LPA:136.12 Figures, Glossary and Other Useful Links
136.12.1 Figures
EPG 136.1 Introduction | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.1 | Project Flowchart for Local Federal-Aid Projects |
136.1.1 | LPA Planning Process Chart |
136.1.2 | MoDOT Programming Process Chart |
136.1.3 | Right of Way Process |
136.1.4 | Preliminary Plans Process |
136.1.5 | Final Plans Specifications & Estimate Process |
136.1.6 | Letting Plans & Contract Proposal Process |
136.1.7 | Construction Process |
136.1.8 | LPA MoDOT Agreement Process Chart |
136.1.9 | Engineering Services Contract Process Chart |
EPG 136.3 Federal Aid Basics | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.3.1 | Programming Data Form |
136.3.4 | Non-State Bridge Soft Match Credit Program Documentation Checklist |
136.3.16 | Sample Ordinance |
136.3.17 | Work by Local Forces Proposal |
136.3.18 | Construction Reimbursement Form |
136.3.19 | Current BEAP Consultant List |
136.3.20 | BEAP Project Tracking Form |
136.3.24 | TEAP Program Application |
136.3.25 | TEAP Consultant MOU |
136.3.26 | TEAP Project Invoice Form |
136.3.27 | Example of a Soft Match Credit Transfer Request |
EPG 136.4 Consultant Selection and Consultant Contract Management | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.4.1 | Engineering Services Contract |
136.4.2 | Consultant Selection Criteria |
136.4.3/134.3.2 | Allowable Profit Curve as a % of Direct Salary Costs |
136.4.4 | Supplemental Agreement to Engineering Services contract |
136.4.5 | Consultant Performance Appraisal Form |
136.4.6 | Common Unallowable Costs |
136.4.7 | Sample Solicitation & Sample Scope of Services |
136.4.9 | Local Sponsor ESC Sample Cover Letter |
136.4.10 | LPA Consultant Services Invoice |
136.4.11 | Consultant Selection & ESC Submittal Checklist |
136.4.12 | QBS Process Flowchart |
136.4.13 | Consultant Services Q&A |
136.4.14 | Checklist for reviewing Consultant Contracts |
136.4.15 | Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form |
136.4.16 | Overhead Schedule Example |
136.4.17 | Engineering Services Invoice EXAMPLE |
136.4.18 | Checklist for Engineering Services Invoice |
136.4.19 | LPA On-Call Consultant Evaluation |
136.4.20 | Estimated Breakdown of Work on Engineering Consultant Contracts |
EPG 136.5 Non-Infrastructure | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.5.1 | Services Provided Worksheet |
136.5.2 | Materials Worksheet |
136.5.3 | Equipment Usage Worksheet |
136.5.4 | Non-Infrastructure Obligation Request Form |
136.5.5 | LPA Request for Environmental Services - Non-Infrastructure |
EPG 136.6 Environmental and Cultural Requirements | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.6.1 | Project Review Process flowchart |
136.6.2 | Key Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Milestones |
136.6.3 | Environmental/Cultural Resources Compliance Checklist |
- | LPA Request for Environmental Review |
136.6.4 | How to Complete the Request for Environmental Review |
136.6.5 | Instructions for Preparing Categorical Exclusion Determination |
136.6.6 | Generalized flowchart of the Section 106 Process for Local Public Agencies |
136.6.7 | Memorandum of Agreement for Migration of Adverse Effects |
136.6.8 | LPA Section 4(f) Compliance Worksheet for Public Lands |
136.6.9 | Content of a Section 4(f) Evaluation |
136.6.10 | Diagram of Typical Floodplain |
136.6.11 | LPA Floodplain Development Permit |
136.6.12 | Engineering “No-Rise” Certificate |
136.6.13 | Procedures for “No-Rise” Certification for Proposed Development |
136.6.14 | Procedures for Environmental Clearance of Borrow Sites and Other Disturbed Areas Outside Right of Way |
136.6.15 | Example e106 Form |
136.6.16 | LPA Project Environmental Checklist |
136.6.17 | Sample LPA Transmittal of MOA Letter |
136.6.18 | Threatened and Endangered Species Federal Aid Transportation Submittal Checklist |
136.6.19 | August 2018 MoDOT USFWS Threatened and Endangered Species Habitats |
Other Figures and Information for EPG 136.6 | |
Advisory Council “Model MOA” | |
