643.1 Utilities - Status Letter

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Utility Status Letter

Construction of and improvements made to the state highway system require negotiations with various utility companies (including cities and railroads) for right of way, construction easements, and adjustments that may be required to their facilities to eliminate conflicts with the proposed highway improvement. These negotiations must also comply with MHTC policy.

643.1.1 Responsibility

It is the responsibility of district personnel to negotiate with local utility companies, cross-state pipelines and other interstate utility facilities for right of way, easements, and adjustment agreements. Design personnel are readily available to assist with these negotiations.

643.1.2 Utility Status

The District Utilities Engineer will write a Utility Status Letter for every project that requires the adjustment of utilities or requires a utility JSP to address special concerns or notice. This status will be provided to the Transportation Project Manager for inclusion with submittal of the final plans to Design.

The Transportation Project Manager must submit the Utility Status Letter to the Design Division at least 10 weeks prior to the bid opening date. Utilities “clear” is defined as:

1. All utilities are physically adjusted on the project. Or,
2. Utility construction work is planned or active and will be completed to such a point that no impact will be expected to the road contractor. The status of the work is given in the utility job special provision. Or,
3. Utilities are not expected to be adjusted by the notice to proceed date for the road project, but the utility work will have no impact on the progress of the road contractors work. Or,
4. Utilities must be adjusted after the road contractor completes stage construction or in coordination with the contractors’ work. A job special provision must be included in the bid proposal to properly advise bidders. Or,
5. Utility adjustments, plans and specifications, are included in the bid documents for the road project. A utility agreement (UT04) must be executed.

Projects with no utility impacts, no longer need a Utility Status Letter or Utility Status JSP. On the District Final PS&E Submittal Form (Form D-12), under Project Impacts and Status – Util. Involvement, select “No Involvement", select “Clear” for Utility Status, and provide a Utility Clear Date.