821.25 Products
Label Information |
Refer to Crop Data Management System's website for label information. |
MoDOT herbicides for 2017 and following years are listed below. You may have additional products not listed from previous years. More detailed information can be gathered from the manufacturer and the label.
Go to http://www.cdms.net/LabelsMsds/LMDefault.aspx for label information.
Additives and Adjuvants – MoDOT has two surfactants on the bid list and two options for each. One of the options is for the surfactant to be certified by an independent testing group offering proven results. The other is a cheaper product, but buyers beware! Surfactants do not have the same registration, restrictions and label requirements as pesticides.
One surfactant is a non-ionic surfactant that helps get the herbicide into the plant. The two non-ionic surfactants are Induce (certified) and NIS (non-certified). The other surfactant is a water conditioner to address hard water conditions in parts of the state that affect some herbicides. The two water conditioners are Quest (certified) and Elite Imperial (non-certified).

Aquatic Glyphosate – Refer to Rodeo, below.
Basal Bark Oil – This is a ready-to-use (RTU) product for dormant and basal stem treatments. It is a combination of 20% Garlon 4E, 1.5% Stalker, 1.5% Milestone and 77% bark oil colored blue and produced to be used in low temperatures.
Custom Mix for Total Vegetation Control (TVC) – This is the custom mix product MoDOT uses for total vegetation control and is a combination of three products: Esplanade, Roundup Pro Concentrate and Method. It is a liquid with the recommended rate of 2 quarts per acre or 2 quarts per 100 gallons of water. Recommendation is to apply at the start of green-up in areas such as guardrail, sign post and aggregate at the recommended rate and achieve season long control. The Roundup Pro Concentrate in the custom mix provides all the surfactant needed for this application.
DMA-4 – In 2011, MoDOT specified the formulation of the 2,4-D from ester-based to amine-based reducing the volatility risk associated with 2,4-D, one of the oldest herbicide on the market. It also has an aquatic herbicide. The product is DMA-4. The amine-based is not as quick to show symptoms but will do the work.
Escort XP – Used for several years at a very low use rate. Good broadleaf control and great on Chicory. It is a dry flowable and use rate is ¼ to ½ oz per acre on most instances. A higher rate can be used for control of cedar and other brush species. The higher rate will kill or damage turf. It is off of patent so there are generics on the market but it appears the XP formulation makes this product go into and stay in solution better than some others.
Krenite S – Used for several years for side trimming of trees. It is a bud inhibitor. To use this product correctly you should apply in the late summer early fall and NOT cut the limbs or brush the following spring.
Method - This is a liquid herbicide with a low use rate of 2 to 4 ounces per acre for general weed control and higher rates such as 8 ounces per acre for thistle and spotted knapweed. It is very good on broadleaf species, has residual effect in soils for season long control and is a new mode of action to fight weed resistance. It is the liquid formulation of one of the two products in Perspective.
Milestone VM – This is a liquid herbicide with a low use rate of 5 – 7 oz. per acre. It is very good on broadleaf species and provides so residual effect in the soil. One primary concern we have experienced is the herbicide leaving the site in a heavy rain event which occurs within 8 – 16 hours of application. The herbicide provides excellent control on most legumes except Sericea lespedeza, which means stay away from soybean fields.
Outrider – This is the primary product MoDOT uses for the control of Johnsongrass. Outrider is very specific to Johnsongrass and will not cause damage to other turf species as long as the application rate stays below 1.33 oz. per acre. It is a dry flowable.
Plateau – Herbicide used for native grass establishment and seedhead suppression or PGR. Rates are low as higher rates will eliminate fescue.
Perspective - New generation herbicide offering a new mode of action to reduce resistance in plant materials. Is a dry flowable controlling a large variety of broadleaf weeds. Has proven to be very effective on teasel control when applied in the late fall. Rates vary dependent on application times and purpose. Range is from 3 – 5 oz. per acre and can be used as a stand alone product for broadleaf weed control or with a pre-emergent and non-selective herbicide for bare ground treatments.
Rodeo – Glyphosate is used all over the world which has led to some plants becoming resistant. This herbicide is non-selective meaning it will kill any plant so be careful. Glyphosate is often added in total vegetation control if there are some green plants at the time of application. Rodeo is approved for aquatic use and does not have any surfactant in the inert ingredients in such as Roundup Pro and Roundup Pro Concentrate.
Vastlan – This is a more specialized broadleaf herbicide that has aquatic label. It has triclopyr as the active ingredient. Used for broadleaves and small brush. It is off patent and has several other brand names on the market. This is a safer formulation of Garlon 3A which we have used previously.