Off-Systems Guide Schedule for Federal-Aid Acceptance Sampling and Testing (FAST)

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The following information establishes procedures for LPA Federal-Aid Acceptance Sampling and Testing (FAST) for all Federal-Aid projects awarded and administered by MoDOT. If a local public agency receives federal funds from MoDOT but does not specify, the guidelines in this Off-Systems Guide Schedule for Federal-Aid Acceptance Sampling and Testing (FAST) table should be followed. The acceptance sampling and testing procedures for other materials and construction processes are to be as shown in other articles in the Engineering Policy Guide.

Type of Construction or Material Tests to be Made (if specified) Sampled Minimum Number of Tests
Grading - Embankment Density/Moisture After compaction A minimum of 4 density tests per day for each active grading spread regardless of road surface
Subgrade Preparation Density/Moisture After compaction A minimum of 4 density tests per day for each active grading spread regardless of road surface
Aggregate Base1
Type 1, 5, 7
or Stabilized Permeable2
(roadway and shoulders)
Gradation Before compaction One per 2000 tons or fraction thereof per specified gradation per source.
Density/Moisture After compaction A minimum of 4 density and moisture tests per day for Type 1 and 5 aggregate and 4 penetration and moisture tests for Type 7 aggregate.
Plasticity Index Before compaction One per project per specified gradation, per source.
Sand-Soil Base or Soil-Cement Base or Soil-Lime Base Gradation Before compaction One per 2000 tons or fraction thereof per specified gradation per source.
Density After compaction A minimum of 4 density and moisture tests per day
Liquid Limit Before compaction One per project per specified gradation, per source.
Plasticity Index Before compaction One per project per specified gradation, per source.
Crushed Stone or Gravel Surfacing Gradation - One per project per specified gradation, per source. Less than 500 tons accepted on certification.
Plant Mix Bit. Base or Plant Mix Bit. Pavement or Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Gradation Before mixing One per 500 tons or fraction thereof per mix type. None required if mix type is less than 50 tons/day or 250 tons/project.
Density After compaction 2 roadway cores/day and 2 longitudinal unconfined joint cores/day < 100 tons

4 roadway cores/day and 4 longitudinal unconfined joint cores/day ≥ 100 tons. Random Procedures per ASTM D 3665-07.

Asphalt Content Before compaction One per day, using an approved AASHTO method for determining asphalt content.
PCC Pavement or PCC Base Gradation (both coarse and fine aggregates) Batch plant One per 2000 cubic yards or fraction thereof per specified gradation, per source.
Deleterious (coarse aggregate) Batch plant One per 2000 cubic yards or fraction thereof per specified gradation, per source.
Air Content/Slump Jobsite Air and consistency tests are to be made at the beginning of each pour and for each 100 cubic yards/mix design/pour/day thereafter.
Compressive Strength Jobsite One set3 of specimens should be made at the beginning of each pour and every 100 cubic yards/mix design/pour/day thereafter. 4
Concrete Masonry
Structural items including but not limited to: Bridges, CIP retaining walls, box culverts, bolted-down footings
Gradation (both coarse and fine aggregates) Batch plant One per 1000 cubic yards or fraction thereof per specified gradation, per source.
Deleterious (coarse aggregate) Batch plant One per 1000 cubic yards or fraction thereof per specified gradation, per source.
Air Content/Slump Jobsite Air and consistency tests are to be made at the beginning of each pour and for each 100 cubic yards/mix design/pour/day thereafter.
Compressive Strength Jobsite One set3 of specimens should be made at the beginning of each pour and every 100 cubic yards/mix design/pour/day thereafter. 4
Concrete Masonry
Incidental Concrete (curb & gutter, sidewalk, etc.)
Gradation (both coarse and fine aggregates) Batch plant One per 1000 cubic yards or fraction thereof per specified gradation, per source.
Deleterious (coarse aggregate) Batch plant One per 1000 cubic yards or fraction thereof per specified gradation, per source.
Air Content/Slump Jobsite Air and consistency tests are to be made at the beginning of each pour and for each 100 cubic yards/mix design/pour/day thereafter.
Compressive Strength Jobsite One set3 of specimens should be made at the beginning of each pour and every 100 cubic yards/mix design/pour/day thereafter when the total quantity on the concrete tickets per mix design is ≥ 3cy.5
Precast Items Gradation/Deleterious/Air Content/Slump Manufacture Plant Obtain plant certification when using MoDOT approved plant otherwise quality plan will need to be submitted.
Coating of Structural Steel6 Environmental Conditions/Surface Profile/Mil Thickness Jobsite One test/day as it applies for working being performed
1 When aggregate base shown in the contract is to be measured and paid for by area, convert the area to tons and follow the sampling frequency shown in this table. When converting, use the factor .06 tons/sq. yd./1 in. thickness of compacted base.
2 Gradation only for Type 4 and Stabilized Permeable Base.
3 One set of cylinders shall consist of 2 - 6” x 12” cylinder molds or 3 - 4” x 8” cylinder molds. To determine if ultimate (contractual) strength has been obtained, one set of cylinders must be tested and the average strength of all cylinders will determine ultimate strength of in place concrete.
4 Air and slump tests are required for each set of cylinders created.
5 Compressive strength test can be waived if the concrete to be placed in any one day is less than 3 C.Y. and an air, slump, and compressive strength test was performed the preceding day on that class of concrete.
6 Painting contractor is required to be part of certification program such as NACE, SSPC or equivalent.