903.15 Signing Agreements

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903.15.1 TR09 Contract for Signs at Cattle Crossing

Support. Refer to EPG 903.6.41 for more information. It is the responsibility for the individual to comply with these standards.

Standard. The contract shall be executed between the Commission and the requesting individual.

MoDOT shall furnish two portable Cattle Crossing (W11-4) signs and supports for the requesting individual to use on state owned highways.

The signs and supports shall be removed entirely off the right of way when cattle are not crossing the highway.

The signs shall be used only for the purpose of warning drivers on the highway of the possibility of cattle moving across the highway.

When the requesting individual no longer has the need for the signs and supports, the signs and supports shall be returned to MoDOT.

The signs may be placed on the right of way when cattle are crossing the highway.

903.15.2 TR12 Contract for Signs at Truck Crossing

Support. Refer to EPG 903.6.40 for more information. It is the responsibility for the company to comply with these standards.

Standard. The contract shall be executed between the Commission and the requesting company.

MoDOT shall furnish two portable Truck Crossing (W11-10) signs and supports for the requesting company to use on state owned highways.

The signs and supports shall be removed entirely off the right of way when trucks are not crossing or entering the highway.

The signs shall be used only for the purpose of warning drivers on the highway of the possibility of trucks moving onto or across the highway. Truck drivers shall stop and yield the right of way to any vehicle approaching the crossing on the highway in such close proximity as to constitute a hazard to either vehicle.

When the requesting company no longer has the need for the signs and supports, the signs and supports shall be returned to MoDOT.

The signs may be placed on the right of way when trucks are crossing or entering the highway.

903.15.3 TR15 Sign Program Participation Paid by Others

Support. Under various policies standard signs may be installed at the cost of the requesting party.

The TR15 Process outlines the steps for a new sign request and the TR32 outlines the steps for signing already in place.

Standard. Once the exact legend, quantity and location of the necessary signing are known, the TR15 contract shall be prepared for execution. If renewal of signing already in place is desired, the TR32 contract shall be prepared for execution.

If the requesting party agrees to the participation fee, the contract shall be executed between the Commission and the requesting party. Upon execution of the contract, the requesting party shall remit the full payment. All funds shall be made payable to “Director of Revenue – Credit Road Fund”. If the applicant requires a MoDOT invoice for payment Central Office Financial Services will use the information on the Documents/Interagency Invoice Request Form (IIR).xls?d=wb6548cec72ea4c7b959c3fb8a15ed483 Interagency Invoice Request Form (IIR) to request payment in generating an external Office of Administration (OA) Invoice and mail the invoice to the applicant for payment processing.

Upon receipt of the payment, the signs shall be ordered and scheduled for installation.

The TR15 contract is limited to the following signing programs:

1. Custom City Limit/County Line Signs, EPG 903.9.11
2. Auto Tour Signs, EPG 903.9.5.

903.15.4 TR42 Welcome to Signing Installed and Maintained by City

Support. Refer to EPG 903.9.13 for more information.

Standard. The contract shall be executed between the Commission and the requesting entity. All work done shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission's Standard Specifications for Highway Construction and the Standard Plans for Highway Construction. The entity shall maintain signs following the guidelines of the EPG for reflectivity, alignment and placement.

The entity shall promptly comply with the Commission’s request for maintenance of the signs. Failure by the entity to complete requested maintenance within 14 calendar days from the Commission’s request shall be grounds for removal of all signs installed by the entity.

Upon a district receiving a request by a city to install a Welcome To sign(s) on MoDOT right of way

  • The district shall verify the signs being requested meet MUTCD and EPG policy for application
  • The city shall provide details to the district relating to the requested sign locations
  • The district shall fill out the TR42 Agreement with the Exhibits A and B showing the sign details and the sign locations and submit to Central Office Highway Safety and Traffic for review
  • A city ordinance shall be attached to the agreement. An ordinance provides evidence of the city’s assent to enter into an agreement with the Commission
  • Once the agreement is executed, the city, district and Highway Safety and Traffic shall each receive a copy for their records
  • A permit shall be issued for the installation of the signs

Option. The Commission may request maintenance of the signs by the entity, at the entity’s expense.

903.15.4.1 Roles and Responsibilities for Signing Installed and Maintained by Cities and Counties

Support. The Roles and Responsibilities document for signs installed and maintained on MoDOT right of way by cities and counties replaces the TR42 contract for most applications and is only applicable to certain signing programs. The document outlines the jurisdictions’ responsibilities when permitted to install signs on right of way to supplement the permit and serves as the long term document MoDOT will keep on file documenting the approved sign installations.

Standard. The Roles and Responsibilities document shall be executed by the city/county as part of the permit process acknowledging the applicant’s understanding of the terms they are agreeing to with respect to the installation. All work done shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission's Standard Specifications for Highway Construction and the Standard Plans for Highway Construction and MoDOT’s Engineering Policy Guide (EPG) with respect to reflectivity, alignment and placement.

Upon a district receiving a request by a city/county to install a sign(s) on MoDOT right of way

  • The district shall verify the signs being requested meet MUTCD and EPG policy for application
  • The city/county shall provide details to the district relating to the requested sign locations
  • The district shall fill out the Roles and Responsibilities document with the Exhibits A and B showing the sign details and the sign locations and submit to Central Office Highway Safety and Traffic for review
  • Once the agreement is reviewed and executed, the applicant, district and Highway Safety and Traffic shall each receive a copy for their records
  • A permit shall be issued for the installation of the signs and the city/county shall install the signs in accordance with Exhibits C and D included in the Roles and Responsibilities document.

Option. The Commission may request maintenance of the signs by the entity, at the entity’s expense.

903.15.5 TR47 Wayfinding Signing

Support. Refer to EPG 903.7.49 for more information.

Standard. The contract shall be executed between the Commission and the requesting city. The Commission shall allow the city to construct, install and maintain Wayfinding signs under the following conditions:

A. The signs designs shall be reviewed and approved by MoDOT to assure they do not violate the guidelines and regulations of the federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the EPG for size, color and reflectorization.
B. The signs installation locations shall be reviewed and approved by MoDOT to assure they do not interfere with the performance of other normal highway signing or represent any potential hazard to the traveling public.
C. Any additions or revisions to the city’s Wayfinding signing plan, after the execution of the contract, shall be reviewed by MoDOT prior to the modifications.
D. Cities must meet all requirements as outlined in the Key Points document.

All work done shall be in accordance with the latest editions of the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission's Standard Specifications for Highway Construction and the Standard Plans for Highway Construction.

Upon a district receiving a request by a city to install a sign(s) on MoDOT right of way

  • The district shall verify the signs being requested meet MUTCD and EPG policy for application
  • The city shall provide details to the district relating to the requested sign locations
  • The district shall fill out the TR47 Agreement with the Exhibits A and B showing the sign details and the sign locations and submit to Central Office Highway Safety and Traffic for review
  • A city ordinance shall be attached to the agreement. An ordinance provides evidence of the city’s assent to enter into an agreement with the Commission.
  • Once the agreement is executed, the city, district and Highway Safety and Traffic shall each receive a copy for their records
  • A permit shall be issued for the installation of the signs

Option. The Commission may request maintenance of the signs by the entity, at the entity’s expense.