Category:1048 Pavement Marking Material

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Approved and Pre-Qualified List
Qualified Durable Intersection Marking Materials
Qualified Acrylic Co-Polymer Traffic Marking Paint or Acrylic Co-Polymer Fast Dry Traffic Marking Paint
Qualified Temporary Removable Pavement Marking Tapes
Qualified Temporary Non-Removable Pavement Marking Tapes
Qualified Extruded Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Materials
Qualified Drop On Glass Beads for Pavement Marking Material
Qualified Hot Spray Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Material
Qualified Manufacturers of Acrylic Waterborne Pavement Marking Paint
Qualified Manufacturers of High Build Acrylic Waterborne Pavement Marking Paint
Qualified Epoxy Traffic Marking Paint
Qualified Temporary Raised Pavement Markers
Qualified (Perm) Snowplowable Raised Markers
Qualified Manufacturers of Cold Weather Acrylic Waterborne Pavement Marking Paint
MGS Information
Current General Services Specifications (MGS) By Subject

This article establishes procedures for inspecting and reporting of pavement marking material. Refer to Sec 1048 for MoDOT’s specifications.

For Laboratory testing and sample reporting procedures, refer to EPG 1048.3 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1048.

1048.1 Apparatus

(a) Micrometer or vernier caliper capable of measuring to 0.0001 in. (0.00254 mm) and accurate to within at least 0.001 in. (0.0254 mm).

(b) Rule with suitable graduations to accurately measure the material to be inspected.

(c) One-quart (1 L) friction top cans that are clean, dry and free of all contaminants.

1048.2 Procedure

1048.2.1 Durable Intersection Marking Materials

1048.2.1.1 Qualified List

A list of qualified durable intersection marking materials will be maintained by Construction and Materials. To obtain prequalification of any durable intersection marking materials, the manufacturer must submit AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions test deck data from a northern test deck to Construction and Materials for evaluation. Following the evaluation of the data, one year of field evaluation in Missouri may be required. Once all evaluations are complete and satisfactory, the product will be placed on a list of durable intersection marking.

1048.2.1.2 Certification

For acceptance on the project, the contractor must furnish a manufacturer's certification stating the manufacturer and brand name, and certifying that the material furnished is of the same composition as originally qualified.

1048.2.1.3 Inspection

Preformed products can be inspected to assure it is in good condition, free of cracks and with straight and unbroken edges before it is applied as well as inspecting adhesion and alignment. Liquid product can be inspected during and after application to assure proper alignment, bead application and embedment as well as general appearance.

Traffic Paint and Beads
Report 2005
See also: Research Publications

1048.2.1.4 Sampling

Take samples any time the inspector considers sampling necessary. For preformed material, the sample should consist of one piece, full width, not less than 20 ft. (6 m) long. If questions arise with the liquid products, sample of the product pre-application would be taken. The sample should be submitted to the Laboratory accompanied by a properly completed AASHTOWARE Project (AWP) record showing the manufacturer's name, the brand name and designation of the material, lot number, and net quantity.

1048.2.1.5 Sample Record

Report durable intersection marking materials through AWP. Retain the manufacturer's certification in the district office.

Distribution of reports for materials purchased under a MoDOT purchase order is to be as described in EPG 1101 Materials Purchased by a Department Purchase Order.

1048.2.2 Extruded Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Material

1048.2.2.1 Qualified List

A list of qualified extruded thermoplastic pavement marking material will be maintained by Construction and Materials. The list is shown in Qualified Extruded Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Materials. To obtain qualification of any extruded thermoplastic pavement marking material, the manufacturer must submit one 50-pound (20 kg) sample of material packaged in accordance with Sec 1048 to Construction and Materials for testing and evaluation. Following the testing and evaluation, satisfactory materials will be placed on a list of qualified extruded thermoplastic plastic pavement marking materials.

1048.2.2.2 Certification

For acceptance on the project, the contractor must furnish a manufacturer's certification for each composition batch contained in the inspection lots, certifying that the thermoplastic material supplied is in accordance with all requirements of Sec 1048. The certification must include or have attached typical results of tests for all specified requirements.

1048.2.2.3 Sampling and Testing

Take samples any time the certification indicates test results approaching the specification limits or any time the inspector considers sampling necessary. If sampling is performed, take samples of thermoplastic marking material from each lot presented for inspection. A lot is defined as 22,000 pounds (10,000 kg), or fraction thereof. The sample size consists of one 50-pound (20 kg) sample of material packaged in accordance with Sec 1048. Submit the sample to the Laboratory using AWP, showing the manufacturer's name, the brand name and designation of the material, lot number, and net quantity. The Laboratory may return the sample material to the district from which it originated.

1048.2.2.4 Sample Record

Report thermoplastic pavement marking material though AWP and retain the manufacturer's certification in the district office.

