Category:1039 Polymer Products
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This article establishes procedures for inspecting, acceptance and reporting Type II epoxy, Type III epoxy, polyester bonding agents for dowels and epoxy polymer. Refer to Sec 1039 for MoDOT’s specifications.
For Laboratory testing and sample reporting procedures, refer to EPG 1039.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1039.
1039.1 Apparatus
Appropriate sampling thief and sample cans.
1039.2 Procedure
1039.2.1 Qualified Lists
Lists of qualified manufacturers and brand names of Qualified Type II Epoxy,Qualified Type III Epoxy,Qualified Bonding Agents For Dowels,Qualified Manufacturers and Brand Names of Resin for Epoxy Polymer Wearing Surface and Qualified Epoxy Agents for Resin Anchor Systems.
1039.2.2 Manufacturer and Brand Name Qualification
1039.2.2.1 Type II and Type III Epoxy
If a manufacturer requests to have material added to the list of qualified Type II or Type III Epoxies, refer to the requirements of Sec 1039.10.3 for Type II Epoxy and Sec 1039.20.3 for Type III Epoxy. Following the testing and evaluation, satisfactory products will be placed on the qualified list for Type II or Type III Epoxy.
1039.2.2.2 Epoxy or Polyester Bonding Agents for Dowels
If a manufacturer requests to have material added to the list of qualified bonding agents for dowels, refer to the requirements of Sec 1039.30.4. Following the testing and evaluation, satisfactory products will be placed on the qualified list for bonding agents for dowels. The sample size shall be in accordance with 1039.2.4.1, Sampling of Type II or III Epoxy, Epoxy Bonding Agents for Resin Anchor Systems, Sand for Epoxy Mortar and Epoxy or Polyester Bonding Agents for Dowels.
1039.2.2.3 Epoxy Bonding Agents for Resin Anchor Systems
Epoxy Polymer Overlays |
Report 2007 |
See also: Research Publications |
If a manufacturer requests to have material added to the list of qualified epoxy bonding agents for resin anchor systems, refer to the requirements of Sec 1039.40.4. Following the testing and evaluation, satisfactory products will be placed on the qualified list for bonding agents for dowels.
1039.2.2.4 Epoxy Polymer
If a manufacturer desires to have material added to the list of qualified Resin for Epoxy Polymer Wearing Surface, refer to the requirements of Sec 1039.60.6 and 1039.60.7. Following the testing and evaluation, satisfactory products will be placed on the qualified list for Resin for Epoxy Polymer Wearing Surface. A one-quart (1 L) sample of component A and B, accompanied by a technical data sheet and a material safety data sheet is submitted to Construction and Materials for evaluation.
1039.2.3 Basis of Acceptance
1039.2.3.1 Acceptance of Type II or III Epoxy, Epoxy Bonding Agent for Resin Anchor Systems, and Epoxy or Polyester Bonding Agents for Dowels
Material on the list of qualified Type II or III epoxy, epoxy bonding agent for resin anchor systems, or epoxy or polyester bonding agents for dowels may be accepted for maintenance and construction work on the basis of manufacturer's certification and random sampling and testing, when deemed necessary. Furnish the manufacturer's certification to the receiving district to certify that the material supplied is the same formulation as the material tested for manufacturer and brand name qualification. With approval from the engineer, epoxy bonding agents for resin anchor systems not found on the qualified list, Qualified Epoxy Agents for Resin Anchor Systems, may be used in the repair of prestressed concrete members for bridges.
1039.2.3.2 Acceptance of Epoxy Polymer
Material on the list of qualified resin for epoxy polymer wearing surface may be accepted for construction work on the basis of receipt of notarized certifications, sampling as designated by the engineer, and satisfactory performance in the field. Aggregate that is approved for use in Epoxy Polymer Wearing Surface by Construction and Materials, and has been recommended for use by the manufacturer of the epoxy, is to be accepted based on required certifications, sampling as designated by the engineer, and satisfactory performance in the field.
1039.2.3.3 Acceptance of Sand for Epoxy Mortar
Sand for epoxy mortar may be accepted in the field on the basis of certification by the supplier that the material is in accordance with all requirements of the specification or any time that conditions warrant additional testing to verify compliance. Furnish the manufacturer's certification to the receiving district. Retain a copy of the certification in the district office.
1039.2.4 Sampling
1039.2.4.1 Sampling of Type II or III Epoxy, Epoxy Bonding Agents for Resin Anchor Systems, Sand for Epoxy Mortar, and Epoxy or Polyester Bonding Agents for Dowels
Take samples any time the certification indicates test results approaching the specification limits or any time that conditions warrant additional testing to verify compliance. When samples are taken, the sample size should be as follows:
- Type II Epoxy
- Component A - approx. 1 quart (1 L)
- Component B - approx. 1 quart (1 L)
- Type III Epoxy
- Component A - approx. 1 quart (1 L)
- Component B - approx. 1 quart (1 L)
- Epoxy or Polyester Bonding Agents for Dowels (Bulk)
- Approximately 1 quart (1 L) each of Component A & B
- Epoxy or Polyester Bonding Agents for Dowels (Cartridge)
- 1 set of cartridges and a mixing tube
- Epoxy Bonding Agents for Resin Anchor Systems (Bulk)
- Approximately 1 quart (1 L) each of Component A & B
- Epoxy Bonding Agents for Resin Anchor Systems (Cartridge)
- 1 set of cartridges and a mixing tube
- Sand for Epoxy Mortar
- Approximately 1 quart (1 L) in a friction top can.
Submit samples of material in bulk form to the Laboratory in friction top cans. Properly identify each can as to component. Submit samples of Bonding Agents for Dowels in cartridge form as received. Use AASHTOWARE Project (AWP) and include complete information as to brand name, lot number, and mixing ratio of components. Retain the manufacturer's certification for the lot sampled in the district office.
1039.2.4.2 Sampling of Epoxy Polymer Wearing Surface
1039. Epoxy
Take samples when the total quantity of Epoxy Polymer Wearing Surface, for all projects in combination, exceeds 1200 square yards (1000 square meters). If the total quantity is less than the amount indicated above, the material may be accepted by certification. When sampling and testing is required, each lot number or batch of each component shall be sampled. When samples are taken, the sample size is as follows:
- Epoxy for Epoxy Polymer Wearing Surface
- Component A - approx. 1 quart (1 L)
- Component B - approx. 1 quart (1 L)
Submit samples of material in bulk form to the Laboratory in friction top cans. Properly identify each can as to component. Use AWP and include complete information as to brand name, lot number and mixing ratio of components. Retain the manufacturer's certification for the lot sampled in the district office.
1039. Aggregate
Take corresponding samples of aggregate for gradation testing when samples of epoxy are required.
1039.3 Report (Records)
If the material is accepted in the field, it is reported through AWP. The form must show all pertinent information regarding the material. Retain the certification in the district office. The report is to indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Include appropriate remarks, as described in The Rounding Off Method, in the report to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection.
Distribution of reports for materials purchased under a MoDOT purchase order is to be as described in in EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order.
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