237.12 Communication with the Public

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It is imperative to strictly limit all information communicated to the public (especially the contractors) concerning the engineer’s estimate and the bids received during a bid opening. Certain information disclosed to the public, during the bid opening process, could compromise MoDOT’s actions.

From the date a project is included in the notice of bid opening to the date of the Commission action concerning award or rejection of bids, questions of any kind concerning a project must be directed to the contact person specially named in the bidding proposal for the project. The district contact person may answer questions by referencing the appropriate part of the plans or specifications. Questions that require clarification or interpretation of the plans or specifications shall not be answered directly, but must be referred to Design to conclude whether an addendum is to be sent to all bidders. It is paramount all bidders have the same information from which to prepare a bid.

During the period of time between the opening of bids and the Commission meeting, the only statement a MoDOT employee can give to anyone is, “The award or rejection of bids cannot be discussed until after the Commission takes action.” This direction also applies to consultant employees preparing a project for MoDOT.