901.17 Material Inspection for Sec 901

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This article establishes procedures for inspecting and reporting those items specified in Sec 0901 for which Materials has responsibility and are not specifically covered in Materials Details of the Specifications.


(a) Magnetic gauge, reading range of 0-40 mils (0-1000 m).
(b) Rule with suitable graduations to accurately measure the material to be inspected.


The highway lighting items normally field inspected by Materials are galvanizing of anchor bolts, nuts, washers, polyurethane foam and steel standards, bracket arms, and foundations.

Field determination of weight of coating is to be made on each lot of material furnished. The magnetic gauge is to be operated and calibrated in accordance with ASTM E 376. At least three members of each size and type offered for inspection are to be selected for testing. A single-spot test is to be comprised of at least five readings of the magnetic gauge taken in a small area and those five readings averaged to obtain a single-spot test result. Three such areas should be tested on each of the members being tested. Test each member in the same manner. Average all single-spot test results from all members to obtain the average coating weight to be reported. The minimum single-spot test result would be the minimum average obtained on any one member. Material may be accepted or rejected for galvanized coating on the basis of magnetic gauge. If a test result fails to comply with the specifications, that lot should be re-sampled at double the original sampling rate. If any of the resample members fail to comply with the specification, that lot is to be rejected. The contractor or supplier is to be given the option of sampling for Central Laboratory testing, if the magnetic gauge test results are within minus 15 percent of the specified coating weight.

Additional requirements for bolts, nuts, and wasters are given in EPG 1080.1.3 Bolts for Highway Lighting, Traffic Signals or Highway Signing.

Polyurethane foam used as pole backfill is to be accepted on the basis of manufacturer's certification and random sampling and testing. The manufacturer's certification is to show typical test results representative of the material and certify that the material supplied conforms to all the requirements specified. Random samples are to be taken from approximately 10 percent of the lots offered for use. A sample is to consist of a portion of each component adequate in size to yield 2 cu. ft. of polyurethane foam, after mixing. AASHTOWare is to be used when submitting samples to the Central Laboratory. Very small quantities of polyurethane foam may be accepted on the basis of brand name and labeling, provided satisfactory results are obtained in the field.

Report (Records)

Reports shall indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance or rejection. Appropriate remarks as described in EPG 106.20 Reporting are to be included in the report to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection. Distribution of reports or materials purchased under a MoDOT purchase order is to be as described in EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a MoDOT Purchase Order.

Tests for weight of coating are to be reported through AASHTOWare. If a sample is submitted to the Central Laboratory for testing, use AASHTOWare.

Polyurethane foam shall be reported through AASHTOWare. The manufacturer's certification shall be retained in the district office, except when reporting very small quantities accepted by brand name and labeling.