823.7 All in a Day’s Work – Handling the Crew

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The institution should be given as much notice as possible if the work-release crew cannot be picked up as scheduled.

Crew Size Change Notice

The institution should be given 24-hour notice, whenever possible, on the change of the work-release crew size to allow the institution to make arrangements.

Drop Off

Drop-off time and location will be mutually agreed upon by MoDOT and the institution. Care should be used to avoid drop off during a count if this creates a difficulty for the institution. If the pre-arranged drop-off time cannot be met for any reason, the MoDOT work-release supervisor shall notify the institution and give an estimated time of arrival and reason for the late arrival. In the event of a major disaster such as an earthquake that results in the work-release crew not being able to be delivered back to the institution, the work-release crew may be rerouted to another institution. If the communication to the local institution is not available, contact both the MoDOT and MoDOC Central Office phone numbers listed inside the front cover. Prior to drop off each day, the inmates should be asked to empty pockets and check themselves for any tools, etc. which would be construed as contraband. This is for the inmate's benefit. Any IOCs, mail, or other pertinent information should be turned in at the end of each day. Refer to IOCs for additional information. MoDOT provided equipment or apparel is considered contraband and shall not be carried into the institution. This includes sunglasses, safety glasses or hats.

Items Found Along Roadway

Inmates shall not be allowed to collect items picked up along the roadside. Properly dispose of all items picked up. Any suspicious items found shall be left in place and the supervisor contacted. If an inmate has picked up the object, have the inmate set it back down. Objects are to be handled as little as possible.

Inmates shall not drink or handle any alcoholic products found on the roadsides. Dispose of alcohol immediately. Any money found by an inmate shall be turned in to the road fund per MoDOT policy. Money that is found shall not be used to provide “treats” or food items for the work-release crew. In no case shall the inmate be allowed to keep this contraband. No exchange of money will be allowed between inmates or MoDOT work-release supervisor. The MoDOT work-release supervisor shall not accept or hold money, valuables, or personal items for inmates.


Inmates shall not mail anything under any circumstances. The MoDOT work-release supervisor shall not mail anything for or receive mail for an inmate. Any mail given to a MoDOT work-release supervisor by an inmate to mail, or mail that is received by a MoDOT work-release supervisor for an inmate shall be retained and turned in at drop off to the institution. However, if the inmate becomes hostile in an attempt to retrieve the mail, the MoDOT work-release supervisor is to return the mail. The inmate shall then be reported using an IOC.

Inmate Meals

Inmate meals are provided by the institution at taxpayer’s expense. Any complaints are to be handled by the inmates through the institution’s internal grievance procedure. Lunch will be 30 minutes. The trained MoDOT work-release supervisor must continue to watch the inmates and they will be paid for their lunch time. Do not share your lunch or purchase snacks for inmates. The institution shall provide any drink other than water, however MoDOT may provide Gatorade or equivalent in the event of hot weather. Food rewards generate problems. Special arrangements regarding feeding of a work-release crew during emergency operations, such as sandbagging during a flood, can be made if the work-release crew is to return to the institution after their normal mealtime has passed. If this situation occurs, all inmates should get the same meal and approval from the institution should be obtained if possible.


All requests from the media to interview or photograph inmates shall be cleared with the Missouri Department of Corrections before the media is allowed to have contact. Photographs should not allow inmates to be identified. The MoDOT work-release supervisor must convey this to photographers. It is recommended that written approval be obtained from the institution for MoDOT records.

Pick Up

The pick-up point and time will be mutually agreed upon by the institution and MoDOT. Give as much notice as possible, preferably at least 24 hours, to change pick-up time. The MoDOT work-release supervisor will be given an out-count order list of inmates for the day when picking up the inmates. A copy of the inmate ID card will also be given to the MoDOT work-release supervisor. All inmates shall be dressed in appropriate attire. Appropriate gloves and footwear shall be worn and supplied by the institution or MoDOT. Work location reporting will be specific to the institution; however, they are often required to either be sent weekly to the FUM or provided at the time of pickup.


Each district shall provide a port-a-potty for the work-release crew(s) on the work site. The inmate supervisor shall ensure the person servicing the port-a-potty does not come in contact with inmates at any time. Keep them separated, as with any other member of the public. The port-a-potty should be serviced weekly. The MoDOT work-release supervisor shall check the port-a-potty after it has been serviced. Random and frequent inspections shall be made for contraband in and around the port-a-potty. Inmates shall not use public restrooms at anytime or restrooms in MoDOT facilities since a port-a-potty is provided by the district. The port-a-potty should be secure at night.

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

PREA is Federal Law which must be followed when leading incarcerated personnel. The annual training conducted by each of the institutions for work release trained employees will be in much more detail than will be offered here. There is zero tolerance for any sexual abuse, harassment, or misconduct.

You must know and enforce the rules regarding the sexual conduct of inmates. Be professional at all times. Do not laugh or joke about sexual abuse with or around inmates, staff, co-workers, volunteers, or contractors. Treat every allegation of sexual assault seriously. It is very important to report any such activity to the appropriate authorities.

Rest Breaks

Inmates will be allowed a 15-minute break every two hours of work. Use judgment concerning break frequency and duration in extreme weather. Work-release crews should be provided with water and bar soap for hand washing utilizing a water cooler marked for hand washing only.


There shall be no searches of inmates by MoDOT work-release supervisors or by other inmates. If the MoDOT work-release supervisor feels that an inmate is hiding something, contact the institution for their assistance. Use of Missouri State Highway Patrol dogs for periodic inspections of vans is recommended.

