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- 102.1 Construction Inspection Guidance for Sec 102
- 102.2 Contractor Performance Rating System
- 1020.1 Apparatus
- 1020.2 Procedure
- 1020.3 Sample Record
- 1020.4 Tables
- 1020.5 Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) Inspection Guide
- 1020.6 Sampling Corrugated Metallic-Coated Steel Sheets
- 1020.7 Sampling Base Metal Sheets or Coils
- 1020.8 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1020
- 1026.7 Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) Inspection Guide
- 1026.8 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1026
- 1028.4 Corrugated Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe Inspection Guide
- 1028.5 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1028
- 103.1 Bid Opening and Award Process
- 103.2 Contract Bond for Sec 103.4
- 1032.3 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1032
- 1033.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1033
- 1035.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1035
- 1036.7 Laboratory Testing for Sec 1036
- 1039.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1039
- 104.10 Management Concurrence
- 104.11 Project Scoping Documentation
- 104.12 Scope Changes (Scope, Estimate or Fiscal Year)
- 104.13 Construction Inspection Guidance for Sec 104
- 104.1 Core Team
- 104.2 Project Scoping
- 104.3 Timeline
- 104.4 Completion of Scoping
- 104.5 Items to be Considered and Addressed
- 104.6 Project Scoping Checklists
- 104.7 Estimates
- 104.7 Scoping Estimates
- 104.8 Public Involvement in Project Scoping
- 104.9 Environmental Considerations
- 1040.5 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1040
- 1041.8 Polypropylene Pipe (PP) Pipe Inspection Guide
- 1042.1 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1042
- 1042.2 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1042
- 1043.5 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1043
- 1044.5 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1044
- 1045.4 Non-Standard Colors of Structural Steel Paint
- 1045.5 Policy on Color of Structural Steel Paint
- 1045.6 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1045
- 1047.5 Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Pipe Inspection Guide
- 1047.6 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1047
- 1047.8 Polyethylene Pipe (HDPE) Pipe Inspection Guide
- 1047.9 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1047
- 1048.3 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1048
- 1049.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1049
- 105.1. Authority and Duties in Contract Administration (Sec 105.1)
- 105.10 Inspection of Work (Sec 105.10)
- 105.11 Unauthorized and Defective Work (Sec 105.11)
- 105.12 Load Restrictions
- 105.13 Maintenance of the Work (Sec 105.13)
- 105.14 Failure to Maintain Roadway or Structure (Sec 105.14)
- 105.15 Project Acceptance
- 105.16 Controversies and Claims for Adjustment (Sec 105.16)
- 105.17 Venue (Sec 105.17)
- 105.18 Arbitration (Sec 105.18)
- 105.19 Digital Signatures (Sec 105.19)
- 105.2. Plans and Working Drawings (Sec 105.2)
- 105.20 Adjusting Water Service Leads
- 105.21 Agreement for Shifting State Highway Entrance
- 105.22 Duties of the District Construction and Materials Engineer
- 105.3. Conformity with Contract Documents (Sec 105.3)
- 105.4 Coordination of Contract Documents (Sec 105.4)
- 105.5 Cooperation by Contractor (Sec 105.5)
- 105.6 Cooperation Between Contractors (Sec 105.6)
- 105.7 Cooperation With Utilities (Sec 105.7)
- 105.8 Construction Stakes, Lines and Grades (Sec 105.8)
- 105.9 Authority and Duties of Resident Engineer (Sec 105.9)
- 1050.5 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1050
- 1054.3 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1054
- 1055.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1055
- 1057.4 Laboratory Testing for Sec 1057
- 1059.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1059
- 106.10 Missouri Domestic Products Requirement
- 106.11 Metric Implementation
- 106.12 Pre-Acceptance Lists (PAL)
