104.7 Scoping Estimates

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Estimates based on cost per mile shall in no case be considered to contain sufficient detail to allow their inclusion in the STIP.

The scoping estimate is used to determine solutions for a project. There may be multiple scoping estimates for a project since there are multiple solutions for a project. The district determines which solution best fits the purpose and need of the project and begins preliminary plans stage during which the Program Estimate is complete. The Program Estimate shall not use the cost per mile pricing because there are too many unknowns and assumptions made during the scoping stage of a project to produce an accurate Program Estimate. The Program Estimate shall be at the preliminary plans stage after 30% of the plans are completed.


The Project Scoping Form is available for detailed documentation of various project design elements of the project in order to assist the project estimator in covering all applicable project elements while establishing the conceptual estimate. Although not required, the Project Scoping Form can be used to establish a detailed project overview of all likely applicable costs, and while the tool itself does not yield an estimate, it does serve to clearly define and document the various project elements which combine to impact the project cost. This documentation will be beneficial as the project moves forward into preliminary design and programming.

For preventative maintenance treatments, the Resurfacing Per Mile Scoping Form spreadsheet has basic inputs for average unit prices and the applicable work types. The spreadsheet generates a per mile cost for most resurfacing projects based upon the intended project elements to be included. When combined with BidTabs.net, this tool allows the user to quickly compare alternative treatments with costs based upon the specific unit costs for the project specific area. By comparing the specific costs for each alternative, the project staff can select the best overall treatment in terms of cost and benefits for each project.

The cost per mile assumption used to develop the scoping estimate should be derived using data from similar, recently-awarded, projects in the region.

Where similar projects are not found, the Cost Estimate Guide for Scoping may be used. The Cost Estimate Guide for Scoping includes cost per mile factors derived from similar projects as well as the generic factors. These factors typically are for the major items of work and do not include other anticipated work that would be required to construct the project. All other anticipated construction costs should be included in the scoping estimate which is typically assumed at 20% but may be more or less depending on the project.

For Advanced Work Zone traffic techniques, refer to EPG 616.13, Work Zone Capacity, Queue and Travel Delay and utilize Section B of the Enhanced MoDOT Work Zone Impact Analysis Spreadsheet for cost estimates.

Maintenance of Traffic Operations During Construction (Sec 104.7.3)

Work by MoDOT Forces during a Contract Road/Bridge Closure

Contract road or bridge closures can provide an excellent opportunity for MoDOT forces to safely and efficiently perform inspections or certain maintenance activities without the burden of live traffic. Since routine maintenance is the contractor’s responsibility during the project, and MoDOT’s maintenance work activity is contractually limited, any special maintenance activity should be pre-planned and specified in the contract proposal as a Job Special Provision (JSP). The JSP should clearly define the terms and conditions, including details of the coordination of activities between the contractor and MoDOT forces and the maximum time period to be allowed for the activity. The Resident Engineer (RE) will discuss the planned activity during the pre-construction conference and will coordinate the work between the parties.

If the desired activity is not pre-planned and specified in the contract, upon reqest, the RE can still attempt to negotiate an agreement with the contractor, but options may be limited at that point and may add costs to the contract.

Sec 104.7 defines contractual maintenance responsibilities within the project limits during construction. The contractor maintenance responsibilities begin with the start of any construction activity and end when the engineer accepts the project for maintenance (see EPG Acceptance for Maintenance). Routine maintenance activities, except for those allowed per Sec 104.7, or as allowed per other contract provisions, should not be performed by MoDOT forces unless otherwise coordinated with the contractor. This coordination of activities is necessary to avoid subjecting the contractor to liability for activities that are not part of their contract, and to avoid subjecting the Commission to liability for adjacent contractor activities.

All Commission activities on the project related to emergency repairs, and actions related to public health and safety, are allowable without notification of the contractor. Examples of emergency MoDOT work include: assisting law enforcement in a major traffic incident, sudden closures due to flooding, re-routing of traffic for an unexpected event, repairing a roadway or structure after the contractor fails to perform the repair timely (see Sec 105.14 for assessment of costs). Responsibility for repair of traffic signals that are part of the contract shifts to the contractor once contract work begins on those signals. Responsibility for repair of signals within the project limits that are not being upgraded as part of the contract should be planned prior to the work, such as during the pre-construction conference.

Routine maintenance activities performed by MoDOT within the project limits are generally limited to snow/ice control and partial mowing activity. The contractor is responsible for controlling the height of the vegetation as it relates to traffic safety, however, routine (non-safety related) mowing of the right of way remains MoDOT’s responsibility. Mowing by MoDOT should not interfere with the contractor’s activity and should be coordinated through the Resident Engineer in order to avoid any conflict. All other non-emergency MoDOT maintenance work should be postponed until the project is complete, except for work that is planned and coordinated with the contractor through the Resident Engineer (see sidebar for planned work).