Talk:620.13 Measurement of Retroreflectivity by Handheld Retroreflectometers

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EPG 620.11.5 is about acceptance for reflectivity readings from a handheld retrorelectometer. The third bullet point down states if four or more readings within a segment are below the minimum value required, the markings are rejected. Under that statement is a "Pavement Acceptance Chart". The problem is the chart does not show the "minimum value" for the markings as per the 620.10.2.4. The minimum value is actually 195 for Yellow and 270 for white.

620.11.4 Sampling

In section 620. = 1000 Feet < Road Lengths < One Mile you need to take 100 shots with the retroreflectometer if you have 5,279ft of striping. But you only have to take 60 shots on a One Mile < Road Length < Six Mile, which could be 5,281ft to 31,679ft. Why would you want more shots on a shorter road length? Seems like over kill to me. Very confusing also.