- 106.12 Qualified Lists (QL) and Pre-Acceptance Lists (PAL)
- 106.13 Quality Control/Quality Assurance
- 106.14 Proprietary Items
- 106.15 Pipe Shipping Report Form
- 106.16 Special Designs
- 106.16 Special Designs and Shop Drawings
- 106.17 New Product Evaluation
- 106.18 Technician Certification Program
- 106.19 Materials Acceptance
- 106.1 Source of Supply and Quality Requirements
- 106.20 Reporting
- 106.21 Summary of Materials Inspected
- 106.22 Material Inspection Revisions
- 106.23 Online Research Publications (Innovation Library)
- 106.23 Online Research Publications (Research Publications)
- 106.24 Purchase Order Items
- 106.2 Local Materials Sources
- TM-10, Specific Gravity Coarse Aggregate for Bituminous Mixtures
- TM-11, Static Immersion Stripping Test
- TM-12, Stripping of Bituminous-Aggregate Mixtures, Boil Method for Seal Coats
- TM-13
- TM-14, Soundness Test of Coarse Aggregate - Water-Alcohol Freeze Method
- TM-15
- TM-16
- TM-17
- TM-18, Smolder Resistance of Jute Netting
- TM-19, Measurement of Pavement Surface Texture Depth by the Sand-Patch Method
- TM-1, Alkalinity of Glass Fiber Mat Materials
- TM-20, Measurement of Air, Surface or Bituminous Mixture Temperature
- TM-21, Determination of Cobalt in Tungsten Carbide Inserts
- TM-22, Determination of Percent Open Area of Plastic Filter Cloth
- TM-23, Determination of Equivalent Opening Size of Plastic Filter Cloth
- TM-24
- TM-25, Determination of Chlorine in Chlorinated Rubber and Chlorinated Paraffin
- TM-26, Determination of Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate in Lime and Pigment Materials
- TM-27, Determination of Calcium Oxide and Magnesium Oxide in Hydrated Lime
- TM-28
- TM-28, Determination of Potash in Fertilizer
- TM-29, Determination of Nitrogen in Liquid Fertilizers
- TM-2
- TM-30
- TM-31
- TM-32, Determination of Purity of Sodium Chloride
- TM-33
- TM-34, Determination of Phosphorus in Lubricants
- TM-35, Moisture Offset Factor for a Nuclear Gauge
- TM-36, Density of Plastic Portland Cement Concrete by Nuclear Gauge
- TM-37, Apparent Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Mixtures
- TM-38, Determination of Dew Point for Structural Steel Painting
- TM-39, Pull-Out Tests on Expansive Mortars
- TM-3
- TM-40, A One-Point Moisture-Density Relations Test for Soils
- TM-41, Density Testing of Bituminous Mixtures with Nuclear Gauges
- TM-45, Determination of Dry Film Coating Thickness Using Magnetic Gauges
- TM-46, Analysis of Cement, Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag and Fly Ash
- TM-46, Analysis of Cements and Fly Ashes
- TM-47
- TM-48, Determination of the Purity of Calcium Chloride
- TM-49, Pull-Out Tests on Chemical Bonding Agents
- TM-4
- TM-50, Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate (Rapid Method)
- TM-51, Determination of Bitumen in Bituminous Paving Mixtures
- TM-52, Determination of Magnesium Chloride in Magnesium Chloride Brine
- TM-53, Determination of Moisture Content of Bituminous Mixtures
- TM-54, Asphalt Cement Content of Bituminous Mixtures by the Nuclear Method
- TM-55, Determination of Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium in Soils
- TM-56, Determination of Sodium Metasilicate (Na2SiO3)
- TM-57, Determination of Manganese and/or Copper in Steel
- TM-58, Determination of Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) in Commercial Fertilizers
- TM-59, Determination of the International Roughness Index
- TM-59, Determination of the Profilograph Index
- TM-5
- TM-60, Test of Cellulose and Mineral Fibers for SMA Mixtures
- TM-61, Asphalt Draindown Test Procedure for Stone Mastic Asphalt Mixtures
- TM-62, Prequalification of Dust Suppressants
- TM-63, Determination of Compatibility of Asphalt Release Agents with Hot Asphaltic Concrete
- TM-64, Deflection Testing of Pavement
- TM-64, Void Detection and Undersealing Verification Testing of Concrete Pavement with a Falling Weight Deflectometer
- TM-66, Aggregate Sample Reduction
- TM-67, Preparation of Concrete for Use in AASHTO T161 Freeze and Thaw
- TM-68
- TM-6
- TM-70, Glass Bead Tests