Categorical Exclusion Determination(CE2) | |
Instructions for Completing the SHPO 106 Survey Memo | |
Farmland Conversion Impact Rating | |
Nationwide 404 Permit for Minor Road Crossings (NWP 14 Linear Transportation Projects) | |
State Historic Preservation Office’s Section 106 Survey Form | |
State Historic Preservation Office’s Section 106 Project Information Form | |
EPG 136.7 Design | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.7.1 | Dimensional Accuracy |
136.7.2 | Utility Depth and Encasement Requirements |
136.7.3 | Blank Structure Inventory and Appraisal Sheet |
136.7.4 | LFD Load Rating Summary Sheet |
136.7.5 | LRFR Load Rating Summary Sheet |
136.7.6 | Example Notice of Public Hearing |
136.7.7 | Safety Requirements JSP |
136.7.8 | Utilities Scoping Checklist |
EPG 136.8 Local Public Agency Land Acquisition | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.8.1 | Acquisition Authority Request |
136.8.2 | Adjustment of Value or Just Compensation |
136.8.3 | Administrative Settlement Justification |
136.8.4 | Appraisal Monitor Checklist |
136.8.5 | Appraisal Review |
136.8.6 | Assumptions and Limiting Conditions |
136.8.7 | Certificate of Appraiser |
136.8.8 | Clearance Certification Statement |
136.8.8a | Right of Way Required - Personal Property Moved - Occupied Improvements Acquired |
136.8.9 | Comparable Lease |
136.8.10 | Donation in Exchange for Construction Features Letter |
136.8.11 | Final Vacancy Notice for Relocation |
136.8.12 | Legal Justification for Settlement |
136.8.13 | Legal Trial Report |
136.8.14 | LPA Negotiator Services Agreement | | Local Public Agency Prorata Real Estate Tax Claim |
- | LPA Right of Way Acquisition Brochure |
136.8.15 | Negotiator’s Report |
136.8.16 | Nonresidential Sale |
136.8.17 | Parcel File Checklist |
136.8.18 | Plan Review Checklist |
136.8.19 | Privately Donated Land as Credit for Match |
136.8.20 | Project Acquisition Monitor Checklist |
136.8.21 | Proposal for Appraisal Work |
136.8.22 | Relocation Monitor Checklist |
136.8.23 | Residential Sale |
136.8.24 | Review Appraiser Contract | | Right of Way Acquisition Schedule | | Right of Way Acquisition Schedule Instructions |
- | Roster of Approved Contract Appraisers |
- | Roster of Approved Contract Negotiators |
136.8.25 | Sample Donation Letter & Waiver of Appraisal |
136.8.26 | Sample Letter Offer – Pay Estimate |
136.8.27 | Sample Letter Offer – Value Finding |
136.8.28 | Scope of Assignment |
136.8.29 | Standard Appraisal Format |
136.8.30 | Summary of HB 1944 |
136.8.31 | Summary Value of Tenant Interests |
136.8.32 | Uniform Residential Appraisal Report |
136.8.33 | Value Finding Appraisal Format |
136.8.34 | Waiver Valuation |
136.8.35 | 60-Day Notice of Owners Rights |
EPG 136.9 Plans, Specs and Estimates (PSE) | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.9.1 | Final PS&E Submittal Checklist |
136.9.2 | Subcontractor Certification Regarding Affirmative Action |
136.9.3 | Federal Project Bid Proposal Boilerplate |
136.9.4 | ADA Checklist (PDF version) |
136.9.4 | ADA Checklist (MS Word version) |
136.9.5 | LPA Certification of PS&E |
136.9.6 | Utility Status Letter |
136.9.7 | FHWA 1273 |
136.9.8 | DBE Provisions |
136.9.9 | DBE Submittal Forms |
136.9.10 | Example Itemized Bid Form |
136.9.11 | Example Estimate (with categories) |
136.9.12 | LPA Bidders List Quote Summary |
EPG 136.10 Advertisement for Bid and Project Award | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.10.1 | Sample Advertisement |
136.10.2 | LPA Bid Concurrence Checklist |
136.10.3 | Sample Contract Agreement |
136.10.4 | Sample Contract Bond |
136.10.5 | Sample Contractor's Acknowledgement |
EPG 136.11 Local Public Agency Construction | |
New Figure No. | Figure Title |
136.11.1 | General Guideline for LPA Preconstruction Conference |
136.11.2 | Change Order Form |
136.11.3 | Progress Report |
136.11.4 | Request for Approval of Subcontract |
136.11.5 | DBE Subcontract Worksheet |
136.11.6 | Subcontractor Certification Regarding Affirmative Action |
