Category:751 LRFD Bridge Design Guidelines

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Bridge Design Guidelines assist MoDOT’s internal staff and outside consultants in performing design work for the department. It is intended to disseminate information regarding practices and policies to be applied to the design of Missouri structures on the state maintained system.

It is the users responsibility to verify the design information presented is applicable to their particular project or situation.

These guidelines are not intended to limit the designer or consultant from applying innovations which will lead to a more cost effective and technically sound solution as appropriate for the situation at hand. The evaluation of alternate solutions that include such innovations is both expected and encouraged. However, any variations to EPG 751 or Standard Plan Sheets should be discussed in advance with the appropriate Structural Liaison Engineer or Structural Project Manager.

The following notation is used throughout these guidelines:

“LRFD XXX” refers to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
“SGS XXX” refers to AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design.
“LFD XXX” refers to AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Ed. - 2002.
“Sec” refers to Missouri Standard Specifications for Highway Construction.

It should be noted that the Federal Highway Administration has mandated for state owned structures:

  • All new and replacement bridges, culverts, retaining walls and other structures on which states initiate preliminary engineering shall be designed in accordance with LRFD and SGS.
  • For modifications to existing structures, states have the option of using LRFD and SGS Specifications or the specifications that were used for the original design. Generally modifications to bridge projects on the state system include but are not limited to rehabs, redecks, superstructure replacements and widenings. If widening require additional substructure or modification to existing substructure than whole structure shall be analyzed in accordance with LRFD and SGS specification.