- TM-71, Deleterious Content of Aggregate
- TM-72, Sweep Test of Bituminous Surface Treatment Samples
- TM-73, Volume of Voids in Compacted Filler or Fines
- TM-74, Pullout Tests on Epoxy Bonding Agents for Resin Anchor Systems
- TM-75, Determining Segregation Using the Nuclear Density Gauge
- TM-76, Acid Insoluble Residue
- TM-77, Determining the Binder Ignition Aggregate Correction Factor for Mixtures Containing Rap
- TM-78, Los Angeles Abrasion for Lightweight Aggregate
- TM-79, Procedure to Prepare Aggregate to Determine the Plasticity Index
- TM-7
- TM-7, Rebound Hammer for Opening Strength of Full Depth Concrete Pavement Repairs
- TM-80, Measurement of Retroreflectivity by Handheld Retroreflectometers
- TM-81, Specific Gravity and Absorption of Aggregate Using Automatic Vacuum Sealing Method
- TM-82, Concrete Uniformity
- TM-83, Field Estimation of Water Permeability of Compacted Asphalt Paving Mixtures
- Pipe Laser Profile Calibration
- TM-84, Pipe Laser Profile Calibration
- TM-85 Determination of Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA) in Performance Graded (PG) Asphalt Binders
- TM-86 Preparation of Samples for Surface Sealer Wet Track Abrasion
-, No-Pick-Up Time for Tack Coats
- TM-87 No-Pick-Up Time for Tack Coats
- TM-88 Bond Strength Test for Tack Coat
- TM-89 Determination of Aluminum Oxide in High Friction Surface Treatments (HFST)
- TM-8, Photometric Test for Measuring the Brightness of Reflective Sheeting
-, Determination of Chemical Components in Asphalt and Non-Asphalt Rejuvenators
- TM-91, Determination of Total Sulfur in Fly Ash by Sodium Carbonate fusion
- TM-92, Determination of Sulfide sulfur by oxidation of blended slag cements
- TM-93, Alkali Carbonate Reactivity Screening
- TM-94 Identification of Penetrating Emulsified Asphalts
- TM-95 Mass Retention of Emulsified Asphalts Subjected to Water Droplets
- TM-9, Resilience of Hot-Poured Elastic Type Joint Sealer
- 106.3.2 Material Inspection Test Methods
- 106.3 Samples, Tests and Cited Specifications
- 106.4 Plant Inspections
- 106.5 Storage of Materials
- 106.6 Handling Material
- 106.7 Unacceptable Material
- 106.8 Material Furnished by the Commission
- 106.9 Buy America Requirement
- 1060.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1060
- 1066.4 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1066
- 1070.3 Laboratory Testing Guidelines for Sec 1070
- 119.1 Definitions
- 119.2 General
- 119.3 Establishing a Standard Project Schedule
- 119.4 Setting Schedule Baseline and Baseline Modifications
- 119.5 Major Milestones
- 119.6 Project Schedule Updates
- 119.7 Project Schedule Communication and Collaboration
- 120.1 Pavements
- 120.2 Shoulders
- 120.3 Bridges
- 120.4 Traffic Control
- 120.5 Roadside Features
- 120.6 Roadsides
- 120.7 Drainage
- 120.8 Welcome Centers
- 120.9 Uninterrupted Traffic Flow
- 121.1 Public Involvement and Decision-Making
- 121.2 121.2 The Planning Framework for Transportation Decision-Making
- 121.2 The Planning Framework for Transportation Decision-Making
- 121.2 The Planning Process
- 121.3 The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
- 121.4 Quality Assurance / Quality Control for Project Prioritization
- 121.5 Asset Management
- 121.5 Prioritization Factors
- 121.6 STIP Amendments
- 121.7 Program Estimates
- 127.10 Section 4(f) Public Lands
- 127.11 Farmland Conversion
- 127.12 Air Quality
- 127.13 Noise
- 127.14 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Classification and Documents
- 127.15 Reevaluation of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Documents
- 127.16 Wetland and Stream Mitigation
- 127.17 Wetland and Stream Mitigation Banking
- 127.18 Job Special Provisions (JSP) and Contract Documents
- 127.19 Section 404 Clean Water Act for Bridge Demolitions
- 127.1 Request for Environmental Services
- 127.20 Stream Stewardship Trust Fund in-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program
- 127.21 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Buyout Properties
- 127.21 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Buyout Properties
