620.7 Channelizing Devices Used for Emphasis or Pavement Marking Patterns

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Channelizing Devices (MUTCD Section 3H.01)

Option. Channelizing Devices, such as cones, tubular markers, vertical panels, drums lane separators and raised islands, may be used for general traffic control purposes such as adding emphasis to reversible lane delineation, channelizing lines, or islands. Channelizing devices may also be used along a center line to preclude turns or along lane lines to preclude lane changing, as determined by engineering judgment.

Standard. Except for color, the design of channelizing devices, including but not limited to retroreflectivity, minimum dimensions, and mounting height, shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 6F of the MUTCD.

The color of channelizing devices used outside of temporary traffic control zones shall be either orange or the same color as the pavement marking that they supplement, or for which they are substituted.

For nighttime use, channelizing devices shall be retroreflective (as described in Part 6 of the MUTCD) or internally illuminated. On channelizing devices used outside of temporary traffic control zones, retroreflective sheeting or bands shall be white if the devices separate traffic flows in the same direction and shall be yellow if the devices separate traffic flows in the opposite direction or are placed along the left-hand edge of a one-way roadway or ramp.

Guidance. Channelizing devices should be kept clean and bright to maximize target value.