Security of Personal Vehicles Parked at MoDOT Facilities

All personal vehicles parked at MoDOT facilities where inmates are or may be working shall be locked with the keys removed. This information must be shared with all people assigned to the MoDOT facility in question. Work-release crews should not be working around or near personal vehicles except for short periods of time completing other maintenance activities such as mowing or litter control.

Suspicious Vehicles

The MoDOT work-release supervisor should record the license plate of any vehicle that frequents the work site or is suspicious in some manner. Frequent passes by the same pedestrian should also be regarded as suspicious. These incidents should be documented and reported to your immediate supervisor. If necessary, the supervisor will contact the institution and report the incident and license number of the suspicious vehicle.

Transport Vehicle

The transport vehicle shall be cleaned out daily and thoroughly washed out with disinfectant weekly. Inspections for contraband shall be made during daily cleaning. Contraband is any non-MoDOT property. No deadly weapons, dangerous instruments, unauthorized drugs, tobacco, or controlled substances are allowed in the inmate’s possession or in the transport vehicle at any time. No smoking will be permitted in the transport vehicle under the same guidelines as for MoDOT personnel i.e., Personnel Policy Manual Section 2504 - All employees and visitors are prohibited from the use of tobacco products (including smokeless tobacco and non-nicotine substitutes) and electronic/vapor cigarettes in all department-owned, leased, and occupied offices, buildings, and facilities.

Work Coding

The work-release crews will be performing a wide variety of work activities and many of the inmates may not be totally familiar with the job task at hand. It is the responsibility of the MoDOT work-release supervisor to explain the expectations of the work-release crew and stress the importance in performing the task. Risk Based Assessments (RBA) have been established for the majority of activities and should be used to increase safety awareness.

The MoDOT person will be paid for their lunch time as watching the work-release crew is a requirement of the assignment. The inmate’s time is charged to the function for the work performed. The MoDOT work-release supervisor is responsible for reporting inmate coding and reporting equipment coding and mileage hours to assigned area daily. Use the appropriate function code for the work being performed. One of the following codes should be used:

Activity Description Job Project # Performance Units

R22B Welcome Centers Yes NONE
R227 Roadway and Bridge Safety Features Yes NONE (fence only)
R316 Drainage Yes NONE
R318 Maintain Materials on Lots Yes NONE (Limited)
R411 Litter Pick-up Yes NONE
R412 Landscaping Yes NONE

R413 Mowing Yes Shoulder Miles
R414 Brush Cutting & Tree Removal Yes NONE
R416 Parks and Commuter Lots Yes NONE
R41A Support-Improve Roadside Appearance No NONE (Limited)
R41B Brush Control Yes Acres
R41P Plant Growth Regulator app Yes Acres
R41T Total Vegetation Control Yes Acres

R41W Noxious and Broadleaf Weed Control Yes Acres
R854 Operate Facilities Yes NONE (Limited)
R85F Fleet Purchases and Expenses Yes NONE (Limited)
R85N Consumable Inventory/Non Fleet Purchases Yes NONE

R911 Flood Response and Cleanup Yes ONE
R914 Snow and Ice Storm Cleanup Yes NONE
R915 Windstorm/Tornado Response and Cleanup Yes NONE
R917 Other Natural Disaster Response and Cleanup Yes NONE

Remember coding to R227 involves fence repair only and R318, R41A, R854 and R85F should be used very little.

Work Supplies

The following items will be provided by MoDOT.

  • All materials for the task assigned
  • Ear plugs
  • First Aid kit and supplies
  • Insect repellant
  • Rain gear (if required)
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Rubber boots, as required
  • Port-a-potty and toilet paper
  • Transport vehicle
  • Tools and equipment
  • Safety glasses
  • Safety hats -bright orange/green (see cleaning instructions at end of handbook)
  • Safety vests (may be a different color and quality than MoDOT work-release supervisors such as AAH vest)
  • Water cooler and cups
  • Work gloves
  • Hand washing supplies (limited to soap and water-no alcohol based hand cleaner)
  • MoDOT may provide hard hat liners or coveralls as needed for extreme cold temperatures.

The following items will be provided by the institution or inmate. Any of these items brought out of the institution and then left in the transport vehicle overnight are considered contraband.

  • Approved outerwear and coats
  • Outcount list
  • Sack lunches
  • Shots, current immunizations (MoDOT work-release supervisors are encouraged to use their preventative care resources to address their immunization concerns)
  • Sunscreen (can be provided by MoDOT if small packets are used)

Cleaning and Disinfecting Hard Hats of Incarcerated Crews

  1. Remove suspension and disassemble any additional equipment (shields, ear muffs, eye protection, etc.…) attached to the helmet.
  2. Remove and discard sweatband.
  3. Remove most surface dirt and residue. Wash with mild soap and lukewarm water to assist with the removal.
  4. Disinfecting - There are many options available for disinfecting the non-porous surface of the hard hat. A couple options include:
a. Alcohol wipes
b. Hibistat wipes

Note: Many disinfectants are flammable and should be kept away from open flames or spark producing equipment.


State Maintenance Director

Northwest District (NW)
St. Joseph Missouri

Northeast District (NE)
Hannibal Missouri

Kansas City District (KC)
Lee’s Summit Missouri

Central District (CD)
Jefferson City Missouri

St. Louis District (SL)
Chesterfield Missouri

Southwest District (SW)
Springfield Missouri

Southeast District
Sikeston Missouri


888 – ASK – MODOT
888 – 275 – 6638

Rev. 09/24