141.6 Acronyms and Definitions

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Commission - Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission

Facility/Capital Project - Includes passenger vehicles, service vehicles, administrative passenger and maintenance facilities, and all non-expendable equipment necessary to provide transportation service.

FHWA - Federal Highway Administration

FRA - Federal Railroad Administration

FTA - Federal Transit Administration

MHTC - Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission

MPO - Metropolitan Planning Organization

MTFC - Missouri Transportation Finance Corporation

Partnership Debt-Financing Programs - Programs that bring money to the project and must be repaid.

Partnership Funding Programs - Programs that bring money to the project and does not have to be repaid.

Public Purpose Aviation Facility - Aviation facilities that have at least one paved runway, retail sale of aviation fuel and a facility to shelter, service and repair aircraft.

Public Purpose Ferry - A ferryboat operation that offers the general public services to, from or within the state of Missouri to move pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Public Purpose Port Terminal Facility - A cargo handling facility for waterborne commerce, including docks and loading/unloading equipment, that is available to the shipping public.

Public Purpose Transit Facility - A transit facility or service that is open to the entire public, elderly and disabled population on an equal basis. All facilities and services must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Public transit facilities and services can be operated by a public body (statutory creation-body corporate and politic), nonprofit and private entities under contract with a public body.

Qualified Transportation Development District Voters - Any persons eligible to be registered voters reside within the proposed district, such persons who have registered to vote, or if no persons eligible to be registered voters reside within the proposed district, the owners of real property located within the proposed district.

STAR Fund - State Transportation Assistance Revolving Fund created to assist in the planning, acquisition, development and construction of transportation facilities other than highways in the state.

TDD - Transportation Development District

TDD Respondent - Respondents must include the Commission and each affected local transportation authority within the proposed district, except a petitioning local transportation authority.

TIP - Transportation Improvement Program, the TIP is a priority list of projects and project segments developed by a Municipal Planning Organization (affects St. Louis City/County, Kansas City, Joplin, Springfield, Columbia, St. Joseph and Jefferson City area) for work over a three- to five-year period. All projects proposed for the use of federal funds within an urbanized area must be included in the appropriate TIP.

Transit - Generally refers to passenger service provided to the general public with fixed or variable schedules at published fares.