Category:171 Maintenance Policy and Operations

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This article links to other Engineering Policy Guide (EPG) articles to access current policies. The EPG is a combination of former manuals from Right of Way, Design, Bridge, Construction and Materials, Traffic and Maintenance and is the single reference for all engineering guidance.

Related Information
Definitions of shall, may, and should

The EPG replaces the old Maintenance Policy Manual and is to be used by maintenance and other MoDOT personnel to execute daily departmental assignments and deal with external customers.

Direct any questions concerning specific EPG guidance to the division providing the guidance. For example, Maintenance is primarily responsible for guidance about pavement repairs, mowing, litter control and other Maintenance activities. MoDOT employees that are unclear as to which division to contact may send an email to "Engineering Policy". Engineering Policy Services maintains the EPG and assists divisions in developing new policy and revising existing policy.

This article also presents the history of these Maintenance policies.

Where to Find Maintenance Policy Manual Information in the EPG

Article Policy No. Policy Title
ADM(A1) Maintenance Division's Role
ADM(A2) Policy Amendments
ADM(A3) Maintenance of Park Roads
ADM(A4) Construction by Maintenance Forces
ADM(A5) Safety in Maintenance Operations
ADM(A6) Private Property Damage
ADM(A7) Private Property Damage Numbers
ADM(B1) Maintenance Responsibilities in Cities
ADM(B2) Contracts for Maintenance on City Streets
Division Guidelines
ADM(C1) Bulletin Boards
ADM(C2) Maintenance Contracts
ADM(C3) Functional Maintenance
ADM(C4) Roadway Features Inventory
ADM(D1) Cold Weather Operations
ADM(D2) Reimbursement for Meals
ADM(D3) Advanced Right of Way Purchase
ADM(D4) Disaster Preparedness
ADM(D5) Tarping Loads
ADM(D6) Weight / Over Dimension Compliance
ADM(D7) Highway Incident Reporting
Building and Grounds
B&G(A1) Annual Building Inspection
B&G(A2) Unauthorized Use of State Property
B&G(A3) Membership in Fire Protection Districts
B&G(A4) Building Appearance
B&G(A5) Flammable Material Storage Building
B&G(B1) Well Drilling
B&G(B2) ADA Parking
B&G(C1) Propane Tank Requirements
B&G(C2) Fuel Pump Calibration
Highway Patrol
B&G(D1) Fuel
B&G(D2) Weigh Station Obligations
B&G(D3) Portable Scale Turnouts
B&G(D4) Highway Patrol Zone Offices
Roadway Maintenance
RDW(A1) Temporary Pavement Marking
RDW(A2) Longitudinal Crack Pouring / Sealing
RDW(A3) Railroad Crossing
RDW(A4) Roadway Width
RDW(B1) Contract Level Course
RDW(B1) Maintenance Level Course Program
RDW(B1) Cutback Asphalt
RDW(C1) Concrete Replacement
RDW(C2) Calibrated Ready Mix Plants
Shoulders and Approaches
S&A(A1) Additional Median Crossovers
S&A(A2) Sidewalks
S&A(B1) Public and Private Road Approaches
S&A(B2) Driveway Entrance Maintenance Limit
S&A(B3) Access Control
S&A(C1) Edge Ruts
S&A(C2) Culvert Ends
S&A(C3) Rural Mailboxes
Pipe/Water Flow
DRN(A1) Polyethylene Pipe Liner
DRN(A2) Change in Water Inflow and Outflow
DRN(A3) Drainage Pipe Replacement
DRN(A4) Plastic Pipe
DRN(B1) Levee Attachments
DRN(B2) Levee Fees and Taxes
Water Management
DRN(C1) Industrial and Domestic Waste Waters on ROW
DRN(C2) 404 Permits
DRN(C3) Storm Water Regulation
DRN(C4) System Attachments by Others
DRN(C5) Easements
DRN(C6) Watershed Diversion
Grates and Gates
DRN(D1) Bicycle Grates
DRN(D2) Cattle Pass
DRN(D3) Flood Gates
RDS(A1) Commuter Parking Lots
RDS(A2) Roadside Maintenance Activities by Others
