Category:604 Miscellaneous Drainage

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604.1 Construction Inspection Guidelines for Sec 604

Concrete Headwalls, Drop Inlets And Manholes (Sec 604.10)

Construction Requirements (Sec 604.10.3)

The Standard Plans should be reviewed before inspection is performed. The details are important and the general notes provide valuable information about correct installation.

Alternative products are available that may be suitable for use in lieu of traditional Sec 604 materials. When approached to use these products on a job as part of a change order or value engineering proposal, the Resident Engineer should make an initial determination for suitability and consult the Field Office and New Products Coordinator to help ensure value, uniformity, and tracking of innovations/alternative materials. Examples of such materials that may be suitable in some locations are metal flared end sections modified for multiple culvert pipes and thermoplastic/composite drainage structures.

Adjusting Drainage Facilities (Sec 604.20)

Description (Sec 604.20.1)

The purpose of this item of work is to make existing drainage facilities match new construction. The plans will provide a guideline for the adjustments but the inspector should make any changes necessary for a quality finished product.

Adjusting House Sewer Connections (Sec 604.30)

Description (Sec 604.30.1)

This work shall consist of laying or relaying sanitary sewer house connections that are to be relocated or that are to be reconnected to new sewers or temporarily removed to permit the installation of other items in the contract.

Construction Requirements (Sec 604.30.3)

Where a house sewer connection is relocated or relaid above a water main, concrete is used to encase the sewer line a minimum thickness of 6 in. The purpose of that encasement is to prevent sanitary leaks from contaminating drinking water.

Pipe Collars (Sec 604.40)

Description (Sec 604.40.1)

The purpose of the pipe collar is to provide a watertight seal between the two ends of pipe and to assure that the ends don’t get displaced during backfill operations. Also see Standard Plan 604.40.

Connecting Pipe To Existing Structures (Sec 604.50)

Construction Requirements (Sec 604.50.2)

The Standard Plans should be reviewed before inspecting this work. The details are important and the general notes provide valuable information about correct installation.

Slotted Drains (Sec 604.60)

Description (Sec 604.60.1)

This work shall consist of furnishing and installing slotted drains in accordance the plans and standard drawings. Also see Standard Plan 604.70.

604.2 Material Inspection for Sec 604

604.2.1 Concrete Headwalls, Drop Inlets and Manholes (Sec 604.10)

This article establishes procedures for inspecting and reporting miscellaneous materials for use in concrete headwalls, drop inlets, and manholes. Portland cement concrete and reinforcing steel shall be inspected and reported in accordance with applicable article in the Engineering Policy Guide.

604.2.1.1 Apparatus

Rule with suitable graduations to accurately measure the material to be inspected.

604.2.1.2 Procedure

The items covered in this article are items for which no direct payment will be made. These items shall be inspected, compared with the Standard Plans and reported.

604. Smooth Roll Roofing

The labels or invoices shall be checked to ensure that the material has been manufactured as 55-pound smooth roll roofing.

604. Aluminum Alloy, Cast Iron, or Polypropylene Plastic Coated Reinforcing Steel Steps

Steps for manholes shall be accepted on the basis of a manufacturer's certification and field measurements showing compliance with Sec 604.10.

604. Steel Step Bars

These items are to be fabricated from reinforcing steel in compliance with the bending diagrams on drop inlet Standard Drawings and shall be inspected and reported as reinforcing steel in accordance with 1036 Reinforcing Steel for Concrete.

604. Permeable Granular Backfill

The material shall be clean, permeable, and granular aggregate and shall be visually inspected to determine that it is suitable for the intended use.

604. Drain Tile

Drain tile shall be inspected in accordance with EPG 1026 Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe for concrete drain tile or EPG 1031 Clay Drain Tile.

604. Screen

The screen for inlet weep holes shall be visually inspected to ascertain that the nominal dimensions and wire gage shown on drop inlet Standard Plans are met and to ensure the item is suitable for the intended use.

604.2.1.3 Report (Records)

Permeable granular backfill material shall be reported using AASHTOWARE Project (AWP). "Visual Inspection" shall be shown for Acceptance Method. Miscellaneous materials shall also be reported using AWP. The record is to indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks, as described in EPG 106.20 Reporting, are to be included in the record to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection.

604.2.2 Adjusting Drainage Facilities (Sec 604.20)

Materials does not normally perform field inspection on this item, however, manhole adjusting rings when required in the contract shall be inspected in accordance with EPG 614.1 Construction Inspection Guidelines for Sec 614.

604.2.3 Adjusting House Sewer Connections (Sec 604.30)

Materials does not normally perform field inspection these items.

604.2.4 Pipe Collars (Sec 604.40)

This article establishes procedures for inspecting and reporting precast pipe collars. Materials does not normally inspect this item if it is field fabricated on the project, however, pieces of pipe to be joined and materials used to form the collar shall be inspected and reported in accordance with the applicable Engineering Policy Guide articles.

604.2.4.1 Procedure

If a portion of the collar to be used as a section of pipe, the actual collar must meet the requirement for the pipe. The collar shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown in Standard Plan 604.40 and Sec 604.40. The inspector shall ensure that the finished pipe collar will provide a joint connection to fit the pipe.

604.2.4.2 Report (Records)

Precast pipe collars shall be reported using AWP. The record is to indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks, as described in EPG 106.20 Reporting, are to be included in the record to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection.

604.2.5 Connecting Pipe to Existing Structures (Sec 604.50)

Materials does not normally perform field inspection on these items.

604.2.6 Slotted Drains (Sec 604.60)

Materials does not normally perform field inspection on these items.