1048.2.3 Preformed Removable Pavement Marking Tape

1048.2.3.1 Qualified List

A list of qualified preformed removable pavement marking tape will be maintained by Construction and Materials. The list is shown in Qualified Preformed Removable Pavement Marking Tapes. To obtain qualification of any preformed removable pavement marking tape, the manufacturer must submit material and application specifications, and a 150-ft. (45 m) sample of the tape to Construction and Materials for testing and evaluation. The quantity, types and widths of marking tape submitted must be as directed by Construction and Materials. Following the testing and evaluation, satisfactory markers will be placed on a list of qualified preformed removable pavement marking tapes.

1048.2.3.2 Acceptance

Accept preformed removable pavement marking tape appearing on the list of qualified materials on the basis of brand name, visual inspection and field performance. Inspection may be performed by Materials or Construction personnel. Complete a sample record in AWP showing the manufacturer's name, the brand name and designation of the material, lot number, and net quantity.

1048.2.4 Preformed Short Term Pavement Marking Tape

1048.2.4.1 Qualified List

A list of qualified preformed short-term pavement marking tape will be maintained by Construction and Materials. The list is shown in Qualified Preformed Short Term Pavement Marking Tapes. To obtain qualification of any preformed short term pavement marking tape, the manufacturer must submit material and application specifications, and a 20-ft. (6 m) sample of the tape to Construction and Materials for testing and evaluation. The quantity, types, and widths of marking tape submitted must be as directed by Construction and Materials. Following the testing and evaluation, satisfactory products will be placed on a list of qualified preformed short term pavement marking tapes.

1048.2.4.2 Acceptance

Accept preformed short term pavement marking tape appearing on the list of qualified materials on the basis of brand name, visual inspection and field performance. Inspection may be performed by Materials or Construction personnel. Complete a sample record in AWP showing the manufacturer's name, the brand name and designation of the material, lot number, and net quantity.

1048.2.5 Hot Spray Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Material

A list of qualified hot spray thermoplastic pavement marking material will be maintained by Construction and Materials. The list is shown in Qualified Hot Spray Thermoplastic Pavement Marking Material. Qualification, certification, sampling, testing and reporting are the same as for extruded thermoplastic pavement marking material.

1048.2.6 Drop-on Glass Beads

Traffic Paint and Beads
Report 2005
See also: Research Publications

1048.2.6.1 Qualified List

A list of qualified Type 1, Type L and Type P drop-on glass beads will be maintained by Construction and Materials. The list is shown in Qualified Drop On Glass Beads for Pavement Marking Material. To obtain qualification of drop-on glass beads, the manufacturer must submit a one quart (1 L) sample in a friction top can to Construction and Materials for testing and evaluation. Following the testing and evaluation, satisfactory beads will be placed on a list of qualified dropon glass beads.

1048.2.6.2 Certification

For acceptance on the project, the contractor must furnish a manufacturer's certification for each lot, certifying that the beads supplied are in accordance with all requirements of Sec 1048. The certification must include, or have attached, specific results of tests performed for roundness, refractive index, flow characteristics and gradation. The certifications must show the quantity and lot number.

1048.2.6.3 Sampling and Testing

Obtain samples any time the certification indicates test results approaching the specification limits or any time the inspector considers sampling necessary. If sampling is performed, obtain samples of glass beads from each lot presented for inspection. A lot is defined as 10,000 pounds (4500 kg), or fraction thereof. The sample size should consist of one quart (1 L) of beads in a friction top can. Beads may be delivered in 2000-pound (907 kg) bulk cartons, 2400-pound (1088 kg) bulk bags or 50-pound (22.7 kg) bags. For bulk cartons or bulk bags, obtain a sample from a container using a sampling thief. When sampling with the thief, retrieve portions from the center and each corner of the container. When sampling beads supplied in 50-pound (22.7 kg) bags, retrieve a composite sample with a sampling thief from at least three representative bags from the lot. Obtain a sample of beads sufficient to fill a one-quart (1 L) can. As the samples are obtained, identify each can with the inspector's AWP sample ID number and consecutive letters of the alphabet, i.e., 4MHES001A, 4MHES001B, 4MHES001C, etc. Mark the container from which each sample is taken with the sample's identification number for future reference. Submit the sample to the Laboratory through an AWP record showing the manufacturer's name, lot number, and net quantity.

1048.2.6.4 Sample Record

Report drop-on glass beads through AWP and retain the manufacturer's certification in the district office.

1048.2.7 Acrylic Waterborne Traffic Marking Paint

1048.2.7.1 Qualified List

There are three acrylic waterborne traffic marking paints:

  • acrylic waterborne
  • cold weather acrylic waterborne and
  • high build acrylic waterborne.