136.11.7 | Wage Rate Interview (Labor Compliance/EEO) |
136.11.8 | Form FHWA-1391 |
136.11.9 | Contractor DBE Certification |
136.11.10 | Contractor’s Affidavit Regarding Settlement of Claims |
136.11.11 | Affidavit (Compliance with Prevailing Wage Law) |
136.11.12 | Site Visit Checklist |
136.11.13 | Job Bulletin Board Checklist |
136.11.14 | Construction Invoice Example 1 |
136.11.15 | Construction Invoice Example 2 |
136.11.18 | LPA Final Inspection Letter |
136.11.19 | LPA Final List of Acceptance Testers |
136.11.20 | LPA DBE Certification Letter |
136.11.21 | LPA Vendor Lien Waiver |
136.11.22 | LPA Final Acceptance Checklist |
136.11.23 | LPA Semi-Final Inspection Checklist (Form C-236) |
- | Final Acceptance Report (Form C-239) |
- | Commercially Useful Function (CUF) Determination Form |
EPG Article | Off-Systems Guide Schedule for Federal-Aid Acceptance Sampling & Testing (FAST) |
136.12.2 Glossary
AASHTO: American Association of State Hwy & Transportation Officials
AADT: Annual Average Daily Traffic. (ADT, Average Daily Traffic, is also commonly used.)
ACHP: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Agreement: The legal document between agencies necessary to administer projects.
AISC: American Institute of Steel Construction
Allocation: The reservation of federal funds to the local agencies each year.
APE: Area of Potential Effects
AREMA: American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association.
Authorization: Approval by FHWA to incur future costs relative to a project.
BMP: Best Management Practive
BRM: On-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program.
BRO: Off-System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program.
Brooks Act: Consultant contracts for engineering and design related services financed with Federal-Aid highway funds must result from negotiations which utilize qualifications-based selection procedures. Qualifications based procedures do not allow for price to be used as a factor in the selection process.
Categorical Exclusion (CE): Projects that are minor enough in nature that they will not require preparation of a formal environmental statement.
CE: Construction Engineering
CE2: Categorical Exclusion II
CERCLIS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
Change Order: A supplement to the contract that provides authority to pay for revisions in quantities or authorize changes to design features or specifications.
CMAQ: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
COE: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Commission: Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission.
Competitive Bidding: Construction projects are required to be advertised and awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder through open competitive bidding, unless use of an eligible force account is more cost effective.
Construction Engineering (CE): Construction inspection engineering
Council: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
County Aid Road Trust (CART) Funding: CART Funds are apportioned to counties on the basis of two factors : 1) one-half of the funds are credited to the county based on the ratio that its road mileage bears to the total county road mileage in the unincorporated areas of the state, and 2) one-half is credited to the county based on the ratio that its rural land valuation bears to the rural land valuation of the entire state.
Credit Bridge: Bridge constructed to BRO standards with local funds, 80% of the cost may be applied to a normal federally funded bridge project in lieu of the 20% local match.
Cultural Resources: A cultural resource is any archaeological site, building, structure (e.g., bridge), district, or object. A historically significant cultural resource is one that meets certain criteria and is included in, or eligible for inclusion on, the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and is termed a historic property or historic resource. Not all cultural resources are historically significant, but potential project impacts to all must be considered.