RDS(A3) Wetland Mitigation Areas
RDS(A4) Heritage Database Information (HDI)
RDS(A5) Underground Utilities
RDS(B1) Adopt-A-Highway
RDS(B3) Growing Together Program
RDS(B4) Incarcerated Personnel
Rest Areas and Roadside Parks
RDS(C1) Dispensing Free Refreshments
RDS(C2) Rest Area Drinking Water
RDS(C3) Rest Area Sewage Control
RDS(C4) Roadside Park Requirements
RDS(C5) Vending
RDS(D1) Encroachments of Right of Way
RDS(D2) Monuments
Vegetation Management
RDS(E1) Billboard Visibility
RDS(E2) Crops on Right of Way
RDS(E3) Hay Harvesting on Right of Way
RDS(E4) Herbicides
Article Policy No. Policy Title
RDS(E5) Mowing
RDS(E6) Noxious Weed Control
RDS(E7) Plant Collection from Right of Way
RDS(E8) Roadside Burning
RDS(E9) Tree Removal
RDS(E11) National Forest Lands
Bridge Maintenance
BRG(A1) Utility Attachments to Bridges
BRG(A2) Levees
BRG(A3) High Water Marks
BRG(A4) Navigation Lights and Light Tenders
BRG(A5) Corps of Engineers Regulations
BRG(A6) Cathodic Protection
BRG(A7) Work On or Over Railroad Right of Way
Bridge Maintenance
BRG(B1) Bridge Inspections (Span Type and Culvert Type)
BRG(B2) Bridge Maintenance (District)
BRG(B3) Bridge Maintenance (Division)
BRG(C1) Posted Bridge Load Limits
BRG(C2) Vertical Clearance
BRG(C3) Temporary Clearances or Restrictions
BRG(C4) Permits (Overdimension/Overweight)
Snow and Ice Control
SIC(A1) Anti-Icing
SIC(A2) Operational Closure
SIC(A3) Intent
SIC(A4) Winter Operations Communication Plan
SIC(B1) Liquid Chemical
SIC(B2) Storage
SIC(B3) Dry Salt Supply
SIC(B4) Salt Re-orders
SIC(B5) Large Storage Facilities
SIC(B6) Abrasives
SIC(B7) Liquidated Damages
SIC(B8) Pre-wetting
SIC(C1) Slow Moving Vehicle Sign
SIC(C2) Plow Width Delineator
SIC(C3) Truck Lighting
SIC(C4) Cleaning Equipment
SIC(C5) Calibration
SIC(C6) Rented Equipment Lighting
SIC(D1) Personnel from other Divisions
SIC(D2) Training
SIC(D3) Emergency Equipment Operators
SIC(D4) Working Hours
SIC(D5) Shifts
SIC(D6) On Call
SIC(D7) Reimbursement for Meals
SIC(E1) Order of Work
SIC(E2) Mailboxes
SIC(E3) Limits of Work
SIC(E4) Emergencies Off Right of Way
SIC(E5) Safety Precautions
SIC(E6) Statewide Winter Road Condition Report
SIC(E7) Abandoned Vehicle
SIC(E8) Winter Event Database
Solid Waste
ENV(A1) Asbestos
ENV(A2) Solid Waste
ENV(A3) Tire Management
ENV(A4) Street Sweepings
ENV(A5) Antifreeze
ENV(A6) Battery Management
ENV(A7) Disposal of Animal Carcasses
Hazardous Material Spills
ENV(B1) Hazardous Material Spills (Roadway) by Others
ENV(B2) MoDOT Hazardous Material Spills
Rest Areas
ENV(C1) Rest Area Lagoon
ENV(C2) Rest Area Drinking Water
Water Management
ENV(D1) Storm Water Regulations
ENV(D2) Maintenance Operations in Streams
ENV(D3) Well Closures
ENV(E1) Fuel Storage Tanks
ENV(E2) Herbicide Containers
ENV(E3) Empty Drums and Containers
Environmental Compliance
ENV(F1) Threatened or Endangered Species
ENV(F2) Tier II Reporting
Hazardous Waste
ENV(G1) Hazardous Waste Compliance
ENV(G2) Lead Based Paint Abatement
ENV(G3) Equipment Cleaning Solvents
ENV(G4) Used Oil
ENV(G5) Hazardous Waste Reporting
ENV(H1) Open Burning
ENV(H2) Lead Mining Chat
ENV(H3) Sewage Disposal System
ENV(H4) Vehicle Placarding
ENV(H5) Fugitive Dust
ENV(H6) Vehicle Painting
ENV(H7) Environmental Site Assessment
ENV(H8) Salt Runoff
Traffic Control
TRC(A2) Maintain Traffic Control for Field Operations
TRC(A3) Quality Standards for Temporary Traffic Control Devices
Roadside Appurtenances
RAP(A3) Signpost Breakaway Features
RAP(A4) Culvert Ends
Protective Barrier
RAP(B4) Concrete Median Barriers