A list of qualified suppliers of each acrylic waterborne traffic marking paint is maintained by Construction and Materials. The three lists are Qualified Manufacturers of Acrylic Waterborne Pavement Marking Paint, Qualified Manufacturers of Cold Weather Acrylic Waterborne Pavement Marking Paint and Qualified Manufacturers of High Build Acrylic Waterborne Pavement Marking Paint. The lists are based on those suppliers who submit material meeting the requirements of the specification for MoDOT General Services bids. The list is updated yearly. NOTE: There may be instances where this list is empty, i.e., all paint is to be considered non-qualified and must be sampled.

1048.2.7.2 Sampling and Testing

Samples consisting of two one-quart (1 L) samples for each color are required for non-qualified paints and may be submitted to the Laboratory as desired for qualified suppliers.

1048.2.7.3 Acceptance

Acrylic waterborne and high build acrylic waterborne traffic marking paint from qualified suppliers must be sampled and approved for each lot of material offered for inspection prior to acceptance. The Cognos Report, Paint Sample Cross References, can be used to verify which lots of paint have been submitted to the Central Laboratory for testing.

1048.2.7.4 Sample Record

Report paint through AWP, indicating either acceptance by certification with the certification retained in the district office or acceptance by testing, with reference to the laboratory tests.

1048.2.8 Acrylic Co-Polymer Traffic Marking Paint

1048.2.8.1 Qualified List

A list of qualified suppliers of acrylic co-polymer traffic marking paint is maintained by Construction and Materials. The list is shown in Qualified Acrylic Co-Polymer Traffic Marking Paint or Acrylic Co-Polymer Fast Dry Traffic Marking Paint and is based on those suppliers who submit material meeting the requirements of the specification for MoDOT General Services bids. The list is updated yearly. NOTE: There may be instances where this list is empty, i.e., all paint is to be considered non-qualified.

1048.2.8.2 Sampling and Testing

Samples consisting of two one-quart (1 L) samples for each color are required for non-qualified paints and may be submitted to the Laboratory as desired for qualified suppliers.

1048.2.8.3 Acceptance

Acrylic co-polymer traffic marking paint from qualified suppliers may be accepted by certification. Non-qualified suppliers must be sampled and approved for each lot of material offered for inspection prior to acceptance. This material may be accepted as a substitute for acrylic waterborne traffic marking paint, however, it may not be accepted in lieu of high-build acrylic waterborne traffic marking paint.

1048.2.8.4 Sample Record

Report paint through AWP, indicating either acceptance by certification with the certification retained in the district office or acceptance by testing with reference to the laboratory tests.

1048.2.9 Epoxy Traffic Marking Material

1048.2.9.1 Qualified List

A list of qualified suppliers of epoxy traffic marking material is maintained by Construction and Materials. The list is shown in Qualified Epoxy Traffic Marking Paint. To obtain qualification of drop-on epoxy traffic marking material, the manufacturer must submit a one-quart (1 L) sample of each component in a friction top can to Construction and Materials for testing and evaluation. In addition, the requirements of Sec 1048.1 apply.

1048.2.9.2 Sampling and Testing

Samples consisting of one quart (1 L) of each component are required. Two one-quart (L) samples of Type 1 drop-on glass beads are required. Extra caution should be exercised when sampling each component of epoxy traffic marking paint to ensure that the material is representative. Some components may be prone to separation and require vigorous stirring or agitation prior to obtaining samples.

1048.2.9.3 Acceptance

Epoxy traffic marking paint must be sampled and approved for each lot of material offered for inspection prior to acceptance.

1048.2.9.4 Sample Record

Report paint through AWP, indicating acceptance by testing with reference to the laboratory tests.

1048.2.10 Temporary Raised Pavement Markers

1048.2.10.1 Qualified List

A list of qualified temporary raised pavement markers will be maintained by Construction and Materials. The list is shown in Qualified Temporary Raised Pavement Markers. To obtain qualification of any temporary raised pavement marker, the manufacturer must submit material and application specifications, and a sample consisting of 6 representative markers to Construction and Materials for testing and evaluation. Following the testing and evaluation, satisfactory markers will be placed on a list of qualified temporary raised pavement markers.

1048.2.10.2 Acceptance

Temporary raised pavement markers appearing on the list of qualified materials may be accepted on the basis of brand name, visual inspection and field performance. Inspection may be performed by Materials or Construction personnel. Complete a sample record in AWP showing the manufacturer's name, the brand name and designation of the material, lot number, and net quantity.

1048.2.11 General Reporting

Unless otherwise indicated, all reports are to indicate acceptance, qualified acceptance, or rejection. Appropriate remarks, as described in EPG 106.20 Reporting, are to be included in the report to clarify conditions of acceptance or rejection.

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