DBA: Decibel Adjusted
DBE: Disadvantage (or Disadvantaged) Business Enterprise
Debarred: Suspended from entering into a contract with the Government
Deficient Structure: A bridge which is either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete.
DEIS: Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Design Standards: Projects on the National Highway System (NHS) must be designed with AASHTO and/or FHWA approved standards. It is recommended that all projects follow AASHTO guidelines for design and construction.
DNR: Missouri Department of Natural Resources
DOI: U.S. Department of Interior
Donations: “Donations” and “Contributions” are costs incurred for eligible non-federal share project activities that are necessary for the implementation of a project and are provided by a third party to an LPA without charge.
EA: Environmental Assessment
EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity
EIS: Environmental Impact Statement
EO: Executive Order
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
FEIS: Final Environmental Impact Statement
FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
FHWA: Federal Highway Administration
FONSI: Finding of No Significant Impact
Force Account Work: Work that arises unexpectedly during the construction of a project. The work can be performed by a contractor, a subcontractor or the local agency's forces and the cost is determined by keeping track of the labor forces, equipment, material and associated costs used to complete the unexpected work.
FPPA: Farmland Protection Policy Act
Functionally Obsolete: A bridge is generally considered functionally obsolete if it is unable to properly accommodate traffic due to poor roadway alignment, waterway, insufficient width, waterway, low structural evaluation, or inadequate clearances. For a more detailed description of the specific criteria used to determine this item, refer to EPG 753 Bridge Inspection Rating or the appropriate FHWA publication.
FWS: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
HABS: Historic American Building Survey
HAER: Historic American Engineering Record
Hazardous Waste: Hazardous waste is a material that could cause harm to people or the environment; it can include solid materials, liquids, and gases. Some examples could be gas station releases, drums or containers of known or unknown material, tanks, old dumps, and e-waste. Any container with unknown contents should be considered hazardous until identified by a qualified person. If there is a question about what might be hazardous, contact the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Environmental Emergency Response Unit at 573-634-2436 for assistance with identification.
HBP: Highway Bridge Program.
Historic Property: A historic property is a cultural resource that meets at least one of the following criteria: a) it is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to our history; b) it is associated with significant persons in our past; c) it has high artistic value, is the work of a master craftsman, or embodies distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; or d) it can answer specific research questions and topics or can contribute to our current state of knowledge. Historic properties typically must be at least 50 years of age or older but exceptionally important properties can be less than 50 years old.
Historic Resource: A historic resource is a cultural resource that meets at least one of the following criteria: a) it is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to our history; b) it is associated with significant persons in our past; c) it has high artistic value, is the work of a master craftsman, or embodies distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; or d) it can answer specific research questions and topics or can contribute to our current state of knowledge. Historic resources typically must be at least 50 years of age or older but exceptionally important resources can be less than 50 years old.
HMGP: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
HUD: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Independent Assurance Test: A test performed independently of a job control test and according to the guide schedule.
In Kind Services: Donated labor, equipment or material.
ISTEA: Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act. Six year Highway Act from October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1997.
Job Control Test: Routine test performed on the site by the local agency or its representative to assure that the project is constructed in compliance with the applicable specifications.
Keeper: Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places
LFD: Load Factor Design
Low Water Bridge: A bridge having a waterway capacity design less than the 10 year frequency discharge.
Low Water Crossing: Waterway crossing other than a bridge where construction improvements have been made to produce a firm surface for vehicles to travel.
LPA: Local Public Agency
LRFD: Load and Resistance Factor Design
LRFR: Load and Resistance Factor Rating
LUST: Leaking petroleum underground storage tank
LWCF: Land and Water Conservation Fund
LWCFA: Land and Water Conservation Fund Act
MAP-21: Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century. Two-year Highway Act from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2014.
MDC: Missouri Department of Conservation
MHTC: Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission
MoDOT: Missouri Department of Transportation
MOA: Memorandum of Agreement
Materials Certification: Statements provided by the contractor, fabricator, or manufacturer that certain materials comply with the requirements of the contract.
