Category:1062 Pull and Junction Boxes

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Preformed pull box with a concrete pad to reduce damage requiring over 10 man-hours to form the pad.
By using pull boxes tested for lateral loads, damage is reduced. The pull box costs the same but labor and material for the concrete pad is eliminated.

This article establishes procedures for inspecting, sampling and reporting pull boxes, junction boxes and pull box frames and covers. Refer to Sec 1062 for MoDOT’s specifications.

1062.1 Apparatus

(a) Magnetic gauge, reading range of 0-40 mils (0-1000 μm).
(b) Rule with suitable graduations to accurately measure the material to be inspected.

1062.2 Procedure

1062.2.1 Precast Concrete Pull Boxes

Acceptance of precast concrete pull boxes is to be based on the inspection of materials being incorporated into the boxes and inspection of the finished box. Compressive tests and absorption test specimens will not be required.

MGS Information
Current General Services Specifications (MGS) By Subject

1062.2.2 Preformed Pull Boxes

Acceptance of preformed polyester resin mortar, preformed resin mortar and fiberglass pull boxes is to be based upon current listing of the manufacturer and model number on the Traffic Operations approved products list, manufactures certification and examination of dimensions and workmanship to determine conformance to the applicable standard plan and Sec 1062. The manufacturer's certification for pull boxes shall state that the material supplied conforms to all of the requirements specified.

Inspection of preformed pull boxes should identify any structural concerns, such as fiber mesh not covered by resin mortar in a localized area, areas that can be penetrated by physical means due to voids or less dense material, or visible cracks especially around the mounting lag nuts.

Double Concrete Pull Box

1062.2.3 Concrete Pull Box Frames and Covers and Cable Hooks

Concrete pull box frames and covers and cable hooks are to be accepted on the basis of a manufacturer's certification and examination of dimensions, weight (mass) and workmanship to determine conformance to Sec 1062. The manufacturer's certification for cast iron frames and covers is to show the class of cast iron and certify that the material supplied conforms to all of the requirements specified.

1062.2.4 Junction Boxes

Junction boxes are to be accepted on the basis of a manufacturer's certification and examination of dimensions and workmanship to determination conformance to Sec 1062.

1062.3 Report

Reports shall indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks, as described in Reporting Test Results, are to be included in the report to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection.

Items in this article shall be reported through AASHTOWARE Project (AWP). The manufacturer's certification, when required, shall be retained in the district office.