in the field, the inspector should complete the entire report.
1040.4 Crashworthy End Terminal and Qualified Plastic Guardrail Block

For the listings of Types A, B, C, D and E crashworthy end terminals as well as of sand barrels and miscellaneous barrier systems, please refer to End Terminals and Barrier Systems and scroll down the page to Crashworthy End Terminals.
For a listing of qualified plastic guardrail block manufacturers, refer to Table 1040.4, below.
Table 1040.4 Qualified Plastic Guardrail Blocks
Brand Name | Manufacturer |
MONDOBlock | Mondo Polymer Technologies, P.O. Box 250, Reno, OH 45773 |
Polylumber | Ramco International, P.O. Box 9625, Pittsburgh, PA 15226 |
Eco-Composite Guardrail Offset Block | Eco-Composite, LLC, 17169 Hayes Rd., Grand Haven, MI 49417 |
Anro Recylced Plastic Guardrail Offset Block | Anro Products, Inc., 7887 Ashwood Drive, SE, Ada, MI 49301 |
King MASH Composite Block | Trinity Highway Products, PO Box 568887, Dallas, TX 75356-8887 |
King Block | Trinity Highway Products, PO Box 568887, Dallas, TX 75356-8887 |
P Block | Monroeville Industrial Moldings, 75 Ontario Street, Norwalk, OH 44857 |
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