Missouri Standard Plans: Construction detail plans available from MoDOT which meet AASHTO design requirements.
Missouri Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, 2004 Edition: The directions, provisions and requirements for the performance of the work for the quantity, quality and proportion of materials.
MPO: Metropolitan Planning Organizations carry out the transportation planning process for communities with a population greater than 50,000.
MUTCD: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
National Register: National Register of Historic Places
NBI: National Bridge Inventory
NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act
NFIB: Nation Flood Insurance Program
NFIP: National Flood Insurance Program
NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act
NOA: Notice of Availability
NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NRCS: Natural Resources Conservation Service
NRHP: National Register of Historic Places
NWP: Nationwide Section 404 Permit
Obligation Limitation: Limits the amount of federal funds that may be obligated during a certain time period (also called Obligation Authority and Contract Control).
Obligation of Funds: The formal commitment by FHWA to participate in a share of the project costs.
Off-System Routes: Routes that have a functional classification of rural local, local road or street, or a rural minor collector.
On-System Routes: Routes that have a functional classification of urban collector, rural major collector, rural or urban arterial, or an expressway.
PA: Programmatic Agreement
PDEIS: Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement
PE: Preliminary Engineering. All engineering work performed by the local agency or their consultant prior to award of contract.
PEA: Preliminary Environmental Assessment
PFEIS: Preliminary Final Environmental Impact Statement
PS&E: Construction plans, specifications, and quantity estimates.
Posting: Establishment of a maximum weight limit for vehicles using the bridge.
Pro Rata Share: The legal federal share for a project established at the time of project approval. Pro rata share is typically expressed as a percentage of the total participating costs of the project.
Public Interest Finding: Cost effective justification that must be provided to MoDOT by a local agency that is seeking to do a federally funded project with its own forces.
QBS: Qualifications Based Selection
RCG: Recording and Coding Guide for the structure inventory and appraisal of the nations bridges
Rehabilitation: Work required to eliminate the items that cause a bridge to be identified as deficient.
Reimbursement: Payment of federal funds to a local agency.
RER: Request for Environmental Review
Responsible Person in Charge:
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFQ: Request for Qualifications
ROD: Record of Decision
RSMO: Revised Missouri State Statue
SAFETEA-LU: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users. Five-year Highway Act from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2009 with two one-year extensions to September 30, 2012.
Section 106: Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 - the primary legislation that requires cultural resource investigations. Any project using federal funds or needing federal permits must comply with the Section 106 requirements. The Section 106 process consists of three primary stages, with the outcome of each stage determining whether the activities of the next stage are necessary (36 CFR Part 800)
Section 401: Water Quality Certification
Section 404/Wetlands: A project may involve activities in an area that contains wetland or waters of the United States and may require a Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It is a violation of federal law to place fill in waters of the U.S. or wetlands without the necessary permits.
Section 4(f): Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 – provides protection for public parks and recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges and significant historic sites on publicly owned land. It requires demonstrating that there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of the property and that all is possible planning has been done to minimize harm to the property.
Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund: A project that has potential involvement with parks or other public lands which may have been purchased or improved using funds from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).
S.E.M.A.: The State Emergency Management Agency has responsibility for coordinating state agencies' response to disasters.
SHPO: State Historic Preservation Officer
SI&A: Structure Inventory and Appraisal Sheet
SIP: State Implementation Plan
Soft Match: Credit earned by counties who replace their deficient bridges with local funding. It can be used in lieu of the 20% local match on bridge projects.
SOQ: Statement of Qualifications
Sponsor: The local government or public agency responsible for providing matching funds for the proposed project.
SRTS: Safe Routes to Schools
STIP: Statewide Transportation Improvement Program
STP: Surface Transportation Program
Structurally Deficient: A bridge is generally considered to be structurally deficient if it is in relatively poor condition, or has insufficient load carrying capacity for modern design loadings. The insufficient load capacity may be the result of the loads used in the original design or degradation of structural properties due to deterioration. For a more detailed description of the specific criteria used to determine this item, EPG 753 Bridge Inspection Rating or appropriate FHWA publications should be consulted.
