Category:909 Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)

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The Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSM&O) Program and Action Plan applies strategies to optimize the performance of existing infrastructure and improves safety and reliability of transportation systems.
Related Information
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) consists of operational strategies and systems that cost-effectively help optimize the safety, reliability, and capacity of the transportation system. MoDOT is continuously working to improve safety and alleviate congestion on its roadways; the effective application of TSMO strategies will help to further improve MoDOT’s roadways by directly addressing many of the root causes of recurring and nonrecurring congestion.

Recurring congestion occurs in numerous locations in the interstate and state highway system and is typically the result of inadequate capacity of the existing highway facilities. Recurring congestion occurs most often during peak traffic periods. MoDOT is not funded to construct sufficient highway facilities to address all areas of recurring congestion.

Nonrecurring congestion occurs throughout the interstate and state highway system at any given time and is typically the result of:

  • Work Zones (road construction and maintenance activities, permit work, etc.)
  • Traffic Incidents
  • Special Events.

Recurring and nonrecurring congestion both result in delay to motorists, adversely affect travel time reliability, and diminish highway safety. MoDOT is committed to integrating TSMO in all aspects of managing and operating the transportation system in Missouri.

909.1 Recurring Congestion

Highway segments with recurring congestion are candidates for highway improvements. While adding capacity by constructing additional lanes may not be feasible, other TSMO strategies should be considered as alternate solutions which are often more economical than traditional construction solutions. Strategies such as integrated corridor management (ICM), active transportation and demand management (ATDM), ramp metering, and lane management may provide substantial improvements to recurring congestion.

909.2 Nonrecurring Congestion

Nonrecurring congestion can occur at any location at any time and results in delay to motorists as well as a potential for subsequent traffic incidents. TSMO strategies should be utilized to address each type of nonrecurring congestion generator.


Traffic Incidents

Traffic incidents occur without warning at any time and location on the highway system. On all segments of the interstate and freeway highway system, traffic incident management (TIM) plans should be developed in coordination with law enforcement and local responders to:

  • Reduce response and clearance times
  • Develop alternate plans for handling affected traffic
  • Communicate and coordinate between responders
  • Communicate traffic impacts to motorists.

Reference MoDOT’s Strategic Traffic Incident Management Plan for additional information.

Articles in "909 Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.