Category:1063 Temporary Traffic Control Devices

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MGS Information
Current General Services Specifications (MGS) By Subject

This article establishes procedures for inspecting and acceptance of temporary traffic control devices. Refer to Sec 1063 for MoDOT’s specifications.

1063.1 Apparatus

No apparatus is necessary for field evaluation.

1063.2 Procedure

All temporary traffic control devices are to be manufactured as shown on the plans and as specified, in accordance with MUTCD requirements and be NCHRP 350 compliant. Nominal dimensions will be permitted for dimensional lumber where applicable. All temporary traffic control devices should exhibit good workmanship and should be free of objectionable marks or defects that affect appearance or serviceability. The brand name or model number is to be permanently identified on each traffic control device. For specific material requirements for each device, refer to Sec 1063.

1063.3 Basis of Acceptance

All temporary traffic control devices that appear to be specification compliant are accepted on certification. Some materials may be on a qualified list that can be used as a basis for acceptance. Please refer to EPG 106.17 Product Requirement for Temporary Traffic Control Devices, Pavement Marking and Delineation for additional detail.

1063.4 Report

Since all temporary traffic control devices are accepted on certification and visual inspection by Construction personnel although Material inspectors may be asked to assist them, Construction is responsible for reporting all devices through SiteManager.

Distribution of reports for temporary traffic control devices purchased under a MoDOT purchase order is to be as described in EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order.