Category:718 Temporary Bridge

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When it is undesirable to disrupt traffic with a road closure or staged construction, it may be necessary to construct a temporary bridge. The ends of temporary bridges are to be provided with protection equal to that of a permanent bridge. This protection may consist of installing appropriate crashworthy end terminals or sand filled impact attenuators, or where possible, extending the end of the guardrail outside of the clear zone.

See National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) - Temporary Bridges for floodplain regulatory requirements.

718.1 Construction Inspection for Sec 718

This work consists of building temporary bridges as called for in the plans. The contractor is responsible for maintaining the bridge and removing it when its use is no longer needed. If the temporary bridge washes out through no negligence or fault of the contractor the Commission will bear the actual cost of replacement.

Where steel grid systems are used for the superstructure they may be either state furnished or contractor furnished. In either case the grid system will remain the property of the Commission and should be stored as set out in the contract. The grid system should be inspected prior to storing to see that it is in a satisfactory condition.

Temporary bridges are paid for on a lump sum basis but the inspector should note in the diary that the structure was built according to plan or approved changes. The date the structure was placed in and taken out of service should be recorded.

718.2 Materials Inspection for Sec 718

No additional guidance - refer to Standard Specification 718.

718.3 Laboratory Testing for Sec 718

No additional guidance - refer to Standard Specification 718.