Category:713 Thrie Beam for Bridge Guardrail

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713.1 Construction Inspection for Sec 713

This work consists of installing steel thrie beam guard rail. Final measurements are not necessary since payment is to be based on plan quantity, except for appreciable errors or changes made during construction. Any error or change should be added to or deducted from plan quantity as the case may be. The inspector should indicate when and where the guard rail was installed and note any changes in the final measurement book.

713.2 Materials Inspection for Sec 713

This guidance establishes procedures for the inspection and reporting of bridge guard rail materials.

713.2.1 Apparatus

(a) Magnetic gauge, reading range of 0 to 40 mils (0-1000 µm).

(b) Rule with suitable graduations to accurately measure the material to be inspected.

(c) Micrometer or vernier caliper capable of measuring to 0.0001 in. (0.00254 mm) and accurate to within 0.001 in. (0.0254 mm).

(d) Fiber reinforced strapping tape.

713.2.2 Procedure

Materials personnel are responsible for the inspection and reporting of guard rail, guard rail beams, back-up plates, and all bolts, nuts, and washers except high strength bolts. Materials personnel are also responsible for the inspection and reporting of all galvanized coating. All sampling and inspection of these items shall be as described in Guardrail, End Terminals, One-Strand Access Restraint Cable and Three-Strand Guard Cable Material.

Bridge Division personnel are responsible for the fabrication inspection, mill test reports, and reporting of posts, plates, angles, high strength bolts, and other items not listed in this guidance. The Bridge Division is not responsible for inspection of galvanized coatings.

713.2.3 Report

Reports shall be prepared and distributed as described in Guardrail, End Terminals, One-Strand Access Restraint Cable and Three-Strand Guard Cable Material.