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MoDOT’s three pillars of “Safety, Service and Stability” steer our leadership and employees. Our commitment to safety includes keeping both customers and ourselves safe. Our service includes providing outstanding customer service, delivering transportation solutions of great value and using resources wisely. Keeping roads and bridges in good condition, operating a reliable and convenient transportation system, and advancing Missouri’s economic development reflect our commitment to stability.
Innovative concepts, such as Practical Design and design-build, are used to deliver our commitments. These and other forward-thinking concepts shape the content of the ENGINEERING POLICY GUIDE (EPG). This document provides a single reference for all engineering and engineering-related Bridge, Construction, Design, Highway Safety & Traffic, Maintenance, Planning and Right of Way guidance.
Useful information on how to search for info in the EPG: Searching the Engineering Policy Guide
Want help on how to update your EPG guidance?  It is available at EPG Approval Process.
The Electronic MoDOT Spec Book for Mobile Devices is now available. You may also sign up for E-Update notices. To receive notices regarding Engineering Policy Revisions, select "Engineering Policy" then mark the appropriate subjects of interest.