Category:147 Innovative Contracting

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MoDOT is continually looking to implement non-traditional methods and practices in contract administration in an effort to improve efficiency, increase flexibility and maximize value for our customers.

By allowing the use of our innovative contracting tools we are best able to meet each projects unique challenge and to provide the best value solution to the needs which we are trying to address.

Contract Time, Alternate Project Design Requirement and Project Delivery Method tools should be considered on a project-by-project basis, matching the unique project concerns to the benefits provided by each tool.

Innovative Contracting Methods
Contract Time Alternate Project Design Requirements Project Delivery Methods
Accelerating the Completion of Closure Work
(A+B Bidding)
Alternative Technical Concepts Job Order Contracting (JOC)
Incentive/Disincentive Bidding Alternate and Optional Pavement
Design - Build
Calendar Day and Completion Date
Add Alternates -

Contract Time innovations encourage expedited completion of projects and minimize construction time, roadway closure and user delay.

Alternate Project Design Requirements are innovative approaches that improve contractor flexibility and may assist in cost reduction by allowing contractors to tailor the work to most advantageous process and practice. This flexibility encourages contractors to find innovative solutions to meet the project needs.

Project Delivery Methods assist MoDOT and the contractor with implementing projects in an effective and efficient manner while maximizing the opportunity to meet targets on specific financial limitations. Overall project delivery may occur at faster rate than traditional process would allow

Articles in "147 Innovative Contracting"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.