902.11 Traffic Control for Schools

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902.11.1 School Crossing Indications at Existing Signal

Guidance. If phase associated pedestrian indications are not acceptable, the "walk scramble" option can provide the ability to leave the signal's pedestrian indications as phase-associated until changed by an adult crossing guard. This type of installation provides for a pushbutton enclosed in a locked box that when pressed, puts all of the vehicle indications to red and all pedestrian indications to Walk for a programmed amount of time (a "walk scramble").

Standard. Pedestrian facilities beyond the intersection (sidewalks, etc.) shall be in place prior to installation.

All equipment shall be installed according to latest MoDOT specifications and standards.

The district will obtain appropriate signed contracts to be sent to Traffic for further handling.

Support. The following standard contracts are available:

Standard. Once the contract is executed, MoDOT shall install and maintain all necessary equipment to bring the intersection up to needed operation. After installation is completed, MoDOT shall meet with school representatives to review proper operation of equipment. Periods of operation will be during times specified in the contract. The school district shall notify MoDOT of any change or additional times of operation.

Activation of this installation shall be by an adult crossing guard acting for the school.

Option. Time allotted to pedestrian indications for the school crossing may be greater than the normal pedestrian timing at a signalized intersection, but care must be taken to keep the timing reasonable so as to not restrict the flow of vehicular traffic. It is likely the school cannot cross all pedestrians in one cycle, and additional cycles will be needed in order to service all pedestrians.

902.11.2 Mid-Block School Crossing

Standard. Pedestrian warrants below satisfied with no usable traffic signal within 1000 ft. of desired crossing location.

(A) Warrant One - Two- or three-lane pavement (less than 40 ft. wide). This warrant is met when:

1. Pedestrian crossing volumes at a designated school crossing or major street exceeds 250 pedestrians in each two hours; and
2. During each of the same two hours vehicle traffic through the designated school crossing exceeds 800 vehicles; and
3. There is no usable traffic signal within 1000 ft. of the crossing. If the 85th percentile speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour or when the location lies within a buildup area of an isolated community having a population less than 10,000, the above criteria may be reduced to 70% of the stated requirements.

(B) Warrant Two - Four or more lane pavements. This warrant is met when conditions set forth in either of the following cases exist.

Case 1
1. When pedestrian crossing volumes at a designated school crossing on a major street exceeds 100 pedestrians in each of two hours; and
2. When during each of the same two hours, vehicular traffic through the designated school crossing exceeds 800 vehicles; and
3. There is no usable traffic signal within 1000 ft. of the crossing.
Case 2
1. When pedestrian crossing volumes at a designated school crossing on a major street exceeds 70 pedestrians in each of two hours; and
2. When, during each of the same two hours, vehicular traffic through the designated school crossing exceeds 1,200 vehicles; and
3. There is no usable traffic signal within 1000 ft. of the crossing.
If the 85th percentile speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour or when the location lies within a buildup area of an isolated community having a population less than 10,000, the above criteria may be reduced to 70% of the stated requirements.
At locations where school crossing traffic signals are being installed, advance flashers with applicable advanced warning signing are to be installed.

(C) Installation by Others If a city, county, or school district applies for the installation of a school crossing signal at a location which is not within 1000 ft. of another usable signal, and the installation does not meet the above warrants but meets 75% of the applicable warrants, a signal may be installed provided the city, county or school district bears the entire cost of the installation, with maintenance and operation costs by MoDOT after completion. The city, county, or school district shall execute an appropriate signed contract providing for the installation, maintenance, operation, cost of electricity and removal of signal.

Equipment: Equipment shall meet all latest MoDOT standards and specifications.
Procedure for Installation: The district will obtain appropriate signed contracts to be returned to Traffic for further handling.

Support. The following standard contracts are available:

See EPG 902.17 Execution of Contracts for Signal or Flasher Installation for additional information on execution of contracts.

Standard. Plans for installation shall be the responsibility of MoDOT, except when the signals are installed by others. In this case, plans for installation shall be the responsibility of the outside party.

Costs: The cost of installation, maintenance and operation shall be the responsibility of MoDOT, with the exceptions noted for "Installation by Others" above. Advance flashers and all power costs shall be paid for by the school district.
Operation: Periods of operation will be during times specified in the contract. The school district shall notify MoDOT of any change or additional times of operation.
Maintenance: All maintenance shall be the responsibility of MoDOT.
Restrictions: No unsupervised activation may be allowed. Activation of this installation shall be by an adult crossing guard acting for the school. Parking restrictions shall be established for a minimum distance of 100 ft. on the right approach and 50 ft. on the right exit.

Option. Time allotted to pedestrian indications for the school crossing can be greater than the normal pedestrian timing at a signalized intersection, but care must be taken to keep the timing reasonable so as to not restrict the flow of vehicular traffic. It is likely the school cannot cross all pedestrians in one cycle, and additional cycles will be needed in order to service all pedestrians.

902.11.3 School Signal at Entrance

The entrance is considered the place of direct entry to the school. School signals shall only be installed at the entrance of the school where the only traffic using the entrance is for the school.

Standard. The school's entrance shall be a minimum of 1000 ft. from an existing signalized intersection. Mainline volume during the periods of proposed operation meets or exceeds EPG 902.3.3 Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume (MUTCD Section 4C.02), where applicable. At elementary and secondary schools, there is no side street volume requirement. At technical schools, colleges and universities, side street volume must exceed 50% of the side street volume for the same warrant used for the main line.

Geometric improvements, primarily left turn bays on the main line, shall be considered where there is a significant volume of vehicles in addition to school buses.

At the entrance of the school where traffic signals are being installed, advance beacons with applicable advanced warning signing shall be installed. Advance beacons shall operate during the same time frame as the school signal, including any special operation of the signal for school events. The signal shall be fully actuated.

Signal and advance beacon equipment shall conform to the latest standards and specifications of MoDOT as found in Parts List and Specifications and Fig. 902.11.

An agreement with either the school district or municipality will be required for the installation of school signals under these guidelines.

The Commission will provide 50 percent of the cost of the design and installation of permanent traffic signals. The Commission will NOT participate in the cost of geometric improvements. Advance flashers and all power costs will be paid for by the school district. The Commission will provide all costs for maintenance, except power, after the installation.

Option. If the school district is not willing to wait for geometric improvements and permanent signals to be installed by the Commission, according to their time line, then the school district may provide 100 percent of the cost.

Support. The following standard contracts are available:

See EPG 902.17 Execution of Contracts for Signal or Flasher Installation for additional information on execution of contracts.

Standard. The times of operation shall be set by agreement with the school district. There will also be a special events button for the school district that will bring the signal out of flash for a set amount of time. MoDOT shall be responsible for programming the operating times.

For elementary and secondary schools, the operation will normally be during those periods of greatest focused activity. This will usually consist of three time frames on a normal school day: morning entering traffic, noon traffic if applicable, and the afternoon dismissal period. The signal shall operate during any of these time frames a minimum of 15 minutes.

At entrances to colleges or universities, the volumes of traffic are not as focused and are spread over a greater part of the day. In order to avoid the situation of the traffic signals going on and off frequently during the day, the hours of operation shall be determined by those hours when the mainline volume meets or exceeds Warrant I or reduced Warrant I, where applicable, and the side street volume meets or exceeds 50% of the corresponding warrant amounts.

When the signal is not programmed to operate in color, the signal will be in flashing operation, including when school is not in session.

Option. If engineering judgment indicates the signal might effectively operate for additional hours than originally agreed upon, such operation may be allowed.