- 127.22 Off-Site Borrow, Spoil, and Staging Areas
- 127.23 Negotiated Commitments and Mitigation in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Process
- 127.24 Speleological Findings
- 127.25 Maintenance Environmental Policies
- 127.26 Environmental Classification
- 127.27 Guidelines for Obtaining Environmental Clearance for Off-Site Activities
- 127.27 Guidelines for Obtaining Environmental Clearance for Project Specific Locations
- 127.28 Linking Planning and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- 127.28 Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- 127.29 Storm Water
- 127.29 Stormwater
- 127.2 Historic Preservation and Cultural Resources
- 127.3 Community Impact Assessment
- 127.4 Wetlands and Streams
- 127.7 Threatened and Endangered Species
- 127.7 Threatened and Endangered Species (T&E)
- 127.8 Hazardous and Solid Waste
- 127.9 Floodplain Management
- 127.9 Floodplain Management and the Regulatory Floodway
- 130.3 Project Manager’s Guide
- 130.4 Value Engineering Team Leader Guide
- 130.6 Project Manager’s Guide
- 130.7 Value Engineering Team Leader Guide
- 131.1 Design Exception Process
- 131.2 Proprietary Items and Public Interest Findings
- 131.4 Design Exception Process
- 131.5 Proprietary Items and Public Interest Findings
- 132.1 Material Inspection for Safety
- 132.2 Construction Inspection Guidelines for Safety Precautions
- 132.2 Missouri's Blueprint - A Partnership Toward Zero Deaths
- 132.2 Missouri's Blueprint to Arrive Alive
- 132.2 Missouri's Blueprint to Save More Lives
- 132.3 Construction Inspection Guidelines for Safety Precautions
- 132.4 Highway Safety Plan and Performance Plan
- 133.1 Materials for Snow and Ice Control
- 133.2 Equipment for Snow and Ice Control
- 133.3 Snow and Ice Control Personnel
- 133.4 Snow and Ice Control Operations
- 133.5 Operator’s Guide for Anti-Icing
- 135.1 Guidelines for Good Contractor Relationships
- 135.2 Public Contacts
- 135.3 Inter-Departmental Relations
- 135.4 Required Notices and Posters
- 135.5 Labor Compliance
- 135.6 Equal Employment Opportunity
- 136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award
- 136.10 Construction Authorization and Letting
- 136.11 Local Public Agency Construction
- 136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links
- 136.12 Figures and Glossary
- 136.12 Reimbursement and Auditing
- 136.13 Glossary
- 136.13 LPA Policy Changes
- 136.14 Helpful Information and Links
- 136.1 General
- 136.1 Introduction
- 136.2 Bridge Soft Match Credit Program
- 136.2 Certification and Training
- 136.3 Federal Aid Basics
- 136.3 Project Selection and Programming
- 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management
- 136.4 Environmental and Cultural Requirements
- 136.5 Agreements
- 136.5 Non-Infrastructure
- 136.6 Consultant Contracts
- 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements
- 136.7 Design
- 136.7 Right of Way and Public Hearings
- 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition
- 136.8 Preliminary Design
- 136.9 Final Design
- 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE)
- 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PS & E)
- 141.1 Cost Share/Economic Development Program
- 141.1 Cost Share Program
- 141.2 Missouri Transportation Finance Corporation (MTFC) Loans
- 141.3 Local Funding Options
- 141.4 Partnership Development Process
- 141.4 Transportation Improvement Program Amendments
- 141.5 Dispute Resolution Process
- 141.6 Acronyms and Definitions
- 141.7 Transportation Improvement Program Approval
- 141.8 Sponsorship Programs
- 144.5 Pavement Maintenance
- 147.1 Alternative Technical Concepts
- 147.2 Add Alternate Bidding
- 147.3 Job Order Contracting (JOC)
- 147.4 Fixed Price Variable Scope (FPVS) Contracting
- 153.10 Design – Escrow
- 153.10 Financial Services
- 153.11 Financial Services
- 153.11 General Services
- 153.12 General Services
- 153.12 Highway Safety
- 153.13 Highway Safety
- 153.13 Human Resources
- 153.14 Human Resources
- 153.14 Information Systems
- 153.15 Information Systems
- 153.15 Maintenance