171.10 Traffic Control

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The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, (MUTCD), published by the Federal Highway Administration, has been adopted by the Commission as policy for all work, including non-MoDOT personnel, within MoDOT right of way.

TRC(A2) Traffic Control for Field Operations

EPG 616.23 Traffic Control for Field Operations is based on the MUTCD and sets forth principles and prescribes standards to be followed in the application, installation and maintenance of all types of traffic control devices required for maintenance operations.

TRC(A3) Quality Standards for Temporary Traffic Control Devices

All work zone traffic control devices shall conform with EPG 616.19 Quality Standards for Temporary Traffic Control Devices.

Traffic control devices shall be set up prior to the start of a maintenance operation and shall be properly maintained during the time such special conditions exist. They shall remain in place only as long as they are needed and shall be immediately removed thereafter. When operations are performed in stages, there shall be in place only those devices that apply to the condition present during the stage in progress.