771.16 Penetrating Concrete Sealer - Silane

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Code: R322

Silane surface treatment helps to seal bridge decks by creating a hydrophobic barrier that prevents the intrusion of water and chlorides into the bridge deck. The following conditions should be considered when applying silane:

  • Silane should be applied to concrete bridge deck surfaces. Silane should not be applied to bituminous or epoxy sealed surfaces.
  • Apply prior to use of crack fillers as it can increase adhesion and provide protection to concrete.
  • The work should be performed with surface temperatures between 40°F and 90°F. Cooler temperatures will prevent loss of product due to evaporation, but increases cure time. Nighttime applications are encouraged during summer applications.
  • Decks should be clean and dry prior to application. The presence of moisture will completely stop silane penetration.
  • Remove any loose dirt immediately prior to the application of the product.
  • Apply with a low-pressure, high-volume sprayer. Avoid application with hand pump sprayers.
  • Apply at a rate of 200 sq. ft./gal. When applying product, be careful not to get overspray on vehicles. Allow product to penetrate the bridge deck and dry prior to opening to traffic.

Silane should be applied on all new concrete bridge decks. If additional cracking occurs, reapplication should be considered in the first 3 years. Additional applications are recommended at 7- to 10-year intervals.


Silane should be applied according to manufacturer’s recommendations. See Sec 1053.10 for specification.

Health, Environment and Guidance

Work crews should wear appropriate PPE and follow manufacturer’s recommendations when applying. Runoff from crack sealing needs to be controlled to prevent contamination of waterways and property damage. Refer to MSDS additional information. See R322 Bridge Seal Coats Maintenance Planning Guidelines for additional information.