Category:1113 Double Boiled Linseed Oil and Mineral Spirits
This article establishes procedures for inspecting and sampling mineral spirits for surface sealing of bridge decks and other concrete structures as required. The requirements are set forth in separate bid requests issued by MoDOT. Linseed oil is no longer used.
1113.1 Apparatus
Sample containers shall be one-quart (1 liter), screw top cans that are clean, dry and free of all contaminants.
1113.2 Procedure
1113.2.1 Inspection
The inspector shall make certain that the drums are of the proper type and are filled in accordance with the requirements of the bid request.
1113.2.2 Sampling
A one quart (1 liter) sample, representative of each lot or shipment of a one quart (1 liter) sample representative of each lot or shipment of mineral spirits shall be submitted to the Laboratory. Submit these samples to the Laboratory as directed in EPG Submission of Laboratory Samples. The sample record should include the purchase order number.
1113.3 Laboratory Testing Guidelines
To establish procedures for Laboratory testing and reporting samples of mineral spirits. The requirements are set forth in the bid request issued by MoDOT.
1113.3.1 Procedure
Mineral spirits shall be tested according to the methods set forth in ASTM D235.
Original test data and calculations shall be recorded in Laboratory workbooks. Test results shall then be recorded through AASHTOWARE Project (AWP).
1113.3.2 Sample Record
The sample record shall be completed in AASHTOWARE Project (AWP) in accordance with AWP MA Sample Record, General, and shall indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks, as described in EPG 106.20 Reporting, are to be included in the remarks to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection. Test results shall be reported on the appropriate templates under the Tests tab.