620.6 Colored Pavements

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Support. Colored pavements consist of differently colored road paving materials, such as colored asphalt or concrete, paint or other marking materials applied to the surface of a road or island to simulate a colored pavement.

If non-retroreflective colored pavement, including bricks and other types of patterned surfaces, is used as a purely aesthetic treatment and is not intended to communicate regulatory, warning, or guidance message to road users, the colored pavement is not considered to be a traffic control device, even if it is located between the lines of a crosswalk.

Standard. If colored pavement is used within the traveled way, on flush or raised islands, or on shoulders to regulate, warn, or guide traffic or if retroreflective colored pavement is used, the colored pavement is considered to be a traffic control device and shall be limited to the following colors and applications:

A. Yellow pavement color shall be used only for flush or raised median islands separating traffic flows in opposite directions or for left-hand shoulders of roadways of divided highways or one-way streets or ramps.
B. White pavement color shall be used for flush or raised channelizing islands where traffic passes on both sides in the same general direction or for right-hand shoulders.

Colored pavements shall not be used as a traffic control device, unless the device is applicable at all times.

Guidance. Colored pavements used as traffic control devices should be used only where they contrast significantly with adjoining paved areas.

Colored pavement located between crosswalk lines should not use colors or patterns that degrade the contrast of white crosswalk lines, or that might be mistaken by road users as a traffic control application.

620.6.1 School Logo Pavement Markings

Support. In years past, universities and colleges were permitted to paint their school logo on the exit ramps for the interchanges leading to their campus. Over the years most of these markings have faded away and are no longer present; however, there are a very limited number that remain. These markings are not compliant with the MUTCD and, therefore, are no longer permitted.

Standard. School logos shall not be installed on state highways. Existing school logos may remain in place but shall be allowed to fade away over time without being refreshed or updated.