Sufficiency Rating: A numerical rating of a bridge based on its structural adequacy, safety, serviceability, functional obsolescence and essentially for public use.
TAP: Transportation Alternatives Program
TEA21: Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. Six-year Highway Act from October 1, 1997 to September 30, 2003 with a one-year extension to September 30, 2004.
TIFF: Tagged Image File Format
TIP: Transportation Improvement Program
Title 23 U.S.C.: Title 23 of the United States Code contains most of the laws governing the Federal-Aid Highway Program.
TNM: Traffic Noise Model
UPARR: Urban Park and Recreation Recovery
USC: United States Code
USDA: United States Department of Agriculture
USGS: United States Geological Survey
UST: Petroleum Underground storage tank site
WBE: Women Business Enterprise. Term not in current usage. Definition of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise includes WBEs.
Work by Local Forces: Construction performed by the local agency's work force. If the local agency elects to perform work with its own forces, and/or use their own materials and equipment, MoDOT and FHWA must approve all work being done. The work by local forces must be in the public interest and shown to be cost effective. See EPG 136.3.12 Federal-aid Participation for Local Work for more details.
23 CFR: Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations is a collection (updated annually) of the general and permanent rules and regulations required to implement the provisions of federal law relating to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Federal Highway Administration.
136.12.3 Helpful Information and Links
Please use the LPA Manual Change Request Form to request manual changes throughout the year or the Revisions Comments Form to make comments on proposed revisions. MoDOT District and Central Office Information
NW District | NE District | Kansas City District | Central District | St. Louis District | SW District | SE District |
St. Joseph | Hannibal | Lee's Summit | Jefferson City | Chesterfield | Springfield | Sikeston |
MoDOT - Financial Services (FS) | MoDOT - Design (DE) | ||
PO Box 270 | PO Box 270 | ||
Jefferson City, MO 65102 | Jefferson City, MO 65102 | ||
(573) 526-8106; Fax: (573) 526-2819 | (573) 751-2876; Fax: (573) 526-3261 |
State Historic Preservation Office | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Policy and Coordination Division | Federal Highway Administration |
MO Dept. of Natural Resources | 101 Park DeVille Drive, Suite A | MO Dept. of Conservation | 3220 W. Edgewood, Suite H |
PO Box 176 | Columbia, MO 65203-0007 | PO Box 180 | Jefferson City, MO 65109 |
Jefferson City, MO 65102 | (573)234-2132 | Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180 | (573) 636-7104 |
(573) 751-2479 | (573) 751-4115 |
(Contact MoDOT district office if clarification is needed for which Corp Office has jurisdiction) | ||||
Kansas City District | St. Louis District | Rock Island District | Memphis District | Little Rock District |
700 Federal Office Building | 1222 Spruce Street | PO Box 2004 | 167 North Main Street, Room B202 | PO Box 867 |
601 East 12th Street | St. Louis, MO 63103-2833 | Rock Island, IL 61204-2004 | Memphis, TN 38103-1894 | Little Rock, AR 72203-0867 |
Kansas City, MO 64106 | (314) 331-8000 | (309) 788-6361 | (901) 544-3005 | (501) 324-5531 |
(816) 426-5241 | Other Helpful Information Commonly Used Forms
Form 1590, Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA)
On the Job Training Manual and Submittal Forms
FHWA Form 1273 Required Contract Provisions
Utility Agreement - Actual Cost
Daily Force Account Record-Equipment Rental Account/Materials Account
Daily Force Account Record-Labor Account
Force Account Record - Cost Summary
Construction Contract Calls for Bid
Awarded Construction Contracts Examples of Completed Forms
Utility Lump Sum Estimate Example
Utility Actual Cost Estimate Example
Sample Utilities Status Letter
Sample Job Special Provisions for Utilities
Bridge Slab Pour Checklist & Pre-Pour Meeting Topics Links to Other Resources
- Americans with Disabilities Act Access Guidelines (ADAAG):
- Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements (41 CFR 60.1 and 41 CFR 60.2) Recent Changes to LPA Policy
This information has been moved to EPG 136.13 LPA Policy Changes.