Category:1050 Lumber, Timber, Piling, Posts and Poles

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MGS Information
Current General Services Specifications (MGS) By Subject
Approved and Pre-Qualified List
Qualified Wood Inspection Agencies

This article establishes procedures for inspecting and reporting treated and untreated lumber, timber, piling, posts and poles. Refer to Sec 1050 for MoDOT’s specifications.

For Laboratory testing and sample reporting procedures, refer to EPG 1050.5 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1050.

1050.1 Apparatus

(a) Increment or hollow borer in accordance with AWPA Standard M2.
(b) Rule with suitable graduations to accurately measure the material to be inspected.
(c) Core sample boxes.
(d) Stringline.
(e) Marking hammer.

1050.2 Procedure

Timber products within the state of Missouri and within 100 air miles (160 air km) of the border will be inspected by MoDOT personnel. These timber products are to be inspected by an approved inspection agency with the cost of inspection to be borne by the contractor in accordance with Sec 1050.

Electric substation

1050.2.1 Inspection of Electric Substation, Service and Span Wire Assembly Poles

These items are normally accepted on the basis of visual inspection and a manufacturer's certification that the material has been treated to the required specification. The inspector shall carefully check the certification to ensure compliance with contract requirements. In many cases, the Resident Engineer will perform this inspection.

1050.2.2 Timber Products Inspected by an Inspection Agency

The MoDOT inspector shall examine the material, required certifications and inspection agency's test report to ascertain compliance with the specifications. No tests are required unless deemed necessary. If tests are deemed necessary, Construction and Materials should be consulted.

Each piece, where size permits, shall be legibly hammer-stamped on one or both ends as evidence of accepted material by the inspection agency.

The inspection agency’s test report is to contain, but not limited to, the following information:

Name of treating company
Location of treating plant
Applicable product specification of standard
Charge number
Date of treatment
Contents of charge
Type of material
Number of pieces by size
Degree of seasoning
Manufacturing (incised, unincised, rough surfaces, etc.)
Number of cubic feet [cubic meters]
Process used in treatment
Steam condition
Time required to reach maximum temperature
Time steamed at maximum temperature
Maximum Temperature
Initial vacuum period
Maximum vacuum
Heating in oil
Heating period
Maximum vacuum
Maximum temperature
Total condensation
Total absorption of preservative
Initial air pressure
Initial air period
Pressure period
Maximum pressure
Maximum temperature
Average temperature
Maximum final vacuum
Final vacuum period
Time and temperature of final steam bath (if any)
Time and temperature of expansion bath (if any)
Working tank readings with temperature
Injection under pressure
Final retention (by assay)
Total time of treatment
Number of borings taken
Percent conforming

1050.2.3 Timber Products Inspected by MoDOT Personnel

1050.2.3.1 Untreated Material Inspection

Untreated wood products shall be measured and visually inspected to ensure that the material complies with contract requirements. Grading and quality requirements may be found in Sec 1050. In some cases the grading requirements are covered in the contract or by reference to other standards.

1050.2.3.2 Treated Material Inspection

Inspection for grading and quality in accordance with EPG 1050.2.3.1 Untreated Material Inspection will be performed both before and after treatment. Inspection and sampling after treatment will be in accordance with AWPA Standard M2. Samples of preservatives are only to be taken when requested by Construction and Materials Division. Sampling, packaging, labeling and shipping instructions will be issued at that time.

1050.2.3.3 Marking

Each piece, where size permits, shall be legibly hammer-stamped on one or both ends as evidence of accepted material.

1050.2.3.4 Inspection Agency Approval

An approved inspection agency is defined as a laboratory that has been accredited by the American Lumber Standards Committee, P. O. Box 210, Germantown, MD 20875-0210, or an experienced and qualified testing laboratory approved by the engineer.

Inspection agencies not accredited by the American Lumber Standards Committee shall submit for approval, to Construction and Materials Division, Missouri Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 270, Jefferson City, MO 65102, a resume of their agency that shall include a history of inspection of timber and treated products and a listing of state highway departments for which they are performing or have performed inspection and are approved by them.

1050.3 Report (Records)

1050.3.1 Timber Products Inspected by an Inspection Agency

Lumber, timber, piling, posts and poles, both treated and untreated, shall be reported through AASHTOWARE Project (AWP). The contractor's certification and inspection agencies inspection report, as required in Sec 1050, shall be retained in the district office. The report is to show a Status of Accepted/Complete or Rejected/Fail. Appropriate remarks, as described in Reporting Test Results, are to be included in the report to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection.

Distribution of reports for materials purchased under a MoDOT purchase order is to be as described in EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order.

1050.3.2 Timber Products Inspected by Department Personnel

If poles are accepted on the basis of manufacturer's certification by the Resident Engineer, they may be considered as reported on the "District Engineer's Certification" submitted at the end of the project. If the material is accepted by the District Construction and Materials Engineer on the basis of visual inspection and certification, the material will be reported through AWP. The certification shall be retained in the district office. The report is to show a Status of Accepted/Complete or Rejected/Fail. Appropriate remarks, as described in Reporting Test Results, are to be included in the report to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection. If the District Construction and Materials Engineer accepts the material on the basis of inspection and tests, AWP shall be used to report the material showing all pertinent information. If the contractor elects to ship the material before the results of the tests on the treatment are known, inform the contractor that the risk from shipping is assumed by the contractor.

Distribution of reports for materials purchased under a MoDOT purchase order is to be as described in EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order.

1050.4 Qualified Wood Inspection Agencies

Refer to EPG 106.1 Source of Supply and Quality Requirements for accredited inspection agencies.

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